my new mile time.

hello, i have always been a long distance runner, however i strated doing sprints and faster shorter runs along with them. today i ran a mile in 5 minutes and 11 seconds. i am proud of myself for that. anyone else out there know what there best mile times r?

thanks in advance.


I did a 4:36 in high school. 9;52 two mile, 2:05 half. It was a mainly black school, in Richmond ca., and it was the all time school record, until they bull dozed the place. No track there. All our meets were away meets. We once won the state with four black sprinters who could all do 9.6 in the hunderd, and one guy who could high hurdle. I asked the coach to make them run 1/2 miles, around nichol park's trail, and dusted all of them every time. All speed and no endurance/will power. Only got him to do it once. When I practiced off the blocks with them, I had no chance in the short runs. Just watched them fly away.
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Hall of Fame
The closest i came was 6 minutes flat per mile. I console myself telling that i am not really into beating Ussain Bolts time in running.

Is there any correlation between minutes/mile and tennis?.


Hall of Fame
I ran a 5K last year in which my average time per mile was 7 mins and 30 secs or something like that. Pretty pedestrian. I'm amazed that there are people on the board who approach 4 minute-mile.



Anyone who has tried to run a 6 min. mile at that wt. knows how difficult it is.

I would have run faster that day but I did a 106 mile bicycle race two days before so my legs were toast already. I ran with a 20 year old and a 19 year old and they beat me 5:48 and rubed it in. I was like I ran 5:20 at your age and only 5'10 3/4 when you reach 38 then come back and tell me you ran 6 falt at 38. One dude was 6'3 160 and the other was 6'5 180 so I was older heavier and toasted from the ride. I bet if they both did the race with me 2 days ago I would have beat them. Last thing I did not have my hr unit so I was running blind I ran the first 2 laps a little on the slower side so no to poop on the last two I ran the last two laps faster. I am still fast at my old age I ran a 3:09 marathon @205 plus 10 pounds for a 3 liter camelback
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Bionic Poster
Last time, 7th grade, 6:31. But I"m a sprinter and starter, so it's understandable. 50 yard times never worst than mid 5's. 100 yard times, around than highest 10's.
I was a longjumper in 8th grade, most meets around 19', best in all city at 21'7", good for 8th place in SanFrancisco....:cry::cry:
Best 4.7 mile time, around LakeMerced, 32 minutes in 1980....after having suffered 3 broken legs and more than 11 pins, plates, and wires.
Haven't been able to jog since Sept '08.


New User
6:09 is my best mile time. I haven't been running very long. In some regards I'd like to improve that, however I simply don't have the time to put the work into it. I am a 10K man these days, and if I can keep an 8:00 pace for a 6.2 mile run I am happy with myself.


I ran a 5K last year in which my average time per mile was 7 mins and 30 secs or something like that. Pretty pedestrian. I'm amazed that there are people on the board who approach 4 minute-mile.

There's a big difference between running 1 mile and running a 5k as far as endurance goes. I can run a mile in 6 flat maybe faster, but my 5k time is just under 7.

x Southpaw x

aren't we tennis ppl supposed to be specialized in the speed department? I would love to have a kickass mile timing but the muscle typing from tennis doesn't seem to help me


Hall of Fame
There's a big difference between running 1 mile and running a 5k as far as endurance goes. I can run a mile in 6 flat maybe faster, but my 5k time is just under 7.

Agree. All true. This post actually inspires me to do a tearaway one-mile run and check my timing!


I would have run faster that day but I did a 106 mile bicycle race two days before so my legs were toast already. I ran with a 20 year old and a 19 year old and they beat me 5:48 and rubed it in. I was like I ran 5:20 at your age and only 5'10 3/4 when you reach 38 then come back and tell me you ran 6 falt at 38. One dude was 6'3 160 and the other was 6'5 180 so I was older heavier and toasted from the ride. I bet if they both did the race with me 2 days ago I would have beat them. Last thing I did not have my hr unit so I was running blind I ran the first 2 laps a little on the slower side so no to poop on the last two I ran the last two laps faster. I am still fast at my old age I ran a 3:09 marathon @205 plus 10 pounds for a 3 liter camelback

Try running a six min. mile at 54, and at 220lbs.


Age and weight

Try running a six min. mile at 54, and at 220lbs.

Well I will have to wait and see if I can run 6 flat at 54 and 220 not that old yet or weigh that much. I am trying to get back to my hockey playing weight 192-196. The most I got up to was 223 on creatine it was to heavy for me to play tennis I stay around 205-209 max. How tall are you btw. Right now I am super lean at 6.4 bodyfat percent don't think I can get any leaner.


Fast Freddy: Mr. Universe

I was like I ran 5:20 at your age and only 5'10 3/4

I stay around 205-209 max. How tall are you btw. Right now I am super lean at 6.4 bodyfat percent don't think I can get any leaner.

I am trying to get back to my hockey playing weight 192-196.

Wow. What a beast!!!! Could you post of few pics of yourself for inspiration please.

Clarence Ross was 5' 10" (a little shorter than you) and won the 1948 Mr. USA contest (ahead of Steve Reeves if you can believe it).

He was 198 @ 8.4% bodyfat


"Table V presents a list of elite drug-free bodybuilders from 1947 to 2007
with their actual body weights when they won their most prestigious competitions (either at the contests or within a few months of them) and the body fat percentages"

The table is located in this book (but you would have to purchase it).

Poor little (Mr. America) Clarence is only carrying about 181.5 LBM: 198 - (198 * 8.4%).

You on the other hand are carrying about 192 LBM: 205 - (205 * 6.4%).

Now, even granting that you are 3/4 in. taller, that still give you more height adjusted muscle than a former Mr. America AT A LOWER BODYFAT %.

Reg Park? Steve Reeves? Nope!! Adjusting for height and bf%, Fast Freddy beats them both at their Mr. Universe stats (1950 and 1951).

I am very much looking forward to you posting a pic of yourself. And please, tell us how you have been able to achieve these amazing results. Obviously you are worth the $150+ / hr. you said in another thread that you charge clients.

I am trying to get back to my hockey playing weight 192-196.

Please don't do this. Your LBM is at 192. To achieve this you will either have to lose mostly muscle (or cut off some body parts).
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Here is just a "random" guy for you Freddy. David Lovelace. Don't know what his bodyfat is, but he is only a measly 195 lbs. anyway (just over your LBM):


Since moving to Ft. Lauderdale two years ago, MM Pro David Lovelace has amped his game plan. The 5'10", 195 lbs. life time natural bodybuilder won MM Pro status last year at MM Universe and has layed low the entire year to make his debut. But his training has been consistent ever since his first competition. "I love training, but I keep it balanced with martial arts and lots of basketball," explained David. The 31 year old Bally's personal trainer has gained 30 lbs. of muscle over the past 5 years. "I only gain about 5-7 lbs. of muscle every year, but I stay in shape all season . . . never getting more than 10 lbs. out of shape." And, David says he's been training this year especially hard out to take down Jeff Beckham and Jermaine Morgan at MM
Universe in Miami. He explains, "We're all from the Northeast and I've seen these guys move up. But, now it's my turn to show them what intensity and desire is all about. I took the right steps to get here and now I am here and I am ready!"



Wow. What a beast!!!! Could you post of few pics of yourself for inspiration please.

Clarence Ross was 5' 10" (a little shorter than you) and won the 1948 Mr. USA contest (ahead of Steve Reeves if you can believe it).

He was 198 @ 8.4% bodyfat


"Table V presents a list of elite drug-free bodybuilders from 1947 to 2007
with their actual body weights when they won their most prestigious competitions (either at the contests or within a few months of them) and the body fat percentages"

The table is located in this book (but you would have to purchase it).

Poor little (Mr. America) Clarence is only carrying about 181.5 LBM: 198 - (198 * 8.4%).

You on the other hand are carrying about 192 LBM: 205 - (205 * 6.4%).

Now, even granting that you are 3/4 in. taller, that still give you more height adjusted muscle than a former Mr. America AT A LOWER BODYFAT %.

Reg Park? Steve Reeves? Nope!! Adjusting for height and bf%, Fast Freddy beats them both at their Mr. Universe stats (1950 and 1951).

I am very much looking forward to you posting a pic of yourself. And please, tell us how you have been able to achieve these amazing results. Obviously you are worth the $150+ / hr. you said in another thread that you charge clients.

Please don't do this. Your LBM is at 192. To achieve this you will either have to lose mostly muscle (or cut off some body parts).

Thanks, I was 9.4 back in Oct dropped 3 percent in about 7 months. All I did was stop eating at 5 pm. I now eat 4 times a day between 5am and 5pm. I been eating salads, soup, sandwiches no toppings lean beef, chicken, trukey and a little cheese, cereal and the only thing I been cheating is salsa and some chips. Cut out soda, coffee, fast food, ice cream, cookies and no snacking. I drink only skim milk and water.

Will check my bodyfat next week I check it once a month. The only thing I could get rid of would be the salsa and chips. I guess since I don't really play tennis anymore because of my tear in my cuff this is what I am into getting really ripped without roids or any drugs or supplments. I been riding my spin bike 99 mins everyday and lifting once every 4 days. Here's my measurements
chest 46, waist 34, calf 16 leg 25 forearm 13.5 upperarm 15.5 so I am pretty balanced for my size it would be nice if I could get my arms to 16 to match my calfs. Some of the bodybuilder trainers(juiced up) have noticed how lean I have gotten over the past few months feels good to get noticed for my results. I am kinda doing it now since I have shoulder surgery coming up in 11 days so will not be able to lift for 6-7 months. I might be in the 190's since I haven't checked my weight since Oct I am only checking and watching my bf, food intake, spin and weights.


Thanks, I was 9.4 back in Oct dropped 3 percent in about 7 months.

Do you pretty much look like Clarence Ross (except leaner and with about 10 more pounds of muscle)?

Well, I guess we'll all see when you post pics. I'm really looking forward to seeing them. You have one very impressive body.

Are you 100% life-long natural?


ok, I exaggerated a smidgen....his average mile time was 6:08.

The one marathon I ran (15 years ago) I was cranking out a 6:04 average pace for about the first 17 miles. It was a perfect day. About 55-60 degrees and very lightly spitting rain.

Now, I was a 5K guy and had never trained over 20 miles before. Well after 17 miles I was very dehydrated (and had bad diarrhea). I was forced to walk / jog the remainder. Ended up with a 3:08 finish. I was just going to quit, but I had to get back somehow anyway.


I don't know guys....Perhaps you might want to take this offline?

Come on. How many guys do you know with as impressive stats as Freddy? He is surpassing some of the most elite (natural) guys in the history of professional BB. Not only that, but he is in tremendous shape in all other respects as well.

Aren't you interested to see what he looks like?


Hall of Fame
The one marathon I ran (15 years ago) I was cranking out a 6:04 average pace for about the first 17 miles. It was a perfect day. About 55-60 degrees and very lightly spitting rain.

Now, I was a 5K guy and had never trained over 20 miles before. Well after 17 miles I was very dehydrated (and had bad diarrhea). I was forced to walk / jog the remainder. Ended up with a 3:08 finish. I was just going to quit, but I had to get back somehow anyway.

His 6:08 was on a relatively dry, coolish April day in Boston about 20 years ago. I'm still impressed even though he's looking at possibly a pair of hip replacements in the next couple of years. That kind of running is brutal on your body.


Hall of Fame
Come on. How many guys do you know with as impressive stats as Freddy? He is surpassing some of the most elite (natural) guys in the history of professional BB. Not only that, but he is in tremendous shape in all other respects as well.

Aren't you interested to see what he looks like?

I don't mean any disrespect to Freddy as I'm sure he is quite the specimen. But in all honesty, I am not the least bit interested.


I don't mean any disrespect to Freddy as I'm sure he is quite the specimen. But in all honesty, I am not the least bit interested.

I think internet guys are just generally more impressive than the guys you meet in person.


Hall of Fame
My best mile was when I was 19 y/o 5'5" 125LBS; 5:45. Now at 41y/o, 5'5" 160lbs ~6:40s on a good day.

Kevin T

Hall of Fame
Come on. How many guys do you know with as impressive stats as Freddy? He is surpassing some of the most elite (natural) guys in the history of professional BB. Not only that, but he is in tremendous shape in all other respects as well.

Aren't you interested to see what he looks like?

Hey, I know from past dealings with Freddy that he has dated numerous models (be they human, hand, pet, airplane...who knows?), has traveled the globe...oh, and surfs big waves. Oh yeah, he love the Jets and hates fish tacos. Put all that together with his Adonis body and you have the Dos Equis guy....'the most interesting man in the world'. :)


100 percent

Do you pretty much look like Clarence Ross (except leaner and with about 10 more pounds of muscle)?

Well, I guess we'll all see when you post pics. I'm really looking forward to seeing them. You have one very impressive body.

Are you 100% life-long natural?

Yes, never touched that stuff, seen pleny of friends and trainers on the juice. I will never look like them since I never did one cycle. I have friends tell me they one did a few times when they were 16 yeah right. I tried creatine back in 1998 and carboforce drink in the late 80's and a muscle milk twice 2005 and a few protein drinks. Seems like a waste of money to me, I forgot to list my neck 18 inch. I feel like the Jersey shore since I indoor tan(4 times a week) and get waxed by my women every month.



The one marathon I ran (15 years ago) I was cranking out a 6:04 average pace for about the first 17 miles. It was a perfect day. About 55-60 degrees and very lightly spitting rain.

Now, I was a 5K guy and had never trained over 20 miles before. Well after 17 miles I was very dehydrated (and had bad diarrhea). I was forced to walk / jog the remainder. Ended up with a 3:08 finish. I was just going to quit, but I had to get back somehow anyway.

6:04 for 17 miles is sick I can only do 2:58 on a flat course and 50's temps. I seen one Marine my size run 2:30 I think he was on drugs I killed myself to run just under 3. Hey if that's real my hat off to him but I doubt it.


whats up

Hey, I know from past dealings with Freddy that he has dated numerous models (be they human, hand, pet, airplane...who knows?), has traveled the globe...oh, and surfs big waves. Oh yeah, he love the Jets and hates fish tacos. Put all that together with his Adonis body and you have the Dos Equis guy....'the most interesting man in the world'. :)

Thanks Kevin for the record I don't hate fish taco just like NYC steak better.


I am not interested in posting pics sorry r2473

That's fine, you posted your stats:

Here's my measurements
chest 46, waist 34, calf 16 leg 25 forearm 13.5 upperarm 15.5 neck 18

Just for fun, here are Clarence Ross' competition stats @ 8.4%.

Chest = 48.5

Biceps = 17.4

Forearm = 13.7

Neck = 17.0

Thigh = 25.4

Calves = 16.0

"The actual measurements were taken from a variety of sources deemed credible and were cross-validated where possible."

Something just doesn't add up (considering you are carrying 10 more pounds of muscle than he is).

What is your hat size :wink:
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hat size

That's fine, you posted your stats:

Just for fun, here are Clarence Ross' competition stats @ 8.4%.

Chest = 48.5

Biceps = 17.4

Forearm = 13.7

Neck = 17.0

Thigh = 25.4

Calves = 16.0

"The actual measurements were taken from a variety of sources deemed credible and were cross-validated where possible."

Something just doesn't add up (considering you are carrying 10 more pounds of muscle than he is).

What is your hat size :wink:

Well I do have a big head it only fit into one brand of hockey helmet adjusted to the max. So it took a while for my body to catch up. It looks like me and Ross are almost the same measurements he beat me in the arms 15.5 to 17.5 and chest 46 to 48 but I got one inch on him in the neck department and almost an inch in height.


It looks like me and Ross are almost the same measurements

Ya, but you are carrying 10 more pounds of muscle and you have a lower bodyfat percentage (and Ross was a former Mr. USA so it would be somewhat surprising if you meet or exceed his level).

I'm just wondering if those extra 10 pounds are in your skull.

Or are you a porn star?


Well I have not checked the scale since Oct so I might be 198 right now. I will weigh in once my bf bottoms out next month. I will stop eating chips and salsa during the month of May to see if my bf goes down any. Will be checking my bf next Sat. I need a 18 inch neck to hold up my block head.Well I am a porn star in my own mind and my girl thinks so. That's good enuff for me or maybe its because I am swede


Try running a six min. mile at 54, and at 220lbs.
Hah, you're old enough to be my father, in fact, are older than my father. However, he's a cyclist and I'm a boxer/tennis player, so our types of fitness are rather different. His quads are about as big as my torso and would thrash me on a bicycle, but my trunk is far stronger since you need your core to slip and weave punches. Different strokes.


I'll be honest Freddy. I don't think your bf% is anywhere near 6.4%.

You may not believe this, but Ross was a "maxed out" natural (which is very hard to do) and you have exceeded him by quite a lot.

I'm happy to believe you. There was a guy in another thread that argued his (height adjusted) stats were better than Arnie's (oh, and this guy was natural too, unlike Arnie). He didn't know he was really saying that until I quickly crunched the numbers for him. Still (to his credit) he wouldn't back down (God bless him).

But, I'm off to watch The Jazz. Got some decent seats for tonight's game.



I'll be honest Freddy. I don't think your bf% is anywhere near 6.4%.

You may not believe this, but Ross was a "maxed out" natural (which is very hard to do) and you have exceeded him by quite a lot.

I'm happy to believe you. There was a guy in another thread that argued his (height adjusted) stats were better than Arnie's (oh, and this guy was natural too, unlike Arnie). He didn't know he was really saying that until I quickly crunched the numbers for him. Still (to his credit) he wouldn't back down (God bless him).

But, I'm off to watch The Jazz. Got some decent seats for tonight's game.

That's fine enjoy the game it's all good.



I talked to my buddy who did some shows back in the day 1990's. He said off season bf was 8-10 and week of the show 2-4 percent some people say you can't go below 4-5 percent. I seen him the day before and day of the show and he looked like a cartoon ripped looked like zero bodyfat to me. Shawn ray never checked his bf and used only a mirror his entire career. He said judges judge how he looked not his bodyfat. Average person 14-17 is good for athletes like me 6-10 is good. I was told anything below 8 percent does not help sports performance just looks. In the end it's just a number as long as you look good. One thing I can sure for sure tanning and waxing or shaving makes you look leaner that's why bodybuilders do it.