Hey Zap, I'm not sure what style of game you'd like to play, but as many posters have mentioned, you're pretty wild on the court. I'm sure it works for you and even if you stick with it, you'll get better, but if you're seriously considering changing your game to improve by leaps and bounds, the first thing I'd recommend is to tone things down. It will feel awkward because it's not what you're used to doing, but it's the only thing I can think of for you to do that will make a drastic change to your current strokes. Right now you're playing points, which is great, but maybe come to an agreement with your partner to just simply rally and takes things very slowly, maybe even using a decompressed ball to really slow things down in order for you to be more relaxed and focus on the preparation of your shot, the shape of your swing, and the use of your legs and body. I won't go into the details simply because it will be too much to think about to start with, but that's my suggestion for now. Sometimes you have to break things down and start over in order to improve and of course, you have to take baby steps.