It's obvious to me, that my faulty swingpath is causing an outside to inside forward swingpath and that is pulling my shoulders open. I need more of a inside-out forward swingpath to the ball.
Last night I really exagerated getting the racquet back behind me to where it was parallel to the baseline and behind my back...strectching my front shoulder as much as I comfortably could and then letting go and dropping the racquet down below my left pocket before the forward swing. This sets things up much better to come from below the ball ans swing low to high without pulling accross my body.
I am getting a ball maching this weekend, so I will be able to practice this a lot more with slower feeds.
That's along the right lines.
- The start is very important. You need a much stronger start because the position of the racquet head at the start of the swing affects the subsequent swing, particularly so in your case.
- You need to be feeling your left arm actively positioning the racquet. At the moment its like a floppy snake that's not sure what to do. Unit turn, elbow out away from the body, racquet head pointing up, racquet behind the shoulder etc. It's practically impossible to hit outside in when you the racquet is dropping from a high position and then down past your toes.
- Stay side on
- Racquet head needs to be coming down along the line of your body
- Inside out swing. Outside in is after the contact and more for the finish
- Contact point is not directly in front of you. It needs to be slightly to the left. You need to be better positioned relative to the contact point as you're a bit lazy with your positioning relative to the ball and you tend to compensate by rotating.
- Full extension, hitting out in front of you, low to high.
There are other things as well but those are the main things that you should be trying to develop a feel for at this stage, ideally hitting in the short court with somebody eyeballing you until you develop a feel for the correct positioning, racquet path, spacing and timing.
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