You are saying it doesn't matter what you eat?
So nothing either helps or exasperates the condition?
You are saying it doesn't matter what you eat?
So nothing either helps or exasperates the condition?
Yeah, a major digestive system dysfunction that's unrelated to the diet.
For those of you with a brain, get a book that lists all the nutrients in foods
and you'll notice, if you're perceptive and observant enough, that foods rich
in certain nutrients will exacerbate the condition.
It has to do with the diet being such that it creates an imbalance that leads
to, and is probably the root cause, of the condition. (might be alkalosis)
Forget trying to find out why and just find out what, as in the foods to avoid.
Or you can go with the slash, burn, cut and drug routine pushed by the priest
of science-tology.![]()
I don’t think people are saying that diet is unrelated to the condition, rather that diet is not the sole cause, nor the sole fix
DGold said that it's a genetic condition so it's clear that it's not the sole cause. Many have stated that stress is a factor, and pregnancy and other things have been mentioned.
DGold said that it's a genetic condition so it's clear that it's not the sole cause. Many have stated that stress is a factor, and pregnancy and other things have been mentioned.
Sorry.The word you’re looking for is exacerbates
A shrink.What does @ollinger suggest?
Genetics and diet are listed as some of the risk factors.
But for some, diet may be the sole cause. How can anyone say conclusively that it's solely genetic when others with the same genetics do not develop it?
I would look to diet modification first and try to rule it out before concluding it's solely genetic.
I am sorry to hear about your sister's suffering. I can empathize.
I got diagnosed with UC over five years ago after suffering from IBS for a decade prior to that. Thankfully my UC is only in the last six inches of the colon. I have managed to keep it mostly in remission using first-line oral mesalamine (a form of aspirin) along with high doses of curcumin/turmeric. Mesalamine by itself if not as effective. I am glad I discovered these studies while trying to figure out why UC incidence in India is low.
Here is a more recent study using a more bioavailable nanoparticle version of turmeric showing even better results
Costco curcumin along with fish oil works just fine for me. I plan on testing out the nanoparticle version soon.
I also follow a low FODMAP diet developed by researchers at Monash University to keep IBS symptoms in check.
My main issue with keeping this chronic condition under control like my other chronic condition asthma is secondary infections. Normal maintenance is interrupted by Norovirus and other enteric infections that the kids bring in are hard on my gut and cause flares. This is similar to how the flu might degenerate into pneumonia if not properly managed, because of my asthma. I can imagine how hard it must be for your sister who has to raise three kids and also deal with patients who might all be sources of secondary infections.
What frustrates me a lot with the current medical system is how a profit motive pushes aside the ideal solutions to what are considered lifestyle diseases like UC.
Take the case of gastric ulcers before 1998. Similar diet, stress arguments and profit motives in pushing symptom alleviating therapies/drugs (this includes natural and holistic remedies) kept the real cause from being properly investigated. The sheer persistence from a guy like Barry Marshall in the face of so much resistance shone a light on the ultimate truth that most gastric ulcers are caused by h.pylori infections. All this transpired in the not so recent past. I am glad he won the Nobel.
I am hopeful that John Hermon Taylor's work is similarly recognized for Crohn's and he too wins a Nobel for his work in his lifetime. Read his seminal paper where he describes the real cause of Crohn's (and likely UC) which is Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) infections.
MAP is in our milk (including breast milk), meat, water and produce and hard to avoid. It is spreading through the microbiome of most of the world. If this were a disease like tuberculosis to which it is closely related to, vaccine development would be much more of a priority. But milking patients of tens of thousands of dollars a year using specially coated aspirin derivatives or immunomodulators is much more lucrative. Anyways India has a high prevelance of MAP but fairly low prevelance of UC because of (IMO) the extensive use of turmeric in Indian cooking.
Hopefully, the MAP vaccine trials are concluded and available soon so people like your sister and me would not have to suffer from this debilitating condition because the root cause is addressed.
A shrink.
Do you know if there is a daily limit of curcumin/turmeric? I take 1000mg of Sam's Club Member's Mark brand for a toe joint issue (hallux limitus), and 500mg Krill Oil.
Epigenetics, genetic predispositions, role of stress, bad luck....
I think I may fly to Chicago for Thanksgiving to see her.
I hate Chicago but I must go
this is a brutal autoimmune disorder and has zero to do with stress or diet
I am getting super angry reading some of these ignoramus responses
this is a brutal autoimmune disorder and has zero to do with stress or diet
I am getting super angry reading some of these ignoramus responses
Good to hear.
Hopefully her athletic background will help her to get back on her feet faster.
If she had the fake doctors of Las Vermin , she would be dead
Chicago and Boston have best doctors on planet
Sorry for going off-topic, but did not want to start a new thread to ask this:
Does the US provide free care for old people ?
My mum tells me that an old friend of hers is in an old age home which is free of charge. I am wondering that her daughter might be footing the bill. Seems that lady is very happy there.
I do not know that much about healthcare in Chicago but it's good that your sister has access to the best in medical care and the doctors to diagnose and figure out a treatment.
they are one and the same.Yes to some people it’s easier to change their religion as their diet
I can personally attest (from my own personal experience and those of friends, family and co-workers) that Boston provides absolutely world-class healthcare. I do travel 40 miles to get care in Boston for specialized care - we don't have the vast array of specialists that they do in Boston in my state. My sister's sister-in-law died from something that was fairly routine. She had it treated here because Boston was inconvenient. By the time she went to Boston to get it fixed, it was too late.
I do not know that much about healthcare in Chicago but it's good that your sister has access to the best in medical care and the doctors to diagnose and figure out a treatment.
I can personally attest (from my own personal experience and those of friends, family and co-workers) that Boston provides absolutely world-class healthcare. I do travel 40 miles to get care in Boston for specialized care - we don't have the vast array of specialists that they do in Boston in my state. My sister's sister-in-law died from something that was fairly routine. She had it treated here because Boston was inconvenient. By the time she went to Boston to get it fixed, it was too late.
I do not know that much about healthcare in Chicago but it's good that your sister has access to the best in medical care and the doctors to diagnose and figure out a treatment.
The 'best medical care' from the slash, cut and burn crowd?
(and for a nice profit, no less)
And that's a good thing?
Have fun with that colostomy bag, and don't forget to thank those great doctors for their wonderful medical care.
All doctors are equal but some are more equal than others
Nice animal farm reference