my strings break every week


New User
i use prince 15 gauge string but i still break them in no more than a week. can you guys name some really durable strings that i could use that could last me at least a week longer?


my buddy breaks strings all the time (syn gut). He probably breaks them every 3-6 hours of play. I have strung a few of his racquets with poly strings (Gosen Polylon SP, Topspin Cyberflash and Technifibre Spin Fire). He has yet to break a poly. I re-string them for him around once every 2 months. So based on what I see from a string breaker, poly is your best bet.


Hall of Fame
u act like a week is a really short time to break strings. most kids on my team go through a full luxilon job in 2 hours.

i'd try any thick gauge poly.

jim e

My racquet has all gut VS 16g, 60lbs. over 90 hours of use over last 20 weeks and it is still very playable.(all indoor playing as is winter here in central NY) The string is fraying a lot, but has been this way for a good while. I may just get another 90 hours of use out of it.My brother that I hit with a lot has a greater amount of use (same string and tension), with no fraying at all, but he uses an eastern forehand flat hitter, his should outlast mine.He is mainly a baseline heavy hitter and a former MAC champion when he was in college). I guess we are both lucky we are not string breakers, as we both really like the feel of all gut set up.I could not imagine restringing the same racquet on a weekly basis.


My racquet has all gut VS 16g, 60lbs. over 90 hours of use over last 20 weeks and it is still very playable.(all indoor playing as is winter here in central NY) The string is fraying a lot, but has been this way for a good while. I may just get another 90 hours of use out of it.My brother that I hit with a lot has a greater amount of use (same string and tension), with no fraying at all, but he uses an eastern forehand flat hitter, his should outlast mine.He is mainly a baseline heavy hitter and a former MAC champion when he was in college). I guess we are both lucky we are not string breakers, as we both really like the feel of all gut set up.I could not imagine restringing the same racquet on a weekly basis.

I am not a string breaker either and that is exactly why I put nat gut on my racquet. I did not like how long syn giut lasted and figured to give nat gut a shot. I will never, ever go back to full syn gut. I hybrid to save money (probably will not even hybrid in the near fututre depending how loing these last). But if I were to get anywhere near 90 hrs, I would have a full gut job.


would string savers take away the feel, because you wouldn't want to take out that little feel you would get in a poly. Don't go with signum pro.


i use prince 15 gauge string but i still break them in no more than a week. can you guys name some really durable strings that i could use that could last me at least a week longer?

You must use massive amount of topspin like RAFA. try the Babolat Duralast 15L gauge, the one that rafa uses. He doesn't break it so you will probably be ok


u act like a week is a really short time to break strings. most kids on my team go through a full luxilon job in 2 hours.

i'd try any thick gauge poly.
Um... I don't think most pros can go through Luxilon in two hours. Are your teammates on steroids?


Yeah, I have problems with breaking my strings all the time. With any syn gut I will break them in a couple of days. With most polys it takes me about a week. But the only poly that lasts longer than a week is luxilon but I can't use it because I have a shoulder problem and they are way too stiff. So if you need some strings that will last, go with the Luxilon.


Hall of Fame
Rafa uses Pro Hurricane Tour.

no, he uses duralast. this has been confirmed a million times on this board.

and its quite possible to rip through a set of luxilon, or any poly, in a couple hours or at least in under a day if u string low enough and have fast enough racquet head speed. it just doesnt seem like the pros do it cuz most switch frames every ball change and get their racquets restrung after each match.

jim e

I'm over 100 hours of good use now on my all VS touch 16g, 60lbs. set up. This does not even include all the times I have been practicing serves, which has been a good amount of time over the last 22 weeks.Still a very playable string after all this use. Going to be interesting to see how much longer it will last.


Hall of Fame
Have you ever tried Prince ProBlend? That stuff is like rope more than it is like string. It's almost impossible to break in a week.