My Tennis Schedule


(I'm in the picture)
This was a tough match; it was nice to get a win at 3 dubs, but the Tenn #3 guy was a very good player - he's ranked 28 in college tennis right now.
Florida is a very tough team - their top 3 players are all ranked. My partner and I got up an early break in doubles, but they took control after that.

Our next match is at Alabama on Sunday at 10:00 am.

Season Schedule

01/24/08 at Tennessee Knoxville, Tenn. L, 7-0

01/26/08 at Florida State Tallahassee, Fla.

Canceled 01/27/08 at Florida Gainesville, Fla. L, 0-7

02/03/08 at Alabama Tuscaloosa, Ala. 10:00 a.m. ET

02/16/08 vs. Yale GREENVILLE, S.C. 12:00 p.m. ET

02/20/08 at Georgia Tech Atlanta, Ga. 2:30 p.m. ET

02/24/08 at Georgia Athens, Ga. 2:00 p.m. ET

02/25/08 at Stetson (tent.) Deland, Fla. 2:30 p.m. ET

02/26/08 at USF Tampa, Fla. 2:00 p.m. ET

02/27/08 at Miami Miami, Fla. 2:00 p.m. ET

03/01/08 vs. Princeton GREENVILLE, S.C. 1:00 p.m. ET

03/09/08 at Georgia Southern Statesboro, Ga. 1:00 p.m. ET

Blue Grey National Invitational

03/14/08 Blue Grey National Invitational Montgomery, Ala. All Day

03/15/08 Blue Grey National Invitational Montgomery, Ala.

All Day 03/16/08 Blue Grey National Invitational Montgomery, Ala.

All Day

03/19/08 at Charlotte Charlotte, N.C. 3:00 p.m. ET

03/26/08 vs. The Citadel GREENVILLE, S.C. 3:00 p.m. ET

03/29/08 vs. College of Charleston GREENVILLE, S.C. 1:00 p.m. ET

03/30/08 at Chattanooga Chattanooga, Tenn. 1:30 p.m. ET

04/02/08 vs. Appalachian State GREENVILLE, S.C. 3:00 p.m. ET

04/05/08 at Elon Elon, N.C. 1:00 p.m. ET

04/06/08 at Greensboro Greensboro, N.C. 10:00 a.m. ET

04/10/08 vs. Wofford GREENVILLE, S.C. 3:00 p.m. ET

04/12/08 at Davidson Davidson, N.C. 2:00 p.m. ET

04/17/08 Southern Conference Tournament

Charleston, S.C. All Day 04/18/08 Southern Conference Tournament

Charleston, S.C. All Day 04/19/08 Southern Conference Tournament

Charleston, S.C. All Day 04/20/08 Southern Conference Tournament

Charleston, S.C. All Day 05/09/08 NCAA Regionals

TBA TBA 05/10/08 NCAA Regionals TBA TBA

05/16/08 NCAA Finals Tulsa, Okla. TBA


I see you're still swinging the MFil 200 extended frames.

I thought you made the switch to the NBlade OS.

Good luck with your tennis this season! Keep us posted.


Thanks for the good wishes!

That picture is from last season because the sports information people at my school don't have action shots from this season yet. I do play the nBlade OS. You have a keen eye.


Good job with your win. I'm a Vol fan in Greenville and know they can be tough. But I also pull for the 'dins. Best wishes for a great season.


hello Serveitup911,
How long have you been playing and what practice pattern (hrs per week) do you do to be a "semi-pro"? Thanks


The words "semi pro" under his picture have nothing to do with his tennis ability. They just mean he has a certain number of posts. You can be a "smei pro" too if you type that many posts.

However, serveitup is an excellent tennis player. He plays Div 1 tennis. That makes him a 6.0 on the NTRP scale. Very few people reach that level.


got it. :) sorry I'm new here.

Ultimately I want to learn ways to be a better tennis player. Hence that question. Not post warrior :)


Keep in mind that there's a lot of good and bad information on these boards. You have to be careful about who to trust.

My best advice to you is go to the tips and instruction section and search for posts only by the following people:

Bungalo Bill

Bungalo Bill and Yandell don't post much here any more but they both have a lot of past posts. You'll find a lot of good information on lots of topics. These aren't know-nothing posters or some teenages that just picked up the game. These guys know what they are talking about, they've taught and studed high level tennis for a long time. They're professionals.

In the racquet section of the forum I trust posts by NoBadMojo. He trys to get people to play with gear that's appropriate for their playing level but often gets flamed for it.

Sorry to hijack your thread serveitup911.
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No problem, Snoopy; you're just helping out a new guy.

But to answer 92626's question:

I have been playing since I was 8, so about 12.5 years.

My team practices Monday - Saturday.
We play tennis for about 2.5 hours a day.
We lift weights Mon, Wed, Fri for an hour.
We run for 30 minutes Tues & Thurs.
We do about 15 minutes of footwork drills a day.
On Saturdays and at least 1 other weekday, we play matches (doubles & sing
So, we average 19-20 hours of training per week.


Since we're on the topic of your routine, I've got a few questions.

Your team lifts 3 days a week. What kind of lifting do you guys do? How heavy? Don't you feel sore, how do you play tennis so soon afte lifting?

Your team runs twice a week. What kind of running, short or long distance?

Don't you guys ever feel tired? Do you think the weightlifting and running helps your tennis? Is there anything you wish your coach woud change?

Sorry for all the questions. You don't have to answer in any detail. I'm just curious since you play high level tennis and there are always questions on the boards as to what type of exercises you should do to help your game.



Our lifting is very heavy. We do a full body routine each lifting day with 3 sets of 5-12 reps on most of the lifts. We cycle the intensity, some days doing as many as 12 reps, some days as few as 5 reps per set.

I am not bothered by soreness; it does not really affect my tennis. We don't lift for 2 days before competition; for example, if we have a match Thursday, Monday is our last lifting day. In fact, I feel that lifting helps prevent injuries more than cause injuries.

When we run, it is usually sprints like 100s on the track, suicides on the court, or stadiums.

I feel like being strong, fast, and fit are hugely important to men's tennis, so the running and lifting really helps my game.

The only part of our fitness program that I would do differently is I would include cross-training like cycling or swimming. It would be nice to do the low-impact cross-training because our joints really take a pounding from the hard courts.


Talk Tennis Guru
The only part of our fitness program that I would do differently is I would include cross-training like cycling or swimming. It would be nice to do the low-impact cross-training because our joints really take a pounding from the hard courts.

Funny you mention that. With the program I am on, (very tough, high level tennis specific) The running and intervals arent bad, but the bike work and intervals kicks my ass. Good though because its very hard, but virtually impact free which is nice when you spend 15-20 hours a week on a hard court.



Funny you mention that. With the program I am on, (very tough, high level tennis specific) The running and intervals arent bad, but the bike work and intervals kicks my ass. Good though because its very hard, but virtually impact free which is nice when you spend 15-20 hours a week on a hard court.


Dude help me out. Go to the Jr., board and straighten these goofs out. PLEASE.


We lost 4-3 to #12 Alabama today. It was a tough away match played indoors. I didn't do so well, losing at #3 doubles and #3 singles, but my teammates almost pulled it through.

Next match is Yale.

Jonny S&V

Hall of Fame
We lost 4-3 to #12 Alabama today. It was a tough away match played indoors. I didn't do so well, losing at #3 doubles and #3 singles, but my teammates almost pulled it through.

Next match is Yale.

Thanks for posting all this! Really helpful stuff in this thread, good luck against Yale!


Hall of Fame
Serveitup - any chance you could put up a summary of the sort of footwork drills you do out there?

Thanks - and good luck.


You ever had a chance to play some of the guy's from Eastern NC??? ECU, Barton, Wilmington? How about Elon, they're nasty this year?


thats cool you are posting all the results and such. you should post some videos for us noobs too!