Nadal criticises Madrid Masters


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From (a quality Spanish newspaper)

Nadal acoge con críticas el torneo de Madrid
Descontento por la altura de la capital, justo antes de Roland Garros
Se opone al cambio del tradicional rojo de la arcilla por el azul
Contrario a que el torneo español se convierta en un quinto Grand Slam

Vídeo: Atlas
Actualizado sábado 09/05/2009 17:22 (CET)
MADRID.- El día inaugural del torneo de Madrid, un 'mini Grand Slam' de corte futurista que instala al tenis en una nueva dimensión, se vio ensombrecido por las duras críticas del español Rafael Nadal. El número uno dedicó duras palabas a las condiciones de juego y a la intención de probar una pista azul que sustituya al rojo habitual de la arcilla.

"Las instalaciones bien, está todo un poco desordenado aún, creo yo. El bote de bola está complicado de momento. Ayer y hoy he entrenado fuera y la pista tenía bastantes malos botes, y si le añadimos la altura de Madrid se pone complicado jugar", dijo el español.

El intento de Madrid de crear una superficie azul que sustituya a la habitual naranja también fue criticado por el mallorquín. Los organizadores tenían la intención de jugar todo el torneo en azul, pero finalmente debieron conformarse con tener sólo una pista de entrenamiento de ese color. "Sea lo perfecta que sea y lo buena que sea yo estoy en contra totalmente", enfatizó Nadal.

"Todos podemos levantarnos bien o mal", dijo con gesto serio Manolo Santana, director del torneo, cuando se le preguntó por las palabras del número uno del mundo. La cancha central del torneo lleva el nombre de Santana, el mejor tenista español de la historia hasta la irrupción de Nadal.

Foto: Sergio Enríquez
Santana reconoció que el torneo impulsado por el rumano Ion Tiriac fracasó en su intento de dar un golpe de fuerte impacto mediático con la creación de canchas de arcilla azul que sustituyeran a la tradicional naranja. "El 'timing' no fue el correcto, nos apresuramos. Pero queremos hacerlo, Madrid siempre se destacó por ser novedoso. Yo no pienso en el pasado, pienso en el futuro".

Pero Nadal sí destaca el pasado. "La gira de tierra es histórica, la tierra es roja, no azul, el tenis no sólo es 'show-business', hay más cosas que valorar, historia y tradición. Por algo será que hay escenarios emblemáticos en el mundo del deporte que se conservan". "En mi humilde opinión la pista debería ser roja como ha sido siempre. Si ponemos cosas raras teniendo en cuenta que a la semana siguiente es Roland Garros, yo lo veo complicado. Pero sabemos que a veces hay cosas que pasan por delante de la tradición y la historia, confiemos en que esta vez no sea así".

"A mí me encantaba el torneo de Madrid como estaba antes", insistió Nadal, patrocinado por Mapfre, rival de la aseguradora Mutua Madrileña, principal 'sponsor' del torneo. Madrid se jugaba hasta 2008 en otoño y en superficie rápida. El nuevo torneo, un verdadero 'mini Grand Slam', es mucho más grande, se disputa sobre arcilla y reúne a las mejores raquetas de la ATP y la WTA.

De 2,270 millones de dólares en premios que repartía saltó a 7,2 millones. La estrella de la Caja Mágica es el estadio central con techo corredizo y capacidad para 12.000 espectadores. Hay otros dos técnicamente idénticos, con posibilidad de albergar a 3.500 y 2.500 personas. La superficie construida pasó de 30.000 metros cuadrados a 83.500.

Pese a lo impactante del escenario, a Nadal no le gusta que el torneo termine seis días antes de que comience Roland Garros, el máximo torneo sobre arcilla y uno de los cuatro de Grand Slam, en el que buscará su quinto título consecutivo. "No dudo de que las instalaciones son de las mejores que hay en el circuito, pero que el último torneo previo a Roland Garros sea en altura cambia un poco la situación. Si el último torneo fuera Roma antes de París serían condiciones más idóneas, pero hay una semana ahora antes, así que no hay problema con eso".

Nadal no se quedó allí. En la que fue la primera rueda de prensa de un jugador en la flamante Caja Mágica, un escenario clave de la candidatura de Madrid a los Juegos Olímpicos de 2016, echó por tierra cualquier posibilidad de que Madrid aspire algún día a organizar un Grand Slam. "Los Grand Slam son cuatro, ¿te parece que puedes poner cinco? Steguro que Madrid es un gran torneo, pero Roma y Montecarlo son grandes torneos también. La tradición indica que son cuatro, no cinco grandes".

Santana, que reconoció conversaciones con Roma para cambiar la fecha de Madrid, aseguró no haber comentado con Nadal las críticas que hizo al torneo, y desestimó que la altura de Madrid —unos 655 metros— sea un problema. "Hay un complejo con la altura de Madrid. Yo fui jugador y nunca me afectó. Muchos jugadores españoles ganaron el torneo de Gstaad, que se juega a 1.000 metros de altura".

Basically says he does not like:

i) The altitude (660 meters) one week before RG
ii) The attempt to move to blue clay which he considers a gimmick and against traditions
iii) The claims that it should be considered a 5th grand slam

Tournament Director Santana (who is a great friend of Nadal) admitted that there were conversations to try to swap dates with Rome.

I find it interesting that Nadal should be so open in his comments on the eve of the tournament. He was also very critical of the US when the Davis Cup was held in Madrid, although in the end it did not make much difference.


Bionic Poster
REALLY Rough Translation :)

From (to quality Spanish to newspaper)

Nadal welcomes with critics the match of Madrid
Displeasure by the height of the capital, just before Roland Garros
One is against to the traditional change of the red one of the clay by the blue one
In opposition to which the Spanish match becomes a fifth Grand Slam

Video: Atlas
Updated Saturday 09/05/2009 17:22 (CET)
MADRID. - The inaugural day of the match of Madrid, a “mini Grand Slam” of cuts futurist that installs to tennis in a new dimension, it was darkened by the hard critics of the Spanish Rafael Nadal. The hard number one dedicated palabas to the conditions of game and the intention to prove a blue track that replaces red the habitual one of the clay.

“The facilities good, are all a little disorderly still, I create I. The ball boat is complicated at the moment. I have trained yesterday and today outside and the track had enough bad boats, and if we added the height to him of Madrid puts itself complicated to play”, the Spanish said.

The attempt of Madrid to create a blue surface that also replaces the habitual orange was criticized by the Majorcan. The organizers had the intention to play all the match in blue, but finally they had to be satisfied to having only one track of training of that color. “She is the perfect thing that is and good that she is I am against totally”, emphasized Nadal.

“All we can rise badly or or”, said with serious gesture Manolo Santana, director of the match, when it was asked to him for the words of number one of the world. The central field of the match takes the name of Santana, the best Spanish tennis player of history until the irruption of Nadal.

Photo: Sergio Enríquez
Santana recognized that the match impelled by the Rumanian Ion Tiriac failed in its attempt to give to a fort blow mediatic impact with the creation of blue clay fields that replaced the traditional orange. ““Timing” was not the correct one, we hurried. But we want to do it, Madrid always stood out for being novel. I nonfodder in the past, fodder in the future”.

But Nadal yes emphasizes the past. “The earth tour is historical, the Earth is red, nonblue, tennis not only is “show-business”, is more things than to value, history and tradition. By something it will be that there are emblematic scenes in the world of the sport that are conserved”. “In my humble opinion the track would have to be red since it has been always. If we put rare things considering that to the following week is Roland Garros, see I it complicated. But we know that sometimes there are things that pass in front of the tradition and history, we trust that this time is not thus”.

“the match of Madrid enchanted to me as it were before”, Nadal, sponsored by Mapfre, rival of insuring the Mutual Madrilenian, main “sponsor” of the match insisted. Madrid gambled until 2008 in autumn and fast surface. The new match, true “a mini Grand Slam”, is much more great, it is disputed on clay and it reunites to the best rackets of the ATP and the WTA.

Of 2.270 million dollars in prizes that distributed it jumped to 7.2 million. The star of the Magical Box is the central stage with sliding ceiling and capacity for 12,000 spectators. There are other two technically identical ones, with possibility of sheltering 3,500 and 2,500 people. The constructed surface happened of 30,000 meters squared to 83.500.

In spite of the impressive thing of the scene, to Nadal it does not like that the match finishes six days before Roland Garros, the maximum match begins on clay and one of the four of Grand Slam, in which will look for his fifth consecutive title. “I do not doubt that the facilities are of the best ones than it has in the circuit, but that the last previous match to Roland Garros is in height it changes a little the situation. If the last match were Rome before Paris would be more suitable conditions, but there is one week now before, so there is no problem with that”.

Nadal did not remain there. In that it was the first press conference of a player in the flaming Magical Box, a key scene of the candidacy from Madrid to the Olympic Games of 2016, ruined any possibility that Madrid someday aspires to organize a Grand Slam. “The Grand Slam is four, it seems to you that you can put five? Steguro that Madrid is a great match, but Rome and Montecar it are great matches also. The tradition indicates that they are four, not five great ones”.

Santana, who recognized conversations with Rome to change the date of Madrid, assured to have commented with Nadal the critics that did to the match, and did not misestimate that the height of Madrid about 655 meters is a problem. “There is a complex with the height of Madrid. I was player and she never affected to me. Many Spanish players gained the match of Gstaad, that gambles 1,000 meters of height”.
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Tournament Director Santana (who is a great friend of Nadal) admitted that there were conversations to try to swap dates with Rome.

That sounds like a good idea, or swap dates with Monte Carlo, as that is (apparently) the most similar clay and conditions to the French Open's.


But I do not agree with Nadal's complaints about Madrid's clay being blue. Professional Tennis is, first and foremost, entertainment.

Blue clay would draw in more viewers, and it'd be easier to see. Good for the fans!
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Bionic Poster
But I do not agree with Nadal's complaints about Madrid's clay being blue. Professional Tennis is, first and foremost, entertainment.

Blue clay would draw in more viewers, and it'd be easier to see. Good for the fans!

I think Nadal states this in his comments.


I think yellow clay would be really cool... with black balls :)

Nah, black clay with some white pebbles here and there simulating stars and neon magenta balls. And Jedi lightsaber sound effects built in into the racquet handles. Now how cool'd be that?


“the match of Madrid enchanted to me as it were before”, Nadal, sponsored by Mapfre, rival of insuring the Mutual Madrilenian, main “sponsor” of the match insisted.

remember this is the same guy who said his fave car was Kia because they sponsor him

who dresses in pink dresses if Nike commands him

who is a "created" icon

nothing like Agassi who actually did his own thing

Nadal is a advertisers dream, because he will do anything as long as someone throws money at him


Nike doesn't "command" him to wear pink, He's going to wear pink because he told Nike that he likes that colour.




pound cat

so what's the matter with men wearing pink? So should women stop wearing blue because in the west blue is traditionally the colour signifying male? Really, what difference does it make who wears what?


so what's the matter with men wearing pink? So should women stop wearing blue because in the west blue is traditionally the colour signifying male? Really, what difference does it make who wears what?

you can have feminine blue shades


like baby blue, any woman could wear it

you cant really have masculine pinks


The greatest U. S. volleyball player of all time wore pink exclusively.
The world's presently number 1 ranked tennis player wears pink.
Maybe the world's presently number 2 ranked tennis player should consider wearing pink also. Before he slides to number ......?


Bionic Poster
But I do not agree with Nadal's complaints about Madrid's clay being blue. Professional Tennis is, first and foremost, entertainment.

Blue clay would draw in more viewers, and it'd be easier to see. Good for the fans!
Blue clay is totally revolting. There is nothing entertaining about it, it looks artificial and awful. The clay would also have to be terrible quality due to the chemical manipulations necessary to obtain the color. Clay is red and grass is green. Leave the natural surfaces alone! It's a sport not a circus.


Bionic Poster
Pink looks really good on him. Tennis-hero is going on a rampage: wars, global warming and the financial crisis are all Nadal's fault. Nadal is the ultimate evil on earth :lol: Cool it man, you're going ballistic with the stuff!


remember this is the same guy who said his fave car was Kia because they sponsor him

who dresses in pink dresses if Nike commands him

who is a "created" icon

nothing like Agassi who actually did his own thing

Nadal is a advertisers dream, because he will do anything as long as someone throws money at him
do you really think Nadal critisized the tournament becouse of the sponsor? if he cared about money that much, he would drive a Ferrari and would show off all the time as the stupid NBA stars do. I´m sure he doesn´t give a **** about the sutpid insurance company


But I do not agree with Nadal's complaints about Madrid's clay being blue. Professional Tennis is, first and foremost, entertainment.

Blue clay would draw in more viewers, and it'd be easier to see. Good for the fans!

Why would blue clay draw in more viewers? I don't think so. Also i don't see why it would be "good for the fans". It would not be good for me and I am a fan.

Clay is red and should stay red.


Hall of Fame
do you really think Nadal critisized the tournament becouse of the sponsor? if he cared about money that much, he would drive a Ferrari and would show off all the time as the stupid NBA stars do. I´m sure he doesn´t give a **** about the sutpid insurance company

lol nadal might have alot of money from tennis but lets not try to compare his salary to those NBA guys you speak of. its not even close, his lifetime earnings might look nice on paper but compare it to the 72 mil a year jordan made or maybe what Kobe makes now or even lebron. that comparison isnt fair.

secondly, whats he complaining about really. the height of the place on the planet. sadly, thats kinda lame, and this is the first time ive read something nadal said that was totally classless. that city cannot be held accountable for its geographic positioning.

third, whats his complaint with blue clay? he says history and tradition, then remove clay and carpet and hardcourts all together. o wait that surely wouldnt please him either.

i call and spade and spade no matter who is speaking. this is the first time ive had to call nadal out on a press conference for being obsrud. and anyone else going crazy over blue clay better realize quickly that people alot smarter than you and me have made these decisions, and they are trying to save our beloved sport. you know, the one with the worst ratings and viewer numbers on the freaking planet. let them experiement, if its helps bring in fans and tennis revenue then its good. if it doesnt then you can sit back and give all the i told you sos you want. if tradition really meant that much to anyone wimbledon wouldnt now have a roof. that should be 100345856842590 times more prevelant than blue clay.


Bionic Poster
lol nadal might have alot of money from tennis but lets not try to compare his salary to those NBA guys you speak of. its not even close, his lifetime earnings might look nice on paper but compare it to the 72 mil a year jordan made or maybe what Kobe makes now or even lebron. that comparison isnt fair.

secondly, whats he complaining about really. the height of the place on the planet. sadly, thats kinda lame, and this is the first time ive read something nadal said that was totally classless. that city cannot be held accountable for its geographic positioning.

third, whats his complaint with blue clay? he says history and tradition, then remove clay and carpet and hardcourts all together. o wait that surely wouldnt please him either.

i call and spade and spade no matter who is speaking. this is the first time ive had to call nadal out on a press conference for being obsrud. and anyone else going crazy over blue clay better realize quickly that people alot smarter than you and me have made these decisions, and they are trying to save our beloved sport. you know, the one with the worst ratings and viewer numbers on the freaking planet. let them experiement, if its helps bring in fans and tennis revenue then its good. if it doesnt then you can sit back and give all the i told you sos you want. if tradition really meant that much to anyone wimbledon wouldnt now have a roof. that should be 100345856842590 times more prevelant than blue clay.
You did not understand what Nadal complained about. He didn't complain about Madrid being the wrong altitude in general, that would be pretty stupid indeed, he said that he would have preferred a tournament like Barcelona to be the last one before RG because, due to the altitude, Madrid plays completely differently than RG and is not a good preparation for it. He suggested to switch the dates so that the last master before RG would be more similar to the way RG plays.
About blue clay, you're plain wrong. What's next, paint the grass red? It won't bring any spectators and will purely and simply ruin clay as a surface.
Finally, Nadal is totally entitled to have his opinions and express them. His opinions are at least as valid as yours (as a pro player's they're probably more valid actually). You're free to disagree but you have absolutely no business and no prerogative to "call him out on it". That is 100% out of line.
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Blue clay is totally revolting. There is nothing entertaining about it, it looks artificial and awful. The clay would also have to be terrible quality due to the chemical manipulations necessary to obtain the color. Clay is red and grass is green. Leave the natural surfaces alone! It's a sport not a circus.

Red clay is made from crushed bricks - nothing natural about that.

That's not to say i'm a proponent of blue clay.


Hall of Fame
More natural than dying the stuff! The players also agree that blue clay acted differently and all the ones who tried it disliked it.

everyone is afraid of change, what do you think the first who played on clay or HCs said about the surface?


Hall of Fame
Roger is a moron

Whats green clay then genius?????

seriously, someone b*tchslap Rafa and Roger for their diva tantrum

the color of clay is a simple addition , there is no tradition to the color of the clay events, in actuality clay itself is gray or a shade of brown depending on where its from. (altrhough there is such a thing as red clay as well but its slick like mud) The crushed bricks used today are colored before baking the bricks just as it would be if they were blue. the paintjob has ZERO effect on the court surface. everyone just needs to takea chill pill on these court colored events. hardcourts have been painted differently, grass has been changed several times, grass is grass is grass. clay is clay is clay, hardcourts MIGHT have a slight change due to their paint but i even doubt that.

if it brings in 50,000 more viewers worldwide, can these pros not get off their "world revolves around me high horse" and have an open mind for the better interest of the game

ask yourself this, if the clay is blue would you NOT watch? nearly zero % of the viewers will boycott it, now if its blue and it gains some people or advertisers from it, which is better form tennis.

and worst case scenario, if it doesnt work out at least worth the trouble, then its a one time things that will not change the sport of tennis in any negative way, but has the potential to do good things for the game.

there is 2 views as a player and a fan.

selfish and open minded. no more, no less.
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Hall of Fame
More natural than dying the stuff! The players also agree that blue clay acted differently and all the ones who tried it disliked it.

it would not be dyed, research it, the colors are added before the baking process of the bricks, changing the composition of the surface none.

also in rogers article it says the players are divided. meaning some approve it.
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Hall of Fame
the color of clay is a simple addition , there is no tradition to the color of the clay events, in actuality clay itself is gray or a shade of brown depending on where its from. (altrhough there is such a thing as red clay as well but its slick like mud) The crushed bricks used today are colored before baking the bricks just as it would be if they were blue. the paintjob has ZERO effect on the court surface. everyone just needs to takea chill pill on these court colored events. hardcourts have been painted differently, grass has been changed several times, grass is grass is grass. clay is clay is clay, hardcourts MIGHT have a slight change due to their paint but i even doubt that.

if it brings in 50,000 more viewers worldwide, can these pros not get off their "world revolves around me high horse" and have an open mind for the better interest of the game

ask yourself this, if the clay is blue would you NOT watch? nearly zero % of the viewers will boycott it, now if its blue and it gains some people or advertisers from it, which is better form tennis.

and worst case scenario, if it doesnt work out at least worth the trouble, then its a one time things that will not change the sport of tennis in any negative way, but has the potential to do good things for the game.

there is 2 views as a player and a fan.

selfish and open minded. no more, no less.

I think if you read the article fairly carefully, Roger does not appear to be criticizing the tournament directors for their ideas, but rather their approach. They did not consult with the ATP Executive Committee or the Player Committee.


Hall of Fame
Nah, black clay with some white pebbles here and there simulating stars and neon magenta balls. And Jedi lightsaber sound effects built in into the racquet handles. Now how cool'd be that?

Played in the dark with flourescent balls? That would be so awesome, just imagine the ball buzzing around like a laser and the players hitting it :)


Hall of Fame
I think if you read the article fairly carefully, Roger does not appear to be criticizing the tournament directors for their ideas, but rather their approach. They did not consult with the ATP Executive Committee or the Player Committee.

i agree with him there and im not criticizing him for that.


Hall of Fame
What the hell is the point of blue clay?

1. something different (change is good)
2. the ball is supposedly more easily seen by tv viewers
3. the tourney guys wants to make their tournament stand out
4. who cares, ill watch tennis if the courts are purple with pink polka dots, wouldnt you?


Bionic Poster
everyone is afraid of change, what do you think the first who played on clay or HCs said about the surface?
Noone wants to change (read= destroy) European clay, at least no European who really cares for the sport. This is one of the oldest surfaces and the only one that is radically different to play on from hard. You just can't touch it, it would be as taboo as to remove grass. The only thing that would do is to kill tennis as a sport by severing it entirely from its roots. Those are traditionally prestigious and historically important tournaments and surfaces. I hope there will be maximum opposition to sabotage any of them and I'm sure there will. Changing surface and venue every 5 minutes may be fine for Americans but it's totally contrary to European core values and cultural beliefs of honoring the past and maintaining meaningful traditions.


Hall of Fame
Noone wants to change (read= destroy) European clay, at least no European who really cares for the sport. This is one of the oldest surfaces and the only one that is radically different to play on from hard. You just can't touch it, it would be as taboo as to remove grass. The only thing that would do is to kill tennis as a sport by severing it entirely from its roots. Those are traditionally prestigious and historically important tournaments and surfaces. I hope there will be maximum opposition to sabotage any of them and I'm sure there will. Changing surface and venue every 5 minutes may be fine for Americans but it's totally contrary to European core values and cultural beliefs of honoring the past and maintaining meaningful traditions.

if its so different in europe why did Wimbledon add a roof this year? as for European traditions causing the game to break, well why is grass so little played on tour today. change happens regardless of what the few say. clay is an older surface but why does grass, the oldest and MOST traditional surface get the fewest tourneys?

we can debate this all day long and if it were grass, carpet or HCs you would care little, but your so fascinated with your hero idol Nadal that anything he says is automatically law to you. Noone outside of Nadal super fans really cares about the change. think about it, when was the last time you disagreed with rafa even a little.

you are so consumed with your lust for Rafa and his words you even mention sabotage, are you maddened with your worship? you would wish for people to be hurt killed or jailed to protect your beloved's views?

now as for every 5 mins?? im not even gonna comment on that remark, thats just your frustration spewing.
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Hall of Fame
Noone wants to change (read= destroy) European clay, at least no European who really cares for the sport. This is one of the oldest surfaces and the only one that is radically different to play on from hard. You just can't touch it, it would be as taboo as to remove grass. The only thing that would do is to kill tennis as a sport by severing it entirely from its roots. Those are traditionally prestigious and historically important tournaments and surfaces. I hope there will be maximum opposition to sabotage any of them and I'm sure there will. Changing surface and venue every 5 minutes may be fine for Americans but it's totally contrary to European core values and cultural beliefs of honoring the past and maintaining meaningful traditions.

They changed Wimbledon, and that didn't seem to bother you. Why should this?


Bionic Poster
it would not be dyed, research it, the colors are added before the baking process of the bricks, changing the composition of the surface none.

also in rogers article it says the players are divided. meaning some approve it.
The blue clay court already exists and it does change the quality of the clay. Most players agree on that. Why would one wants to change the way clay is unless they have ulterior motives and and want to cause damage to the surface, notwithstanding the fact that it is HIDEOUS.


Noone wants to change (read= destroy) European clay, at least no European who really cares for the sport. This is one of the oldest surfaces and the only one that is radically different to play on from hard. You just can't touch it, it would be as taboo as to remove grass. The only thing that would do is to kill tennis as a sport by severing it entirely from its roots. Those are traditionally prestigious and historically important tournaments and surfaces. I hope there will be maximum opposition to sabotage any of them and I'm sure there will. Changing surface and venue every 5 minutes may be fine for Americans but it's totally contrary to European core values and cultural beliefs of honoring the past and maintaining meaningful traditions.

no it isn't

they just changed the color

the players are being stupid

Wimbledon got screwed over 10000000000000000 times worse!!!!!

you didn't complain then

non nonononono

but if Rafa isn't happy then you'll go crazy

Veronique you know that this is stupid

if blue clay brought in more fans then im all for it

madrid chaning to clay has no clay tradition because it was HARD COURT last year

this is a sissy fit from Roger, Rafa and Serena

i hope Novak, Andy M, Andy R and everyone else plays and supports blue clay

blue clay is still clay


Bionic Poster
if its so different in europe why did Wimbledon add a roof this year? as for European traditions causing the game to break, well why is grass so little played on tour today. change happens regardless of what the few say. clay is an older surface but why does grass, the oldest and MOST traditional surface get the fewest tourneys?

we can debate this all day long and if it were grass, carpet or HCs you would care little, but your so fascinated with your hero idol Nadal that anything he says is automatically law to you. Noone outside of Nadal super fans really cares about the change. think about it, when was the last time you disagreed with rafa even a little.

you are so consumed with your lust for Rafa and his words you even mention sabotage, are you maddened with your worship? you would wish for people to be hurt killed or jailed to protect your beloved's views?

now as for every 5 mins?? im not even gonna comment on that remark, thats just your frustration spewing.
Lots of people care about it, I certainly do and it has nothing to do with Nadal. I feel very strongly about the issue as a fan. A roof is not the same as disfiguring a surface. When people start talking about changing the color of grass, we'll see the reactions to it.
There is another aspect to the red clay, it's the way it fits in the environment. Mediterranean countries have a lot of red brick buildings or houses. Red clay seems naturally integrated in the surroundings. Any other color will look disharmonious and fake.


Hall of Fame
The blue clay court already exists and it does change the quality of the clay. Most players agree on that. Why would one wants to change the way clay is unless they have ulterior motives and and want to cause damage to the surface, notwithstanding the fact that it is HIDEOUS.

you mentioned several opinions there in that statement, nothing more. the science will be the ultimate decisive factor. in ten years noone will even remember this debate and none of todays top stars will be meaningful in present day tennis, played on blue clay and gray HCs and black carpet, who cares.


Hall of Fame
Lots of people care about it, I certainly do and it has nothing to do with Nadal. I feel very strongly about the issue as a fan. A roof is not the same as disfiguring a surface. When people start talking about changing the color of grass, we'll see the reactions to it.
There is another aspect to the red clay, it's the way it fits in the environment. Mediterranean countries have a lot of red brick buildings or houses. Red clay seems naturally integrated in the surroundings. Any other color will look disharmonious and fake.

lol, your grasping at straws now.


facts, i need facts. not whining from players, or opinions about color coordination. simple and coherent facts please.

the question i posed to you, is would you NOT watch if its blue? if your answer if yes, your fibbing, if its no, then there is NO harm in it.

also, can you show me some pics of thse brick buildings please, during my visit there 4 years ago on vacation all we saw was basically stucko*(possibly misspelled) of differing colors with one of the most prevelant being mediterranean blue, although most did have the red shingles made of a clay substance.
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