As per this piece, upon query, Wimbledon's referee office have acknowledged there is NO SPECIFIC RULE or PROTOCOL to manage a situation like the one arose in the past 2 days. Starting the match indoors before it was dark was a decision taken on the fly.
La postura de Wimbledon
Este diario acudió a la Oficina del Referee, situada en la fachada exterior de la Centre Court, para recabar un postura oficial acerca de lo ocurrido. Al ser consultados por un protocolo que especifique cómo actuar en ese tipo de situaciones, el torneo reconoce no poseer una normativa específica. “No hay ninguna norma al respecto”. Es decir, no hay un método preestablecido para gestionar una situación en la que el transcurso de un encuentro vaya a verse interrumpido por falta de luz y, en previsión de esa circunstancia, se pueda utilizar la iluminación del techo para iniciar el juego. En este sentido, y atendiendo a las afirmaciones del evento, comenzar un partido a cubierto por la inminencia de la oscuridad fue una medida ideada sobre la marcha.
This newspaper went to the Office of the Referee, located on the outer facade of the Center Court, to seek an official position about what happened. When consulted by a protocol that specifies how to act in such situations, the tournament recognizes that it does not have specific regulations. "There is no rule about it." That is to say, there is no pre-established method to manage a situation in which the course of a meeting will be interrupted by lack of light and, in anticipation of that circumstance, ceiling lighting can be used to start the game. In this sense, and attending to the affirmations of the event, to begin a covered party by the imminence of the darkness was a measure devised on the march