Need a string that is cheap, durable, low power, good control

ace high

At the moment I use Dunlop 500 aerogel with pro's pro red devil 1.17mm and that is working ok but I would prefer a string with more control and a bit better feel.


Hall of Fame
Head rip intellitour strung backwards is low power, low price, with solid control and touch.

Kevlar low tension is quite nice too
At the moment I use Dunlop 500 aerogel with pro's pro red devil 1.17mm and that is working ok but I would prefer a string with more control and a bit better feel.

Dude head rip control. It's durable, and cheap, and tons of control with low power.

1st Seed

^^^^ Cheap,Durable,Lowpower,Control
= Head Rip Control,Awesome string,I buy it in reels.My clubs fav!


Hall of Fame
what do yo mean strung backwards?

Sorry. I mean that they recommend the "RIP Feel" as a cross, but I've found better durability/playability with it in the mains. RIP Tour in the cross (even though its the 'textured' one).

Although, my latest 'honeymoon' string is my sig. May not be for everyone but I am having amazing results, feel, durability with it. And it is so far tops in terms of low power, control, price (using the cheapest gut out there for cross), and BITE. Hot damn.
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