Need advice for going to the US Open...


New User
Hello. I'm going to be in NYC for the first few days of the US Open and thought it would be cool to go for a day and see how this game is supposed to be played. Does anyone have any advice for me about what tickets to buy, where to buy them, and how to have a good time when I'm there? I'm clueless about this and am trying to educate myself.

-where is the best place to get tickets? How late can I wait before they are sold out?

-Should I drive there from NYC or take a cab or subway?

-Is it worth it to buy a stadium ticket or should I buy a grounds pass. (I don't want to spend more than $100 or so for the ticket)

Thanks a lot for the advice!


You should be able to find most of the answers to your questions at the usopen website:

Personally, I take the subway to the tourney; it's cheap and convenient.

Regarding stadium tickets, it's really a matter of personal choice in terms of how important it is for you to see the very top players. A grounds pass will get you into everywhere except AA stadium.

I usually just get grounds passes during the day b/c 1) the AA matches are the ones on TV, so I'd rather see sth different since I'm actually at the tourney; it's fun to go to outer courts, see some different players, doubles, etc 2) it can get v. hot so I'd rather move around and switch courts alot rather than sitting and frying in the main stadium for hours.
(BTW, the AA matches are shown on a big screen outside so if you want to follow that match you can watch it outside while having a snack or sth)

I have bought tickets for the AA night session before tho' and that was fun and it's cooler of course :)

If you're there during the day you might also want to go by the practice courts and watch top players practicing; the view isn't great but it's still kinda cool . . .

Have fun :)


Best time to go is first weekend ....lot of good match ups on outside courts.....grounds pass is the best deal....use subway 7 from the city to Flushing and try going with someone so its easy to save seats as outside courts do not have assigned seats...ty getting there at 10 am so u can get courtside seats on the Grandstand and spend the next 10 hours there