Hello. I'm going to be in NYC for the first few days of the US Open and thought it would be cool to go for a day and see how this game is supposed to be played. Does anyone have any advice for me about what tickets to buy, where to buy them, and how to have a good time when I'm there? I'm clueless about this and am trying to educate myself.
-where is the best place to get tickets? How late can I wait before they are sold out?
-Should I drive there from NYC or take a cab or subway?
-Is it worth it to buy a stadium ticket or should I buy a grounds pass. (I don't want to spend more than $100 or so for the ticket)
Thanks a lot for the advice!
-where is the best place to get tickets? How late can I wait before they are sold out?
-Should I drive there from NYC or take a cab or subway?
-Is it worth it to buy a stadium ticket or should I buy a grounds pass. (I don't want to spend more than $100 or so for the ticket)
Thanks a lot for the advice!