Need advice, string tension, my first hybrid set, 18x20 racquet.


Hello to all, I will use hybrid strings for the first time, appreciate very much advices about the string tension to start...

Racquet: Volkl PB10 295g 18x20 98sq, normally I use 40lbs with full bed of 17g soft co-poly, like the comfort, spin, but I'm looking for more feel...

Interesting fact: I found 40lbs with Luxilon Big Banger Original 16g very very comfortable! great spin, power and feel, probably the most comfortable poly string that I used...

Anyway, I'm curious to try a hybrid set of gut/poly, or multi/poly, considering the string tension that I'm using, how much string tension is a good start for the hybrid setup?

Just keep the poly with the string tension that I like, and increase 5lbs or 10lbs on the multi or gut?

Many thanks, best regards, sorry for my not so good english.
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