Need clarification: slice / kick serves?


Can someone tell me the difference between the slice and kick serve? I think I have the slice serve down, the general idea is to impart a left to right spin (I'm a righty), right? And when it hits the court its supposed to jump to the left, right? Correct me if I'm wrong please.

But what is a kick serve (not the topspin one)? In which direction am I supposed to impart spin on the ball? And how does it move when it hit the court?


There have been dozens of posts on this subject. Also, while it is very difficult for some people to put into words, you might look at articles found at or other sites which demonstrate the kick/slice/hybrid/twist differences in both text and video and pictures. Much more helpful.


The main difference: Slice, right handed: brush across the equator of a north/south axis, with a left to right action; Hybrid, the axis is tilted about 45 degrees so that it is half slice half topspin; topspin: hitting up the back of the ball so that the axis of the spinning ball is horizontal and nearly parallel with the baseline. (Hard to do completely!) Kick: Axis is still horizontal but the axis is pointed to the left netpost and the action of the strings is up the inside or left hand portion of the ball. Twist: Same as a kick, but usually the finish of the follow-through is across the otherside of the body.


Hall of Fame
Kick serves make the ball bounce up with topspin to the right (for right handers). Topspin serves make the ball bounce upwards and twist is like a reverse slice. A lot of people consider topspin and kick serves the same thing. To generate a kick serve for rightys you need to bush from left to right + upwards on the ball. For more info. on how to make one do a search as there are lots of threads on the subject.


Thanks for the info tennismastery / vision. How about the ball toss trajectory for each serve the slick, kick , topspin? I understand that one of the serve calls for the ball to be toss straight up maybe even a little behind the head..?


Hall of Fame
For a kick serve you want it above your head and a bit to your left. A little behind your head is ok to but you may just get a lot of spin and not enough pace on the ball. Slice should be a bit to your right.