Need racket recommendation for my dad


New User
Hello! I play with the Aeropro Drive and a full bed of rpm blast strung at 60lbs. I know that's a recipe for elbow death but it's how I've played for years and I'm still youngish so not too concerned yet (will probably replace the setup soon since the rackets are aging). My dad, however, isn't so young (mid 50s) and hasn't played much in the last few years but wants to get back into it now that I'm back living in the area. I don't want to make him use my rackets since I'm concerned about his elbow health, but he's also fit enough and has decent enough technique to not need one of those ultralight 130 square inch head rackets. He doesn't hit too much spin but he doesn't go continental only either. What is a good set of demos I can get him to try that are arm friendly (priority 1), with good playability (priority 2) and doesn't break the bank like the clash series at $200+ (priority 3)?


While these are good racquets, I highly recommend you give him a string like Head Velocity. Very soft, but has a lower powered response than normal multifilaments. Good spin as well, use the 16 gauge.This can insure he won’t get TE as long as he doesn’t string Velocity too tight(50-54) and he has good technique.


New User
Yeah I was definitely going to put on a multi or soft poly for him. I don't have much experience with them, so I appreciate the velocity recommendation!


Hall of Fame
Head Speed Pro/MP? Not super stiff, not super soft. Not super powerful, not super low-powered? Nice happy medium?

Or Prince Textreme Tour 290/310 would be my first choices. They are just well rounded racquets for any playstyle. Head Velocity or Techfibre Triax are both good stringing options. Natural color tends to play the best imho.


I'd probably go with a Prince or ProKennex as good option if you want to stay arm friendly and avoid the the cost of the Clash.

Phantom 107G is a good option. Big sweet spot, good mix of control, spin and power. If he wants more power the Prince RIpstick or Warrior are good options.


New User
I'd probably go with a Prince or ProKennex as good option if you want to stay arm friendly and avoid the the cost of the Clash.

Phantom 107G is a good option. Big sweet spot, good mix of control, spin and power. If he wants more power the Prince RIpstick or Warrior are good options.
Thanks! Will give him the options and see what he wants to try


Prince Textreme Warrior 100
Prince Textreme Beast 98 / 100
Dunlop CX 200 (if he want more weight : 305g)
Dunlop CX 400 Tour (300g)

Those are the racquets I've played with and they are very soft for my arm, right now i'm stick to the CX400 Tour, which is a very well balanced racquet.


Hall of Fame
I’d also recommend demoing other popular frames like the Blade 98 18x20, Pure Strike, Tecnifibre 305 RS and Ezone 98, They are all great sticks.


As someone in my late 50s I agree with the Prince sticks. They are great options.

I would lean toward the Prince Textreme Tour 100 (290) for a bit more control but the Warrior 100 would be something to try as well.


Prince Warrior 100 (300 g). Powerful, arm friendly, forgiving, still enough control for most.


Any reason why the 7g over the 5g? I'm not sure if he will be used to the heft or like the extended length since he's not very tall. Can always get demo of both for him.

I never actually hit with the 5G, but I used the 7G for like 6-7 years and my Dad uses them now. He really likes the extra length since it allows him to reach a lot more of my shots.

I was also gonna recommend the Textreme Warrior 100 but I felt like I'd just be giving you my list of previous racquets as I replaced the PK7G with the Warrior. But yeah try that too. Also cheap.


New User

I never actually hit with the 5G, but I used the 7G for like 6-7 years and my Dad uses them now. He really likes the extra length since it allows him to reach a lot more of my shots.

I was also gonna recommend the Textreme Warrior 100 but I felt like I'd just be giving you my list of previous racquets as I replaced the PK7G with the Warrior. But yeah try that too. Also cheap.
Thank you! Yeah I'll see if the extended length would be something he wants to try but the warrior is definitely something I'll get him to demo


Hall of Fame
I'd go for a Prince Phantom 100X 305, which has got pretty good reviews all round.

100 + 16x18 pattern will make it tolerant and reasonably powerful, low stiffness will protect the arm, 305g weight is not too heavy but will still absorb enough of the shock, swing weight of 321 is manageable.

The one thing I will caution with demos is the string they come with: more often than not, they have a poly that's been sitting in it for ages and is dead, which could be a concern for the arm. So ask them if it's been changed recently.

Once he has found the right stick, I would probably recommend stringing with a good multifilament, e.g. Tecnifibre.


New User
I'd go for a Prince Phantom 100X 305, which has got pretty good reviews all round.

100 + 16x18 pattern will make it tolerant and reasonably powerful, low stiffness will protect the arm, 305g weight is not too heavy but will still absorb enough of the shock, swing weight of 321 is manageable.

The one thing I will caution with demos is the string they come with: more often than not, they have a poly that's been sitting in it for ages and is dead, which could be a concern for the arm. So ask them if it's been changed recently.

Once he has found the right stick, I would probably recommend stringing with a good multifilament, e.g. Tecnifibre.
thank you for your concern with the demo strings. hopefully one weekend of demos wont be too bad especially since he's already been playing with my elbow death setup so any improvement would be good for him. its a shame the demo number has been reduced to 3 since there are so many good options you all are listing!


Maybe for the budget option, a head microgel radical os. Not completely sure if they're available for demo though


I'd go for a Prince Phantom 100X 305, which has got pretty good reviews all round.

100 + 16x18 pattern will make it tolerant and reasonably powerful, low stiffness will protect the arm, 305g weight is not too heavy but will still absorb enough of the shock, swing weight of 321 is manageable.

The one thing I will caution with demos is the string they come with: more often than not, they have a poly that's been sitting in it for ages and is dead, which could be a concern for the arm. So ask them if it's been changed recently.

Once he has found the right stick, I would probably recommend stringing with a good multifilament, e.g. Tecnifibre.

I know I am a bad boy but I pretty much restring every demo racquet before I hit with it.


I would get him a Volkl V1 Classic to use. A nice overall great playing racquet. It does everything well and easy on the arm and body.
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+1 for the Prince 100X 305 and the Head Velocity MLT. I just starting using both and they're the goldilocks of forgiveness from flex and head size/string pattern with control and playability. Love mine - I'm not quite 50 and playing competitive interclub tennis, fwiw