Andy Zarzuela

Ok....I have been playing a little dodgy lately with my current racquet, (The RQS11) and I hit with my friend's pure drive and aero pro drive. It was like I was a different player. I was hitting with more spin and accuracy with fewer errors. Since then, I have definitely been set on getting either a pure drive or pure drive with cortex....however, I figured I could save some money and buy the Wilson Hyper Prostaff surge 5.1(the original)....I've heard that it's a better version of the pure drive, except the comfort isn't quite as good because it has traditional grommets rather than the woofer system. Anyone have anything to add? I used to own the ncoded version of the surge (I traded it for a nanospeed rq 7)...but I really dig the graphics of the original too....haha...please let me know what you think...


I used a surge 5.1 a while back. Broke it in 6 monthes. since then I've cycled through other racquets and found the pure drick roddick all most a year ago. I love it. I added a tad bit of led tape to bump it up to about 12 oz. as far as the regular pure drive, I personally hate it. If your interested in the surge line, I'd recommend the Ksurge after hitting with it the other day. It's a little light, but still has a solid feel. I found the sweet spot on the surge 5.1 to be a little too small and just not comfortable. whatever you do though, make sure you demo racquets first. buy whatever you like.


=,( I loved the RQS 11. Too bad it won't bring as much durability on the strings I buy. But it played nice for me. Try sticking with it for a couple more tries. It might be the strings your RQS 11 and your friend's Pure Drive has.


Hall of Fame
i like the pure drive better than the original surge. sweetspot on the original surge just felt small to me. the PD does have the woofer grommets which makes is a bit more springy, but it wasn't overly so (at least not for me). I'd go for the PD w/ cortex or PD-roddick.

Rosenstar, how does the kSurge compare to the NPro Open or nSurge (if you've had any experience w/ those). thx much.


go for the pure drive i just got mine a few weeks ago and since i backed off my uber strong Oversized racket i moved up from rank 7 on my school team to 2 i've been doing incredible since i bought it though having cortex or not didn't make a difference to me i still didn't feel many vibrations without the cortex system...just demo before you buy