Andy Zarzuela
Ok....I have been playing a little dodgy lately with my current racquet, (The RQS11) and I hit with my friend's pure drive and aero pro drive. It was like I was a different player. I was hitting with more spin and accuracy with fewer errors. Since then, I have definitely been set on getting either a pure drive or pure drive with cortex....however, I figured I could save some money and buy the Wilson Hyper Prostaff surge 5.1(the original)....I've heard that it's a better version of the pure drive, except the comfort isn't quite as good because it has traditional grommets rather than the woofer system. Anyone have anything to add? I used to own the ncoded version of the surge (I traded it for a nanospeed rq 7)...but I really dig the graphics of the original too....haha...please let me know what you think...