Need Serious Help With my English Assignment!!


Hi everyone

Our stupid english teacher gave us this advertising assignment to do- in which we have to advertise a plain, white box.
The box isn't really supposed to have a purpose, but we're supposed to have a target audience and use persuasive written and visual text to get the viewer's attention, and make the box seem really good.
We only had one example- a white box in the middle of the page, with a glass of champagne next to it. The background is pinkish- red, and the slogan is "Purely Chic"
I am supposed to come up with something like this, but I have no idea, and no clue how to start!!!
Does anyone have any ideas??

from KLippy


Klippy said:
Hi everyone

Our stupid english teacher gave us this advertising assignment to do- in which we have to advertise a plain, white box.
The box isn't really supposed to have a purpose, but we're supposed to have a target audience and use persuasive written and visual text to get the viewer's attention, and make the box seem really good.
We only had one example- a white box in the middle of the page, with a glass of champagne next to it. The background is pinkish- red, and the slogan is "Purely Chic"
I am supposed to come up with something like this, but I have no idea, and no clue how to start!!!
Does anyone have any ideas??

from KLippy
Judging by the 'assignment', "our stupid English teacher" sounds accurate.

Instead of doing the advertising assignment, write an essay about how unethical it is to prey on weak-minded and stupid people, desperately trying to make them believe that they need something that they don't need at all.

I dare you to.


Klippy said:
PS: Hey Deuce, have you heard the song "Parallel Universe" by Red Hot Chili Peppers?
In my universe, chilli peppers are essentially noiseless.
The main sense that they arouse is taste.


Deuce said:
Judging by the 'assignment', "our stupid English teacher" sounds accurate.

Instead of doing the advertising assignment, write an essay about how unethical it is to prey on weak-minded and stupid people, desperately trying to make them believe that they need something that they don't need at all.

I dare you to.

Great idea. Why is your English teacher having you do a marketing/advertising project?


Hall of Fame
Klippy, why would an English teacher assign something like that? I have heard of stuff like this in those dumb-ass business classes(you run the bookstore), but not English. Write what Deuce said.


Just show the white box... and have a voice over: "See this white box? Your parents hate it."

All the kids will want one then!


Klippy said:
Hi everyone

Our stupid english teacher gave us this advertising assignment to do- in which we have to advertise a plain, white box.
The box isn't really supposed to have a purpose, but we're supposed to have a target audience and use persuasive written and visual text to get the viewer's attention, and make the box seem really good.
We only had one example- a white box in the middle of the page, with a glass of champagne next to it. The background is pinkish- red, and the slogan is "Purely Chic"
I am supposed to come up with something like this, but I have no idea, and no clue how to start!!!
Does anyone have any ideas??

from KLippy

When is your submission date?
Writing just a headline?
Do we need body copy?
Who'd be YOUR target audience?
Can we compare the box to something?
Or let the box represent something?

This is NOT a stupid assignment, I tell you. I am a professional copywriter and I do find it a nice challenge. (I'm also working on packaging designs for some Australian products.)

Would love to help. Just let me have more info.


Hall of Fame
I guarantee that if you write the essay like Deuce recommended, and you WRITE WELL, you will get an "A".

That is exactly the sort of thing that all teachers look for: creativity and uniqueness. I would guess that not only would you get an "A", but your teacher would quite probably use your paper as an example to the class.
Deuce said:
.....Instead of doing the advertising assignment, write an essay about how unethical it is to prey on weak-minded and stupid people, desperately trying to make them believe that they need something that they don't need at all.....

Yes. Do it. Do it.
This is the wave of the future. A very forward thinking marketing get people to buy more of your company's manufactured goods. Brilliant.;)

And props to the guy who said, "your parents hate this box. SO what are you waiting for? Buy it." That works, too.


Hall of Fame
TonyB said:
I guarantee that if you write the essay like Deuce recommended, and you WRITE WELL, you will get an "A".

That is exactly the sort of thing that all teachers look for: creativity and uniqueness. I would guess that not only would you get an "A", but your teacher would quite probably use your paper as an example to the class.

I've done similar things. My English teacher is pretty unorthodox, and she likes stuff like that. She's big on no rows in the classroom and reading banned books, etc.

Needless to say, i got an A.