Need some input - Online personal stringing order management / inventory website/app


Hi all, I'm a second year computer science student looking for a project to occupy my time over Christmas break before starting an internship in the spring semester.

I do quite a bit of stringing for friends, hitting partners, and teammates and because stringing isn't my main job / focus, I've found it difficult to consistently keep track of all of my orders, specific customer requests, the amounts of string I have left, money coming in and going out, when I need to order more strings, etc.

So I want to ask all of the stringers out there - both full-time professionals and those of us who just do it to bring in a little extra cash - would you be interested in / could see yourselves using a simple website or mobile app that served as a stringer's all-in-one personal assistant?

Some of the features I've thought of implementing:
- Set up your own account
- Enter new orders
- Update orders as you string and return racquets
- Enter your string inventory and have it be updated as you use specific strings to fill orders.
- Send you warnings when strings are running low.
- Keep track of your customers and send them an automatic text/email when their racquet is done.
- Keep track of total earning vs. spending.

Is this something that would be useful? I'm also open to any suggestions out there as well!


New User
This is a great idea! I would love to have this apps. One other feature I would like to add on is stringing log (customer name, racket, setup, date). Let me know when it is up and running! james


This sounds great. Some features are already on stringjob( have a look as part of your research) but many of them sound fantastic. My preference would be a mobile app. Cheers.


Yea i do write these things down but an app would be handy. Perhaps the "running out of string" thing is a tad unnecessary since you'd uncoil and cut the string from the reel, fill in how much you've used on the app, only to see that there's that much left. You've just seen that hehe.


Looks like the Stringjob app hasn't been updated since October 2010. The reviews weren't too hot either. I think an ideal version would have both a web interface and a slightly simplified mobile app. Thoughts?


I think this would be very cool app for anyone who strings. I currently use a spreadsheet to track string jobs for myself and friends/clients.

It would be great to have a reporting function for higher volume stringers as well.

Good luck with your project!


Hall of Fame
Here's what I keep track of in addition to what's already been mentioned.
  • Stringing pattern for the all the racquets I have strung.
  • After each string job I note how much string is required to string Main/Cross (2 piece), Full Bed (1 piece) measured in 1/2 racquet length increments (for example 18 feet is 8 racquet lengths) for the racquet/string/tension that comfortably reaches the tensioner with minimal waste. I note how much string is left over and make a conservative guess each time.
  • player reaction/review of the string job

  • Grommet, Grip, Overgrip replacement tracking
  • Checklist for racquet acceptance (check for any frame damage)
Extra credit... Brother has a wireless label printer and a printer app (set up the printer in one's wireless network and print labels via an iOS or Android app). If this app could export label data for the Brother app it would be just too cool.


I agree having access via mobile and PC would be useful. What CS program are you in?

I'm in computer science at UT (Tennessee).

I'll start planning and working on some stuff - it'll be web-based to start off with and then I'll see where I can take it from there!

Keep the ideas coming!


New User
I'm in computer science at UT (Tennessee).

I'll start planning and working on some stuff - it'll be web-based to start off with and then I'll see where I can take it from there!

Keep the ideas coming!

In my spare time I've been working on something similar to manage my stringjobs. I only use it for my own jobs now and it's coming along a bit slowly now though due to lack of time.

What language are you planning to develop in?


Hall of Fame
Hi all, I'm a second year computer science student looking for a project to occupy my time over Christmas break before starting an internship in the spring semester.

I do quite a bit of stringing for friends, hitting partners, and teammates and because stringing isn't my main job / focus, I've found it difficult to consistently keep track of all of my orders, specific customer requests, the amounts of string I have left, money coming in and going out, when I need to order more strings, etc.

So I want to ask all of the stringers out there - both full-time professionals and those of us who just do it to bring in a little extra cash - would you be interested in / could see yourselves using a simple website or mobile app that served as a stringer's all-in-one personal assistant?

Some of the features I've thought of implementing:
- Set up your own account
- Enter new orders
- Update orders as you string and return racquets
- Enter your string inventory and have it be updated as you use specific strings to fill orders.
- Send you warnings when strings are running low.
- Keep track of your customers and send them an automatic text/email when their racquet is done.
- Keep track of total earning vs. spending.

Is this something that would be useful? I'm also open to any suggestions out there as well!

Since I started this project it has gone through some different phases.. not as fancy, but a lot more practical.

Creates auto SKU's labels where, when I get it, I scan it with a scanner and it pulls up the racquet, owner and a new work order.

Creates a new string tag automatically and prints to a brother label printer.

automatically creates and prints a work order as well as a customer Service receipt from a receipt printer.

Maintains logs of every racquet strung with every service or string job done.

On screen status view of the racquet.

Has a racquet demo checkin/checkout table for demo's.
On screen demo check to see where the racquets are , when they are due etc etc..

email notification(I'd like to create a TXT message) to customers on status.

Several more items of interests that I won't list.. but.. pretty much the same thing.. good luck it took me a while to do it.. and it's not without fault, but has been very usefull and in the end gives the customer's a very professional look and feel.


Both of these are great ideas, I would like to be a beta tester for either both if possible. Iwto, can you send me the file? Guyak, good luck with the project, making it web based and having the clients have account access would be great (so they can check in on the site and see their frames and last string date and details etc.).


Hall of Fame
I think the fact that has not been updated gives more than a passing indication of the viability of this kind of product. I am not saying that there is anything inherently wrong with what you have described, it seems fine. But if you are looking at it as a for-profit venture, I think you will come up short on paid users -- just like Stringjob.

This group is probably not the ideal target audience for making money with your idea. You need more than a few dollars here and a few dollars there to operate as a business. There have been a number of stringing software products over the years, (some freestanding some overlaying Windows and some bundled into tennis specific retail packages), but none look like they have endured. Sometimes you can have a great idea, but just cannot outrun the math. Again, my comments relate only to operating a for-profit business. For something to keep you occupied and off the streets, it seems like a great idea. :)
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Thanks for the info about all of the other similar projects guys! I've started doing some development on my own servers at home and I'll keep this thread updated as I make progress. Even if there are others already trying the same thing out there, I think it'll be a good project for me to work on to learn how to plan and develop a complete application and we'll see where it goes from there. If nothing else I'll have it for my own purposes.

I totally understand the challenge in making money off of an application like this, but like I said, I'm still a student and don't need to make a fortune off of this - it'll just be something interesting and useful for me to develop my skills while it's too cold to hit outside ;).

I'll keep y'all posted on my progress!


One question I'll go ahead and ask: I know most of us are stringers and can string our own racquets. But from your experiences with clients, do you think it would be necessary for clients to be able to set up their own account and login to see their old string jobs, progress on current string jobs, etc? Or would it suffice to simply have a text/email alert feature that will notify a client once his/her string job is done? Most of the clients I deal with either ask me for a recommendation on their strings - which I could look back and see in my records, or they already know exactly what they want. So I personally think an entirely separate side of the application just for clients would be overkill.


One question I'll go ahead and ask: I know most of us are stringers and can string our own racquets. But from your experiences with clients, do you think it would be necessary for clients to be able to set up their own account and login to see their old string jobs, progress on current string jobs, etc? Or would it suffice to simply have a text/email alert feature that will notify a client once his/her string job is done? Most of the clients I deal with either ask me for a recommendation on their strings - which I could look back and see in my records, or they already know exactly what they want. So I personally think an entirely separate side of the application just for clients would be overkill.

I agree. Most clients I have go off my recommendation or know what they want an ability to send an alert would be good though. Perhaps in the alert it could also have banking details or how to pay. I find so many players want to get their racquets quickly but aren't so quick to want to pay. Would also be great to get an alert as the stringer when a client has paid releasing their racquet once payment has been confirmed. Pipe dreams I know, sure I am not the only one with this problem though.