Ok so 4 different players tried it out the Extreme Tour.
I had a complete beginner try it out for half of a lesson while the other half he used a Gravity Tour. Aside from not being able to tell the difference he did say when he hit it clean the Extreme Tour felt much better.
On to the real practice. Mancini’s former sparring partner just switched out of a Radical which he had used from his 20’s. He’s 49 now. He got 3 blades 16x19 so the comparison was fair. Same weight and string pattern. Within 5 minutes he said he hated me and stopped using the racquet because he just purchased 2 new blades last week. He ended up hitting with it for another hour and commented it was easier to swing and get heavy spin.
Following him my student who could have played D2 or small school D1 college but decided not to practiced with it for an hour. He’s been using a customized Prestige Tour that weighs 360g (my former racquet before the Prestige MP custom and now back to my 6.1 Stretch.) he said it was the easiest racquet he had ever played with. More control than the prestige tour yet more power. He couldn’t explain why. His ball was coming off much heavier and he was missing a lot less (I converted him into a clay Courter)
My turn. I hit with it 20 min out of 2 hours. It’s a bit stiffer than the Gravity yet has great feel. I use a 6.1 95 Stretch that weighs 355g with a SW of 353g so hitting with this was easy! From the baseline it felt crisp and easy to get topsin at will or flatten it out and still have control and accuracy. At the net it’s rock solid not far off the feel of my Wilson or my Prestige MP. The slice shot was the only time I felt the frame was too stiff. Otherwise I like it a bit better than the Gravity Pro and I think that racquet is perfect. I’m tempted to add some lead tape to it before doing any silicone since I have 2 frames but it will stay stock for a few more days.
because I know I will get asked. I strung it with Hawk Touch at 51lbs. Tomorrow if not over the weekend I will get together with
@Geoff and post Strung specs and Unstrung Specs.
The direction Head is going with the Gravity and the Extreme Is fantastic. Great frames and the narrow beam just looks better lol.