New Head Radical


New User
Hi there!

I would like to know if there is any news of a new Head Radical S/MP/Pro racquet coming up in the next few months?

Thanks :)


if the other lines are any indication, its gonna be the same frame with the “360” layup. and 2 tone coloring
I can confirm that the release date will be May 16th, heard it straight from a Head rep. It is going to have quite a few changes; I wrote a thread about it just like a couple of minutes ago.


Why wouldn't they launch them now? To match with the other racquets graphics?
Because HEAD is stupid! I mean they basically use the same mold for 2 of their racquet lines, the Instinct and Radical are pretty much identical except for paint.

And whomever came up with the Spiderman graphics should be shot in the ass and left to run around stinging wondering why...

They also haven't made a decent Prestige since the Youtek days....

They have some good racquets though only cater to the 16 and under crowd now. Which I get from a business marketing standpoint, but you just pushed your other customers off a cliff.

HEAD used to have a rep on here. He didn't last long......


Because HEAD is stupid! I mean they basically use the same mold for 2 of their racquet lines, the Instinct and Radical are pretty much identical except for paint.

And whomever came up with the Spiderman graphics should be shot in the ass and left to run around stinging wondering why...

They also haven't made a decent Prestige since the Youtek days....

They have some good racquets though only cater to the 16 and under crowd now. Which I get from a business marketing standpoint, but you just pushed your other customers off a cliff.

HEAD used to have a rep on here. He didn't last long......
The HEAD rep was pulled from the forum by corporate because all we did was talk about their old racquets, paint jobs, pro stocks, and wanted the old racquets to be made again. Before the HEAD Rep got pulled he made a rule we could not talk about old racquets or paint jobs, Only current racquets. Corporate couldn't take the criticism and left the forum.
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The HEAD rep was pulled from the forum by corporate because all we did was talk about their old racquets paint jobs, pro stocks, and wanted the old racquets to be made again. Before the HEAD Rep got pulled he made a rule we could not talk about old racquets or paint jobs, Only current racquets. Corporate couldn't take the criticism and left the forum.
It's sad to see really.


New User


The HEAD rep was pulled from the forum by corporate because all we did was talk about their old racquets, paint jobs, pro stocks, and wanted the old racquets to be made again. Before the HEAD Rep got pulled he made a rule we could not talk about old racquets or paint jobs, Only current racquets. Corporate couldn't take the criticism and left the forum.
Hahaha couldn't handle the pressure of give the people what they want.


Because HEAD is stupid! I mean they basically use the same mold for 2 of their racquet lines, the Instinct and Radical are pretty much identical except for paint.

And whomever came up with the Spiderman graphics should be shot in the ass and left to run around stinging wondering why...

They also haven't made a decent Prestige since the Youtek days....

They have some good racquets though only cater to the 16 and under crowd now. Which I get from a business marketing standpoint, but you just pushed your other customers off a cliff.

HEAD used to have a rep on here. He didn't last long......
Why don't you tell us how you really feel, haha. This sounds like the conversations from those that hit with the first Graphene Prestige MP that came out around the first part of 2014. Sometime later the Head Rep got on and claimed he didn't know anything. After some hard questions, he never came back.


They have some good racquets though only cater to the 16 and under crowd now. Which I get from a business marketing standpoint, but you just pushed your other customers off a cliff.

Sorry but I see no juniors with Head these days. Cool kids are using Yonex frames. Rest are using Babolats. Head is the domain of the 30-40 somethings still yearning for the Youtek days.


Hall of Fame
I personally hardly ever see Head rackets at my club anymore. It's typically all Wilson/Babolat with some mixed in Yonex and the older crowd using Volkl's.

dr. godmode

Hall of Fame
I see Head Speeds here and there, but everything else is completely dead. A lot of guys are using old Prestiges in my town, but I haven't seen anyone buy a new one in the year I've worked at the local tennis shop.


Agree.. not seeing many Heads out there other than Microgel Radicals MP..
A little sad really.. if folks would give the Touch Radicals a good look and even the new Extreme 360's.. I think their opinions would change.


Sorry but I see no juniors with Head these days. Cool kids are using Yonex frames. Rest are using Babolats. Head is the domain of the 30-40 somethings still yearning for the Youtek days.

Half the juniors I see are using Blades, the rest Babolat. Not many Yonexs tbh...


Using an Orange string would look amazing..

head lynx now comes in,, and black, that i know off looks pretty cool on black racquets
but i think the black will look good on these new radicals
problem with orange strings,, if you dont match the color on the racquet, it look off,, 2me
but i could be wrong, ill think of your suggestion when i get a chance to string this one


New User
TW review released today and it turned me down. I thought the new one would be much better than last one (I shifted from Touch to Pure Drive), now it seems it's pretty identical to last version. I would rather like to try PD vs.


played three sets with mine today. maybe a bit firmer (could have been the different strings). liked the wilson shaped handle. nice control and adequate power. plays more solid than the 11 oz weight; not heavier, just very solid for its weight. all in all, i liked it quite a bit. tw is not always super positive on the radical line, average reviews. however, one of the highest rated racquets they have reviewed has been the babolat pure strike p7. yet, they have not all switched to it. so..... their reviews are a guide, play with what you like.


I see Head Speeds here and there, but everything else is completely dead. A lot of guys are using old Prestiges in my town, but I haven't seen anyone buy a new one in the year I've worked at the local tennis shop.
I’ve been watching the NCAA tournament this weekend on Tennis Channel. Lots of Speeds and Radicals being used by men and women.
It's not like they're actually buying them though - even assuming at that level of professionalism they're not using paint jobs, they would almost certainly be on the free list at the very least?