Hall of Fame
The Vapor 9.5 on TWE wont be availabe to ship until 3/1! I hope TW will have it earlier!
The store I work in has had the 9.5 for about a week now.
The Vapor 9.5 on TWE wont be availabe to ship until 3/1! I hope TW will have it earlier!
The store I work in has had the 9.5 for about a week now.
The Vapor 9.5 on TWE wont be availabe to ship until 3/1! I hope TW will have it earlier!
haha,I think you forgot that european dates for backwards to us- I'm sure they mean 1/3
The LBs are fairly impressive, if I had brought the gift card and shirt I need to return to the store today, I would of bought it for $90
To follow up with my last post, it seems the shoe weights 402g for US10.5 (about 14.18oz). About as light as the 405g (14.28oz) of the AMC, both of which are lighter than the V9s' 411gr (14.5oz)... not to mention the 456g (16.1oz) of the CBs4.3. Now of course it doesn't equals a "fast feel", and it's already well known that the V9s never were one of the lightest "speed oriented" shoes.
This said, with bright pictures the AMCs are not as ugly as I thought they'd be.
When on Earth will TW have the new line up?!
A modicum of research shows it's Nike dropping the ball again; none of the gear is even available on their own site.
I found some new gear on their site.
What on Earth is happening? TW have never put up a line this late!!
No fed and rafa premier shorts?
Love the Henley's too
We will carry the shorts, but we do not have stock yet and samples were not correct so we cannot post them without correct pictures.
Tiffani, TW
The line I agree, looks FANTASTIC. It seems they have taken huge inspiration from 2009 for the polos.
But, I still can't warm to Fed's shirt he's currently wearing in Brisbane 2014 (the photo makes the shirt looks clean and crisp, on court it just lacks impact - collar all over the place covering the Nike logo, bit of a fail there for their main man)
I'd love to see Federer surprising us and just wearing these shirts during AO (reminds me a little of AO 2012 RF)
Love the Henley's too
Not going to happen since Del Potro will be wearing this polo.
Del Potro in a polo? Wow, don't think I've ever seen that. Ever.
Hmm, I was looking at some of the arrival dates for the clothing. Looks like Nike is having some shipment issues?
This is the first Nike release where I'm more interested in buying the shorts than anything else. Really cool designs.
The shorts that Rafa is wearing in Catar in be avaiable to the public?
Can someone from TW please answer this question??? I ordered the Nadal shirt, but I WANT those dark grey shorts...
Is Nike releasing these eventually????
Please someone from TW answer.
will there be any premier wristbands?
Do you know the outseam on the Nike Spring Plaid Short?
You shouldn't worry. I've been mixing in using the Nike City Court line in addition to the top end Nike shoes for years; they're fine. I've never seen a difference in build quality and I think the durability is as good or better.I know this is a lower-end shoe… but I'm really liking the design and color way.
Too bad durability and quality probably aren't up to par with the 9.5s.
You shouldn't worry. I've been mixing in using the Nike City Court line in addition to the top end Nike shoes for years; they're fine. I've never seen a difference in build quality and I think the durability is as good or better.
These are nice shoes for $60.