Ok, so without actual measurements this is perhaps not that informative, but my PT 2.0 swings much heavier than both the GPro and the leaded MP+. After playing the PT2.0 for a while, and then switching to the GPro, the GPro felt like a super light 300g MP type of frame
Right now, I'm pretty sure I'll be using the leaded MP+ in the clay season, as it is easier to use, and has a very nice feel to it.
The PT 2.0 is still the Mjølner (Thor's hammer) of the crop, but to get the most of it, you need to be swinging hard, Thor-style

It's so solid against hard pace, if you hit the sweet zone, it's intoxicating. Terms like plush and plush often get used to describe this feeling, but often the description fails to differentiate between different types of "plushness". The PT 2.0 reminds me of the IGPMP, in having a solid feel, that upon impact (against pace) has this "give" to it, that can be described as plush. Which is very different to f.inst. a soft frame that flexes like a noodle, but that can also be described as plush. The MP+ in the middle here, f.inst. whereas the EXO3 Tour 100s were noodles, but this not a simple linear axis though, ime.
That being said, my fav shot with it, has been my two handed backhand: that swing weight just drives through the ball, so even if my swing speed on the 2hbh is not the most impressive, the shots are deep and penetrating with nasty topspin.
The GPro otoh, has the softest and plushest of the bunch, but still it has something of that initial firmness/solidness of the PT 2.0, that the MP+ doesn't have. My fav frame would have been the layup/feel of the GPro in the MP+.