New Radical Pros?

I talked to a person in a shop in Sthlm and she'd heard something about a new radical line coming pretty soon.
Is it on it's way? I was about to buy a radical pro xt but this might make me wait a couple of months, don't wan't to waste Money. So any rumours? People in in the business said something about a new release?


Hall of Fame
Probably in fall/winter, as already remarked. If you can wait that long, good for you because prices on the current models will fall, just like you insinuated, right?
No I don't know if the new will be better just that it will lower the price on the former models."Probably going to be a Q3 or Q4 release of this year like the last gen XT models." Are you sure about that? or is that a qualified guess based on their prior lifecycle times? Anybody who works or are in the business out there who can say for sure if it's this fall it's gonna be??
No I don't know if the new will be better just that it will lower the price on the former models."Probably going to be a Q3 or Q4 release of this year like the last gen XT models." Are you sure about that? or is that a qualified guess based on their prior lifecycle times? Anybody who works or are in the business out there who can say for sure if it's this fall it's gonna be??

It's hard to tell now. Before, just a few years ago, EVERYBODY released new frames in January/February.

Now, they're kind of all of the place through the year. Look at Wilson, the new generation of Pro Staffs came out in September, then the Blades around November-ish. And now the Burns are just coming out.


I saw/ held the new Radical Pro the other day. It's really bright, going back to the full orange style. It felt nice in my hand.