New Word Thread


I've never heard this or seen it before:

Delaire Mask


Delaire Mask​

This is an extra-oral appliance that was developed by J. Delaire and H. Petit in France and is used for the treatment of a protruded lower jaw (reverse lower-jaw overbite) in children and – to a limited extent – in adolescents. It consists of two pads – one on the chin and one on the forehead – which are connected together by strong wires.

These wires are then joined by strong elastic bands to an anchor fixed in the upper teeth quadrant which shifts the upper jaw and the upper teeth forwards. At the same time, the growth of the lower jaw is somewhat inhibited.
Disadvantage of the Delaire-Mask is the undesirable but inevitable forward movement of the upper teeth. This effect can be prevented today by the additional use of temporary anchorage devices (TADs) in the upper jaw.

This appliance looks like it takes some getting used to but it is only worn at home and is generally well accepted by children. It is the most effective conservative treatment for a protruded lower jaw and for a long time had no real alternatives.

Since 2005, there has been the possibility to connect intraoral elastics with surgical jaw plates fixed in both jaws. This technique was conceived by H. de Clerk in Brussels and shows a higher effectiveness than the Delaire Mask, but it involves a minor operation.
For this reason, the Delaire Mask remains the standard treatment for mandibular forebite until further notice.



Definition of ELUANT​

  • a solvent (a substance capable of dissolving others) [n ELUANTS]
  • liquid used for elution
  • a solvent used in eluting
  • a solvent, also ELUENT [n -S]



Definition of OPACIFY​

  • to cause to become opaque
  • to become opaque
  • to make opaque (impervious to light) [v OPACIFIED, OPACIFYING, OPACIFIES]


Talk Tennis Guru

A pettifogger is a person obsessed with minute and unimportant details, a quibbler, a fusspot, a micro-manager, a nitpicker.
Obviously these descriptions have negative overtones, but even more so when this fussing is for under-handed and disreputable
reasons- so a pettifogger can be someone trying to purposely confuse you, or swindle you.



Definition of ADSUKI​

  • adzuki (the edible seed of an Asian plant) [n ADSUKIS]
  • (Japanese) a kind of bean, also ADUKI, ADZUKI, AZUKI [n -S]



Definition of SOCAGE​

  • tenure of land held by the tenant in performance of specified services or by payment of rent, and not requiring military service
  • a tenure of land by agricultural service fixed in amount and kind or by payment of money rent only and not burdened with any military service
  • a form of feudal land tenure [n SOCAGES]
  • a form of feudal land tenure, also SOCCAGE [n -S]



Definition of FUBSY​

  • chubby, also FUBBY [adj FUBSIER, FUBSIEST]
  • short and stout
  • chubby and somewhat squat [adj FUBSIER, FUBSIEST]



Definition of PILEWORT​

  • Eurasian plant, Ranunculus ficaria, of the buttercup family, having heart-shaped leaves and glossy yellow flowers, naturalized in North America
  • weedy composite plant, Erechtites hieracifolia, having narrow flower heads enclosed in green bracts
  • North American figwort, Scrophularia marilandica, having small, greenish flowers



Definition of KIEF​

  • state of drowsy contentment, esp. from the use of a narcotic
  • substance, esp. a smoking preparation of hemp leaves, used to produce this state
  • hemp smoked to produce euphoria, also KAIF, KEEF, KEF, KIF [n -S]
  • kef (hemp smoked to produce euphoria) [n KIEFS]



Definition of HERIOT​

  • a feudal duty or tribute due under English law to a lord on the death of a tenant
  • a feudal tribute or payment [n HERIOTS]
  • feudal service or tribute, originally of borrowed military equipment and later of a chattel, due to the lord on the death of a tenant



Definition of HETAIRA​

  • highly cultured courtesan or concubine, esp. in ancient Greece
  • any woman who uses her beauty and charm to obtain wealth or social position
  • one of a class of highly cultivated courtesans in ancient Greece
  • hetaera (a concubine) [n HETAIRAI, HETAIRAS]
  • a Greek courtesan [n HETAIRAS or HETAIRAI]



Definition of RENVOI​

  • the expulsion by a government of an alien, esp. a foreign diplomat, from the country
  • the expulsion by a government of an alien [n RENVOIS]



Definition of CEPAGE​

  • a kind of wine [n -S]

What is a cepage in wine?

Wine Glossary

Cepage is the French term that denotes the percentage of each variety of grapes in the composition of a blended wine. For instance, if a red wine is 60% Cabernet and 40% Merlot, the cepage is said to be 60-40.



Definition of OFLAG​

  • World War II German internment camp for war prisoners of officer rank
  • a prisoner of war camp for officers [n -S]



Definition of AGIO​

  • a premium paid for the exchange of currency [n -S]
  • premium on money in exchange
  • allowance for the difference in value of two currencies
  • allowance given or taken on bills of exchange from other countries, as to balance exchange expenses
  • the business of dealing in foreign exchange
  • a premium paid for the exchange of one currency for another [n AGIOS]



Definition of ALBEDOS​

  • ALBEDO, the ratio of the light reflected by a planet to that received by it [n]
  • such a ratio for any part of the earth's surface or atmosphere
  • the white, inner rind of a citrus fruit
  • the ratio of the light reflected by a planet or satellite to that received by it



Definition of BODEGAS​

  • (esp. among Spanish-speaking Americans) a grocery store
  • wineshop
  • warehouse for storing or aging wine
  • BODEGA, a grocery store [n]



Definition of WAITRON​

  • person of either sex who waits on tables; waiter or waitress
  • a server in a restaurant [n WAITRONS]



Definition of RUGELACH​

  • (Yiddish) in Jewish cooking, a small crescent-shaped pastry filled with fruit, nuts etc also RUGALACH, RUGGELACH [n -S]
  • a cookie of cream-cheese dough spread with a filling and rolled up [n RUGELACHS]
  • a pastry made with cream-cheese dough that is rolled around a filling (as nuts, jam, or chocolate) and baked



Definition of MIKVOTH​

  • MIKVAH, a place for ritual bathing by Orthodox Jews [n]
  • ritual bath to which Orthodox Jews are traditionally required to go on certain occasions, as before the Sabbath and after each menstrual period, to cleanse and purify themselves
  • MIKVAH, (Hebrew) a place for ritual bathing by Orthodox Jews also MIKVA, MIKVEH [n]



Definition of ULE​

  • a rubber tree [n -S]
  • rubber obtained from the latex of any of several tropical American trees of the genus Castilla, esp. C. elastica, of Central America
  • tree that produces caucho



Definition of CACHOU​

  • catechu (a resin used in tanning) [n CACHOUS]
  • any of several astringent substances obtained from various tropical plants, esp. from the wood of two East Indian acacias, Acacia catechu and A. suma: used in medicine, dyeing, tanning, etc.
  • pill or lozenge for sweetening the breath
  • a resin used in tanning, also CATECHU, CASHOO, CUTCH, KUTCH [n -S]



Definition of ETHIONS​

  • highly toxic organophosphate, C9H22O4P2S3, used as a pesticide
  • ETHION, a pesticide [n]

Definition of HISTONE​

  • any of a group of five small basic proteins, occurring in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells, that organize DNA strands into nucleosomes by forming molecular complexes around which the DNA winds



Definition of TRIUNES​

  • TRIUNE, a trinity (a group of three) [n]
  • three in one; constituting a trinity in unity, as the Godhead
  • the Trinity
  • TRIUNE, a trinity, also TRIUNITY [n]



Definition of GONADAL​

  • ovary or testis
  • GONAD, a sex gland [adj]
  • pertaining to the gonad, also GONADIAL, GONADIC [adj]


Talk Tennis Guru
A Fandango is a type of Spanish dance- often accompanied by guitars tambourines and castanets.
Fandango is also used to mean something like "tomfoolery", silliness, absurd goings on, ruckus, to-do.
What kind of crazy fandango is this? Why are you dressed like zombies, leaping around like salmon
migrating upstream, gnawing on sub-sandwiches and screaming, "Num, num, num"?



Definition of JUREL​

  • any of several carangid food fishes, esp. of the genus Caranx, found in warm seas
  • any of several carangid fishes (as a jack crevalle) of warm seas