Nick Bollettieri: "Djokovic is the most complete player of all time"


New User

Google translation from German:

Tennis guru Nick Bollettieri with SPOX speaks about the upcoming U.S. Open. The 80-year-olds about the dominance of Novak Djokovic, Roger Federer and a recipe for the reasons why Andy Murray is in his opinion, never win a Grand Slam title.
SPOX: Mr. Bollettieri, the U.S. Open just around the corner and Novak Djokovic is 2011 with 57 victories in 59 matches. Kann man überhaupt gegen ihn setzen? Can you even put on him?

Nick Bollettieri: Very difficult. Novak Djokovic is without question the favorite and he is also my tip. My God, the boy has only won five times this year against Rafael Nadal. He suggests the best players in the world - and this at a time when we have a much greater width in the tip than in the 80s or 90s. Shall I tell you something?

SPOX: But please, after all.

Bollettieri: I lean times quite far from the window and say that Djokovic is the most complete player of all time. Strength, speed, technique - no one has ever had such a package like Djokovic. And the main reason why he was so strong, is certain his new training program, including his diet and eating habits (at Djokovic had a gluten intolerance have been observed, Ed). Most people thought he would simply not train hard enough, but since this change, he is physically on a whole new level. The longer the point goes, the longer the match goes, the stronger will be Djokovic. But no one but God wins all the time. We'll see how it goes.


No he's not. You would think he bandwagon would be overflowing by now,but I guess there is always room for one more.


New User
Since when do people believe nick bollettieri. He can't hit the ground with a tennis racquet in three tries.
Bollettieri: I lean times quite far from the window and say that Djokovic is the most complete player of all time. Strength, speed, technique - no one has ever had such a package like Djokovic. And the main reason why he was so strong, is certain his new training program, including his diet and eating habits (at Djokovic had a gluten intolerance have been observed, Ed). Most people thought he would simply not train hard enough, but since this change, he is physically on a whole new level. The longer the point goes, the longer the match goes, the stronger will be Djokovic. But no one but God wins all the time. We'll see how it goes.

Jelena concurs.


major lols. his volleys are still crap and his slice isn't too good either

Agree with you. His game is good from the baseline, but when he is pushed forward, it doesnt look so good. Of the top 4 he uses the least amount of shots in his arsenal. And speaking about the upcoming open, Novak is certainly lacking focus nowadays and that won't help him in NY.


Hall of Fame
Agree with you. His game is good from the baseline, but when he is pushed forward, it doesnt look so good. Of the top 4 he uses the least amount of shots in his arsenal. And speaking about the upcoming open, Novak is certainly lacking focus nowadays and that won't help him in NY.

I would still say he is the favorite. But I agree that Federer, Murray, and even Nadal all have more complete games than Djokovic. Nick B is a moron


Bionic Poster
His game has always been pretty complete. What was holding him back was mostly his shaky mental + all his fiddling with his serve.


Hall of Fame
I definitely see what Nick is saying. If you think about it, all the other top players have huge strengths with some minor, yet noticeable weaknesses. Rafa was mostly a defensive clay courter. His serve was quite weak and his offense wasn't at the same level as his defense. Obviously he's improved those aspects of his game and is now quite complete. However, He's always, to some extent, battling his natural tendency to be a defensive player.

Roger has a great game, but his backhand can't match up with the two-handers of today.

Djokovic is just solid in every aspect. His game seems cleaner than Nadal's and more modern than Federer's. He's well-rounded, solid, almost generic player.

Definitely not saying that Djokovic is greater than Nadal or Federer. Just that I can see how his game could be seen as more well rounded and complete.
Well there is no doubt about Djokovic's current form however it is amusing to hear someone like Nick using "most complete player of all time" for Djokovic just based on this season's performance. What is the basis ? Win/Loss ratio this year ? Using that yardstick John McEnroe should be at the top spot. It cannot be number of GS titles for sure. He right now in his early/mid twenties i.e prime of his physical fitness so why should it surprise anyone if he has a couple of hot years what would be interesting to see is how good will he play when he is nearing 30 , his total GS titles and obviously career win/loss ratio.


Well there is no doubt about Djokovic's current form however it is amusing to hear someone like Nick using "most complete player of all time" for Djokovic just based on this season's performance. What is the basis ? Win/Loss ratio this year ? Using that yardstick John McEnroe should be at the top spot. It cannot be number of GS titles for sure. He right now in his early/mid twenties i.e prime of his physical fitness so why should it surprise anyone if he has a couple of hot years what would be interesting to see is how good will he play when he is nearing 30 , his total GS titles and obviously career win/loss ratio.

Good points, I'm loving his confidence right now but "most complete player of all time" just doesn't feel right.


Bionic Poster
This is obviously a wild exaggeration uttered in the heat of the moment. That being said, there is a difference between "most complete" and "most successful".


im german and this article was pretty interesting not only about djokovic.

for example another big thing he said:

murray will never win a major in his opinion. when the reporter asked why he answered: lets take beckers words:"murray has no weapons" he added that he agreed on this, murray is just too defensive to win a slam
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thats BS...his slice maybe but some of his volleys are incredible. He is no andy roddick. I see as volleys as rock solid. Better than Nadals volleys for sure

Djokovic an incredible volleyer? Come on,now. And he does not volley better than Nadal. I'd actually say Nadal volleys a tiny bit better than Novak.


********. He is getting senile the old orange-farmer!

Look at peak Fed and compare him to Djokovic 2011:

1st Serve: Federer by a mile

2nd Serve: Federer

Return of serve: Djokovic by a mile

Forehand: Federer by a mile

Backhand: Djokovic

Slice: Federer by a mile

Transition from defence to offence: Id say very equal

Volley: Federer

Variation: Federer

Shot selection: Equal

Offense: Federer

Defense: Djokovic by a mile

Overhead: Equal id say

Ability to use the whole court: Equal

Ability to get throw your opponent off rhytm/variation: Federer
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********. He is getting senile the old orange-farmer!

Look at peak Fed and compare him to Djokovic 2011:

1st Serve: Federer by a mile

2nd Serve: Federer

Forehand: Federer by a mile

Backhand: Djokovic

Slice: Federer by a mile

Transition from defence to offence: Id say very equal

Volley: Federer

Variation: Federer

Shot selection: Equal

Offense: Federer

Defense: Djokovic by a mile

Overhead: Equal id say

Ability to use the whole court: Equal

Ability to get throw your opponent off rhytm/variation: Federer

How about ability to return serve? Kinda important in this sport, no?


Djokovic an incredible volleyer? Come on,now. And he does not volley better than Nadal. I'd actually say Nadal volleys a tiny bit better than Novak.

According to you Novak sucks at everything. We get it already. Why must you post your dislike of him so frequently? Please explain.


According to you Novak sucks at everything. We get it already. Why must you post your dislike of him so frequently? Please explain.

Way to put words in my mouth. Where did I say he sucks at everything? Are you really going to try and tell me he is an incredible volleyer,and is the most complete player of all time? Even his biggest ****s can't be that ****ish.


Djokovic has a very balanced game. He unquestionably has the best forehand/backhand combination in the game right now, and the best serve/return of serve combination as well. He is an excellent mover, and his mental strength and fitness have improved considerably, with his Miami final victory when he out-fought and out-lasted Nadal proving to be a crucial victory.




The so called most complete player of all time won't hit double digits at the slams.

Djoko will probably have a career like JMac, Agassi, Lendl level.

Bandwagoning is a funny thing and makes people say ludicrous things as well.


Way to put words in my mouth. Where did I say he sucks at everything? Are you really going to try and tell me he is an incredible volleyer,and is the most complete player of all time? Even his biggest ****s can't be that ****ish.

How old are you? You still didn't answer my question. Why must you post so frequently about a player you are clearly not a fan of. Again, PLEASE EXPLAIN.
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The so called most complete player of all time won't hit double digits at the slams.
Djoko will probably have a career like JMac, Agassi, Lendl level.

Bandwagoning is a funny thing and makes people say ludicrous things as well.

I think he will hit double digits in slams simply because there is no competition for him.


Conveniently. Do you know from what psychological aspect one fiercely embraces a certain sports figure(s) as an idol? I can elaborate if you're in the dark on this one......

Please do! Enlighten me


Bionic Poster
Djoker: Most Complete Player of all Time (MCPOAT)? Hmmm...having a great season, but nowhere near MCPOAT. Just as a deck of cards has only 2 jokers per 54, the Djoker does not equal the full package as compared to Budge, Laver, prime Connors (why couldn't he learn a serve?), Borg, Lendl, Agassi, Sampras, Fed and Nadal. A year or two more dominance would earn him consideration, not eight months.


I agree with Veroniquem that the most complete player and best player can mean different things.

For instance Stich was clearly a more complete player than Agassi, as Stich had pretty much every shot in the book, while Agassi was quite a one-dimensional player. However Agassi was clearly the much better player and had a much greater greater career.




The so called most complete player of all time won't hit double digits at the slams.

Djoko will probably have a career like JMac, Agassi, Lendl level.

Bandwagoning is a funny thing and makes people say ludicrous things as well.

Only he should care how his career ends up and I doubt any top pros care what message board imbeciles label them.


are you all just ignoring it or is it no surprise for you that he said murray will never ever win a grandslam


He isnt the most complete if you are talking about the all court game but for the modern game he has a perfectly complete game when his serve is working. Volleys and slices arent that important or effective anymore, you just need to do both adequately if needed and you are fine.


I think he will hit double digits in slams simply because there is no competition for him.

He won't. 8 slams tops for him.

I don't agree with him on that one,either. I think Murray will win a slam,and just may win more than one.

I concur.

Djoker: Most Complete Player of all Time (MCPOAT)? Hmmm...having a great season, but nowhere near MCPOAT. Just as a deck of cards has only 2 jokers per 54, the Djoker does not equal the full package as compared to Budge, Laver, prime Connors (why couldn't he learn a serve?), Borg, Lendl, Agassi, Sampras, Fed and Nadal. A year or two more dominance would earn him consideration, not eight months.

Djoko has to win slams for 8 years in a row like Borg(1974-1981), Sampras(1993-2000) and Federer(2003-2010) did to be in any GOAT conversation.
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Please do! Enlighten me

Well to scratch the surface on the subject since it is so frequent on message boards (nuthuggers, bandwagon, fanboys , haters, etc), here goes:

1. In a child's early development there are essential needs such as food, nurture, feeling of safety, comfort which are primarily provided by the mother for the most part until puberty (differs slightly for males and females but I'm going to elaborate using the general male model only).

2. When this child approaches puberty and starts attempting to identify himself as a man and no longer a boy, this causes him to reject the mother for a period of time in order to establish himself as an individual or as an adult. He needs a male role model or father figure

3. A present and accepting father or father figure is critical in this child's transition/development into manhood. It is in this period in the child's life that he is seeking to identify with his same sex role model to model him self after and seek the necessary approval and guidance. This approval of the same sex role model builds confidence, security and sets the framework for proper development into manhood. The lack of this acceptance and approval leaves a void which the child will be looking to fill for the rest of his life without even knowing why.

4. What you see on these boards when someone fiercely defends their "favorite" athlete (that they have never had any contact with) is the exposing of the absent male role model in a critical period of their development. They "hate" and reject any threat(other players, fans, family) as they have finally identified with someone. In their mind their favorite player would embrace them and accept them. This is how the fill the void of their childhood in their world.

What I see whenever I observe someone who "hates" or "over embraces" a professional athlete, politician, actor etc is that their childhood had an unfortunate void in it that is trying to be filled.

Any questions?
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Well to scratch the surface on the subject since it is so frequent on message boards (nuthuggers, bandwagon, fanboys , haters, etc), here goes:

1. In a child's early development there are essential needs such as food, nurture, feeling of safety, comfort which are primarily provided by the mother for the most part until puberty (differs slightly for males and females but I'm going to elaborate using the general male model only).

2. When this child approaches puberty and starts attempting to identify himself as a man and no longer a boy, this causes him to reject the mother for a period of time in order to establish himself as an individual or as an adult. He needs a male role model or father figure

3. A present and accepting father or father figure is critical in this child's transition/development into manhood. It is in this period on the child's life that he is seeking to identify with his same sex role model to model him self after and seek the necessary approval and guidance. This approval of the same sex role model builds confidence, security and sets the framework for proper development into manhood. The lack of this acceptance and approval leaves a void which the child will be looking to fill for the rest of his life without even knowing why.

4. What you see on these boards when someone fiercely defends their "favorite" athlete (that they have never had any contact with) is the exposing of the absent male role model in a critical period of their development. They "hate" and reject any threat(other players, fans, family) as they have finally identified with someone. In their mind their favorite player would embrace them and accept them. This is how the fill the void of their childhood in their world.

What I see whenever I observe someone who "hates" or "over embraces" a professional athlete, politician, actor etc is that their childhood had an unfortunate void in it that is trying to be filled.

Any questions?

Im happy that you finally got your masters degree in psychology...but listen, what has this got to do with what i wrote earlier? :)


He isnt the most complete if you are talking about the all court game but for the modern game he has a perfectly complete game when his serve is working. Volleys and slices arent that important or effective anymore, you just need to do both adequately if needed and you are fine.

Agreed. In the modern game, the important attributes are the serve, return of serve, forehand, backhand, speed, fitness, mental strength and fighting spirit. Djokovic is strong in each of those 8 areas, improving in most of them from 2010 and particularly from his relatively disastrous period coaced by Todd Martin.