Bionic Poster
Well to scratch the surface on the subject since it is so frequent on message boards (nuthuggers, bandwagon, fanboys , haters, etc), here goes:
1. In a child's early development there are essential needs such as food, nurture, feeling of safety, comfort which are primarily provided by the mother for the most part until puberty (differs slightly for males and females but I'm going to elaborate using the general male model only).
2. When this child approaches puberty and starts attempting to identify himself as a man and no longer a boy, this causes him to reject the mother for a period of time in order to establish himself as an individual or as an adult. He needs a male role model or father figure
3. A present and accepting father or father figure is critical in this child's transition/development into manhood. It is in this period in the child's life that he is seeking to identify with his same sex role model to model him self after and seek the necessary approval and guidance. This approval of the same sex role model builds confidence, security and sets the framework for proper development into manhood. The lack of this acceptance and approval leaves a void which the child will be looking to fill for the rest of his life without even knowing why.
4. What you see on these boards when someone fiercely defends their "favorite" athlete (that they have never had any contact with) is the exposing of the absent male role model in a critical period of their development. They "hate" and reject any threat(other players, fans, family) as they have finally identified with someone. In their mind their favorite player would embrace them and accept them. This is how the fill the void of their childhood in their world.
What I see whenever I observe someone who "hates" or "over embraces" a professional athlete, politician, actor etc is that their childhood had an unfortunate void in it that is trying to be filled.
Any questions?
Hello Mr Freud
Can you tell me about your after death experience? I want to hear the details. Did you know Federer had never even heard of you? What an ass right? You'll have to forgive him because he's just a tennis player, you know, reads magazines rather than books et al.