If Kyrgios tried to set up an organisation of that type now he'd probably end up a charity case himself. He's a 22 yo whose interests are pokemon and video games. He wouldn't have a clue how to run an organisation of any type. If he does want to help "kids"...or the poor or anyone else the best thing he could do is maximise his earnings while he retains high earnings capacity, gain life experience and maturity, then make an assessment nearer to retirement on how to allocate those resources. When aid agencies recruit young people to work on projects the first people they exclude are the starry eyed who just want to help kids. Their ideals are invariably the first to fold.
Well yes, I didn't mean actually running it, him fronting up the money & you would be amazed at how many rich people would also be willing to stump up huge donations for such a cause-just look at the Imran Khan cancer hospital. He would put people in place with experience to actually run it on a day to day basis & his name would be the selling point/money earner & no doubt many other tennis players & famous people would give it publicity & donate.