Nike Ballistecs 1.2 or Nike Air Max Breathe Cage II Men Shoe?



I am a size 6.5 but I am not sure whether to get the Nike Air CourtBallistec 1.2 Junior Shoe or the Nike Air Max Breathe Cage II Men Shoe. I like both designs but I'm not sure which to get. The designs and colors aren't the problem though.

The Nike Air CourtBallistec 1.2 fit me well as they are a slim fit.

Are the Nike Air Max Breathe Cage II Men Shoe a slim or thinner shoe compared to the Nike Air CourtBallistec 1.3 Men Shoe?

Also are they comfortable and do the Nike Air Max Breathe Cage II Men Shoe take a while to break in?

As the Nike Air CourtBallistec 1.3 Men Shoe are wide they do not suit my foot. Are there any other good things about the Nike Air Max Breathe Cage II Men Shoe that are better than the Nike Air CourtBallistec 1.2?

The Nike Air Max Breathe Cage II Men Shoe have a warranty so that is helpful.

Hopefully you can help, thanks
havent tried the courtballistecs yet since the AO version gave a lot of people a scare!

I have 3 breathe cage II and never required a break-in or if they did, Ive never noticed. My feet are wide and they fit well and gave all the support. the only negat
ives Ive heard from other people is that the sole wears really quick BUT i have NOT seen that on mine. i guess, that really depends how much sliding (ouch) and dragging youre doing.

Im also thinking of upgrading to the current ballistecs (like the US Open version or the on sale French open of Nadal).