Court Zoom NXT is a god awful replacement of the GP Turbo. It's not a horrible shoe, good for performance, but feels like it should be part of a completely different line. Feels more Cage 3 to me than GP Turbo. So stupid of Nike to discontinue this shoe. A local shop for me in Atlanta still has a few left that I'm going to stock up on, because I will absolutely hate when these are gone for good. GP Turbo is right up there with some of my favorites of the past few years (Diadora Blueshield 5, Lotto Raptor 100, Yonex Eclipsion 4, Adidas Ubersonic 2)
They really are amazing.
People say they are too heavy, but I find myself absolutely floating through the air when I play with them. Like especially on short-hop approach shots where you're picking up a BH half-volley from your shoelaces...I can literally leap through those shots because of all the cushioning.
A few times I would get into the air and realize "oh sh*t, this is too much hang time" and prepare for a foot injury...but the shoes are so cushy and supportive I just land like a freaking cat every time. They may be heavy but they enable me to hit another level of athleticism because I'm not worried about hurting my feet anymore.
I know EXACTLY what you mean. The energy return is phenomenal, while still meshing well with the outstanding comfort. That glide feeling is unmatched. My only complaint is that the outsole isn't the most durable in my experience, probably average. Other than that, just an awesome offering.