No more colors, italics, etc. in 'compose' (reply) box...


Now I can't see colors, italics, etc. in the compose (reply) box.

When the board was 'updated' a few weeks ago, there was a thing we could click on in the upper righthand corner of the compose box - clicking on this would reveal actual colors, italics, bold, etc., instead of just the 'tags'. Now that button is gone. I'd like it back, please.

Since the 'update', it certainly seems that we have LESS functionality, not more (lack of formatting in compose box, no more 'date of creation', etc.). I don't know whether this update has made it easier to manage the boards on your end, Jon - but on our end, I see less efficiency, not more. And in this case, less is not more.

As with most 'improvements', the best philosophy to employ is "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".


Hall of Fame
I like not having to read your multi colored posts.

Maybe you just need to set your options correctly again?


Works forME too!

I am using the standard editor. Go to your 'user Cp' and 'scroll' to the 'bottom'. Find Message Editor Interface and 'try' some of the 'other' editor options.
Deuce said:
As with most 'improvements', the best philosophy to employ is "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".
Security 'risks' and bug 'fixes' = 'broke' Other than date of creation, your 'functionality' is rather similar. Since removing date of creation we have had a much 'smoother' running board. Until I find a 'supported' solution to the date of creation script we will all have to do 'without'.

Thank You,


admin said:
Works forME too!

I am using the standard editor. Go to your 'user Cp' and 'scroll' to the 'bottom'. Find Message Editor Interface and 'try' some of the 'other' editor options.
Security 'risks' and bug 'fixes' = 'broke' Other than date of creation, your 'functionality' is rather similar. Since removing date of creation we have had a much 'smoother' running board. Until I find a 'supported' solution to the date of creation script we will all have to do 'without'.

Thank You,

Hah. Man, I love when admins make fun of their users.


I have tried the 'standard editor' as well as the 'enhanced interface' - and I can see no difference between the two in the compose box.

I can type in bold and italics , and even in color - although when I hilight a word and change the color, it applies the 'color' only to the area before my typing begins. I then must hilight the word again, and click the color button.

I cannot alter the size of the type in the compose box. When I try, the size change is automatically put at the very beginning of the 'compose' box (just like when I first attempt to change the color), and it has no effect at all on the hilighted word.

What I cannot do is see the bold, italics, color, etc. in the compose box. I see only a 'B' in square parentheses before the word I want in bold, and '/B' in the same parentheses after the word. The same with italics and color.

Previously, I could actually see the bold and italics words in bold and italics (and in full color) in the 'compose' box. Now, there seems to be no way to do this. As I said, I've tried all the options.

When the board was 'updated', there was an icon just above the 'smileys' on the 'compose' (reply) page. Clicking that button (icon) would toggle between the full formatting compose box (where you see the italics, color, etc. applied in the compose box itself), and the other type of formatting with the command within square parentheses. The compose box - where we type - would darken slightly in the full formatting (enhanced editor?) mode. This button (icon) is no longer there - and thus I can no longer access the full formatting in the compose box.

Does anyone else see the button I'm talking about? I believe it was called "Switch Editor Mode", or something similar. I don't have that button anymore. Instead, I have a SpellCheck button.


Ok - I've narrowed the problem down to browsers...

When I'm using a browser that used the IE engine, the compose (reply) box is screwed up in the manner I describe above.

But when I use the Firefox browser, as I am now, everything is fine.

In short, with Firefox, I have a 'Switch Editor Mode' button above the 'Smileys' on the Compose box (reply) page, and with an IE-based browser, I have a 'SpellCheck' button which replaces the 'Switch Editor Mode' button.

I would prefer to use the IE based browser of my choice, however, rather than Firefox.

I had to reinstall Windows - 98 - the other day, and the IE I have now is IE 5. Could this be the problem? Perhaps this new 'updated' board functions fully only with IE 6?

Please clarify what's going on. Thanks.


I use firefox on both mac and PC (xp) with no issue. IE 5.2 on Mac does act similar to what you described above, I can change color, bold, etc.. but I can't highlight a section of text within a paragrah and make inline changes like I can in firefox and IE 6. So, yes, I do beleive it has to do with your version of IE. Upgrade to IE6 or use firefox and problems should be solved. I don't have a version of IE5 to test on PC, but I suspect it would act similar to IE5 on mac.

Thanks, jon


Yes, the problem was the browser. The 'enhanced interface' simply does not work with IE 5.

It was somewhat confusing for a while, though - no matter what I did, or what options I selected, I was unable to access the 'enhanced interface' format.

On a different topic... Is there a way to increase the time-out time with the new update. Something close to an hour would be better than the current 20 minutes. The few other message boards I've been to have a time-out time of about an hour.
