Weiss Cannon Ultra Cable 17 (1.23) at 0 lbs is the best string configuration I have ever tried, and it's not even close.

Let me clarify. I normally self-string using a drop-weight stringer with floating clamps. Reference tension is set by adjusting the position of the weight on the drop bar. Farther away from the fulcrum means higher tension. I removed the weight and strung with just the bar. This is easier and more consistent than hand-pulling.

Preface: I had once tried this method with a syn gut. I could have used that stringbed to launch myself into orbit.

I did this today with Ultra Cable on my ProKennex Ki5 PSE (345 SW). I use that racquet because it doesn't get pushed around. Ever. This string configuration magnified that attribute immeasurably. Ball pocketing was sublime. The whole racquet head was a sweetspot. It was like playing with a Gamma Bubba 137, minus the arm strain. No strain, no pain. Just ease.

I never knew I could hit the ball so hard. There was NO issue with directional control or depth control. I could swing out like a maniac and balls were falling in. Balls that normally go out fell in. My hitting partner has been to tournament finals in a higher rating section than me. He had belted this one insane forehand to my deep forehand corner. I scrambled and took an effortless swing that put the ball on his baseline near his feet. He hit it back long.

My partner had previously tried Ultra Cable at 40 lbs at my pestering. His one problem had been that he could not control his one-handed backhand. I had him try my 0-lbs racquet. He didn't have that issue anymore. After a few minutes, I handed him back his racquet because he was having too much fun and it was getting too strenuous for me.

Tension is a prerequisite for tension loss.
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Interesting... and something that one could try even without a stringing machine :) Just pull by hand... no need for clamping if the tension is so low.

But the weight of the bar surely isn't zero. There must be some tension on the strings, albeit very low.
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Interesting idea. Ultra Low Tension vs Extremely Low Tension. Your frame is strung at probably 5-10# and you can get away with it because the UC is so stiff. Any other type of string and Houston will be reporting UFOs. You neglected to report the gauge but I would think different gauges may be better or worse. Good experiment.

edit: Please keep this thread updated as to longevity or any other changes, such as other gauges of other polys. TIA.
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Interesting idea. Ultra Low Tension vs Extremely Low Tension. Your frame is strung at probably 5-10# and you can get away with it because the UC is so stiff. Any other type of string and Houston will be reporting UFOs. You neglected to report the gauge but I would think different gauges may be better or worse. Good experiment.

edit: Please keep this thread updated as to longevity or any other changes, such as other gauges of other polys. TIA.
Update: Added gauge to the original post.


Weiss Cannon Ultra Cable 17 (1.23) at 0 lbs is the best string configuration I have ever tried, and it's not even close.

Let me clarify. I normally self-string using a drop-weight stringer with floating clamps. Reference tension is set by adjusting the position of the weight on the drop bar. Farther away from the fulcrum means higher tension. I removed the weight and strung with just the bar. This is easier and more consistent than hand-pulling.

Preface: I had once tried this method with a syn gut. I could have used that stringbed to launch myself into orbit.

I did this today with Ultra Cable on my ProKennex Ki5 PSE (345 SW). I use that racquet because it doesn't get pushed around. Ever. This string configuration magnified that attribute immeasurably. Ball pocketing was sublime. The whole racquet head was a sweetspot. It was like playing with a Gamma Bubba 137, minus the arm strain. No strain, no pain. Just ease.

I never knew I could hit the ball so hard. There was NO issue with directional control or depth control. I could swing out like a maniac and balls were falling in. Balls that normally go out fell in. My hitting partner has been to tournament finals in a higher rating section than me. He had belted this one insane forehand to my deep forehand corner. I scrambled and took an effortless swing that put the ball on his baseline near his feet. He hit it back long.

My partner had previously tried Ultra Cable at 40 lbs at my pestering. His one problem had been that he could not control his one-handed backhand. I had him try my 0-lbs racquet. He didn't have that issue anymore. After a few minutes, I handed him back his racquet because he was having too much fun and it was getting too strenuous for me.

Tension is a prerequisite for tension loss.
Would this method be a contender for a RF97?

Ps, Can you try a pure aero with this method? Purely for the fun, but I wanna see how serves go BOOOOM

Would this method be a contender for a RF97?

Ps, Can you try a pure aero with this method? Purely for the fun, but I wanna see how serves go BOOOOM
Pure Aero is on my to-do list. My impression is that RF97 is quite similar to Ki5 PSE.


I hand strung a Wilson ncode. Lime green one....think its called nPro. 18x18 pattern. Used syn gut. Stringway flying clamp and a starting clamp. I estimate the tension was around 20lbs give or take.

Like the poster......very good ball pocketing and the strings really didn't move alot. It got a little uncontrollable after a few matches. I won easily though. Lot of pop, especially in doubles at the net.

Where I play they host a women's tournament every year in April and they bring in a pro stringer. I remember him saying he strung one of the Bryan Bros. racquet at 11 lbs. Which is pretty much like tensioning by hand


New User
I'm pretty happy at 40 lbs in my PK 7G. Any more power and I won't be able to hit with my geezer friends.


Hall of Fame
This is nuts, I almost want to waste a set of string to try it. Reminds me of some lightweight race cars that can run on a stiff sidewall race tire with nearly no air in the tires.
Update: I must have been in a really mood that day. I have now stopped playing with poly strings altogether.
That said, I was being truthful with the original post. Experiments like this are possible with poly strings because you can get away with stringing them at very very low tensions.


Hall of Fame
I have hand strung TBH in a Dunlop m3.1 before to try it out. It was playable, decent control, silly spin, but no power. Huge amounts of vibration, tho. Hard to silence those strings at such low tensions.


I apologize for bumping this ancient post, but I just strung my Dunlop CX200 Tour 16x19 with Ultra Cable at 11lbs. The slices are absolutely nuts, serving is a breeze, hard to hit good forehands (eastern grip), when I go more semi-western the shots are pretty good, backhands actually felt pretty good.


Hall of Fame
I'm currently playing ultra cable at 30/26 as a hybrid w/ monogut ZXP. Heavy spin in a 14 x 18 93p. Volleys feel like nat gut.