I had my third session with the racquet yesterday.
As I mentioned, I normally use a G.Tour pro stock which is heavy and with high SW. But normally every time I play a long match, I end up tired and in the end the racquet with the heavy specs don't help me.
That's why as soon as I bought this racquet I tried it with the original specs.
The serve, backhand slide and volleys are a delight with this racquet and I don't notice much the change of specs from usual raquect, my forehand is the one that is suffering a little, I´m mission a little of plow, maybe need a little more of SW, however I think I could get used to instead of putting a little lead, i will better improve my technique and leave it as light as is.
But the 3 people I played with, told me the same thing, that they did not notice any "downgrade" on my game, they said the oposite , they felt I was attacking more and having a more complete game , finishing points at net.
I want to buy a couple of more racquets, but still no news on behalf of ND also I do not see any raquect on the bay or sale section......I guess I will keep waiting.