Not surprised by Novak's DQ


Hall of Fame
Novak is well below Federer and Nadal when it comes to on-court demeanor. Fedal are always respectful. Nadal has never smashed a racquet. I don't even remember the last time either of them threw a tantrum during a match.
But Novak has, unfortunately, embraced his tantrums as part of his personality. It might be a scar from his childhood when he experienced NATO bombing. Whatever the reason, he has major issues. As a fan, I'm actually afraid of what he might say or do next, on and off court.

I hope Nadal wins RG and AO and becomes beyond doubt the GOAT. You cannot be the GOAT and act like a 3 y.o. at 33, WHILE on a 26 winning streak, with everything going your way but the last service game.

Third Serve

Talk Tennis Guru
Very bizarre turn of events, even for Djokovic.

But Fedal, while generally respectful, still have their moments. Fed has had some outbursts and some "arrogant" press conferences from time to time and we can't forget Nadal's occasional attempts to bend the rules in his favor (banning Carlos Bernandes, serve clock, etc.). But Djokovic seems to suffer from this much more often than others. You'd figure Pepe would have taught him more about Amor y Paz.

brian anderson

how’s that new union thing working out? this guy is a joke and always has been. couldn’t even take it like a man and attend the press conf after the match. instead his lawyer issued a statement afterwards pretending it was from him simply he is a coward no way should be in charge of a union of professionals!!


Bionic Poster
Payback for starting a union aka association is not cool, bro, if that's what you are suggesting.

how’s that new union thing working out? this guy is a joke and always has been. couldn’t even take it like a man and attend the press conf after the match. instead his lawyer issued a statement afterwards pretending it was from him simply he is a coward no way should be in charge of a union of professionals!!


Talk Tennis Guru
Very bizarre turn of events, even for Djokovic.

But Fedal, while generally respectful, still have their moments. Fed has had some outbursts and some "arrogant" press conferences from time to time and we can't forget Nadal's occasional attempts to bend the rules in his favor (banning Carlos Bernandes, serve clock, etc.). But Djokovic seems to suffer from this much more often than others. You'd figure Pepe would have taught him more about Amor y Paz.
The more often you do it, the more likely it bites you.
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Talk Tennis Guru
Federer has had a few on court outbursts too. Nadal also, on a few occassions, has had strong arguments with umpires over some decisions.

I think it's extremely difficult for athletes to remain calm all the time and be cool with everything. They are still human like the rest of us. That being said, Djokovic obviously has been one of the more temperamental players we have seen on a tennis court. But I'm sure an incident like this will not happen again with him.


Hall of Fame
Only major thing I can think of was the racket smash back in 2009 or the USO rant that same year.

Maybe yelling "shut up" at RG 2012 but to be fair that fan probably deserved that.
Right? That was a while back. I mean there is nothing from him or Nadal that would hurt the image of the sport, or make a coach tell a student not to do.


Talk Tennis Guru
Right? That was a while back. I mean there is nothing from him or Nadal that would hurt the image of the sport, or make a coach tell a student not to do.
If Djokovic hits the ball one foot to the left or right, we aren't even talking about this.

Federer and Del Potro

Bionic Poster
Right? That was a while back. I mean there is nothing from him or Nadal that would hurt the image of the sport, or make a coach tell a student not to do.

It's not like he did it on purpose. Nobody is walking away from this thinking he's a scumbag. Well, maybe the people that already hate the guy.

Intent doesn't matter when it comes to the enforcement of the rule, but it certainly matters when it comes to public perception of the player.

Think a small minority at most will be swayed one way or the other by this latest 'incident'.


Hall of Fame
Well, he was very lucky not getting DQed at 2016 RG. Not this time around. It's bizarre, but TBH he had it coming.


I think he wasn’t feeling comfortable since the beginning of the match. I noticed his demeanor was a bit odd, and he was probably losing the match anyway. It just wasn’t his day.


When Novak gave an interview to the NY Times two weeks ago, there was a thread discussing it (since deleted) where I commented that he said some very weird things that seemed to indicate that he had a feeling of being persecuted by the entire world and had a victim mentality after the Adria tour debacle. I speculated at that time on whether his mental state had been affected too much for him to continue winning majors. I feel that both at the W&S Open last week and at the USO, he seemed much more on edge and got overly angry a few times when he was winning the match and had a lead.

I am not surprised therefore about what happened today, but am sad about it. I think he needs to see a psychiatrist to help address his mental issues as I think the whole PR debacle over the Adria tour has affected him much more deeply than he tries to portray. He likes to be loved and respected and it seems to be a big burden for him to realize that most of the world now sees him as a anti-vax#er who didn’t take the public health crisis as seriously as he should have. If he doesn’t get some professional therapy to deal with this in the next few weeks, I’m afraid that his behavior will get more erratic. If he loses his aura of being invulnerable on the court and starts losing some matches to lesser players, we might see a repeat of the 2016-2018 ’Pepe era’ where he is no longer a serious threat at major tournaments. I hope that this is not the case and he gets the help he needs instead of retreating further into the rabbit hole of thinking that the whole world has turned against him.


Hall of Fame
Novak is well below Federer and Nadal when it comes to on-court demeanor. Fedal are always respectful. Nadal has never smashed a racquet. I don't even remember the last time either of them threw a tantrum during a match.
But Novak has, unfortunately, embraced his tantrums as part of his personality. It might be a scar from his childhood when he experienced NATO bombing. Whatever the reason, he has major issues. As a fan, I'm actually afraid of what he might say or do next, on and off court.

I hope Nadal wins RG and AO and becomes beyond doubt the GOAT. You cannot be the GOAT and act like a 3 y.o. at 33, WHILE on a 26 winning streak, with everything going your way but the last service game.

Nadal won't win anther AO and the DCGS, not while Nole is there to stop him in Melbourne.
But on the original topic, Nole has sailed close to the wind at times, so not totally surprised this happened.
Just hoping Nole can redeem himself next year in NY.


Hall of Fame
Novak is well below Federer and Nadal when it comes to on-court demeanor. Fedal are always respectful. Nadal has never smashed a racquet. I don't even remember the last time either of them threw a tantrum during a match.
But Novak has, unfortunately, embraced his tantrums as part of his personality. It might be a scar from his childhood when he experienced NATO bombing. Whatever the reason, he has major issues. As a fan, I'm actually afraid of what he might say or do next, on and off court.

I hope Nadal wins RG and AO and becomes beyond doubt the GOAT. You cannot be the GOAT and act like a 3 y.o. at 33, WHILE on a 26 winning streak, with everything going your way but the last service game.

Don't be a bandwagoner, man. It was an accident.


Just imagine if Serena was disqualified for this. You know what would happen.
Uso 2009, 2018 serves as eg.

If Federer hits lineswoman, I cannot imagine Federer getting disqualified. He is such a god figure in tennis


Bionic Poster
I'm interested in the timing. Carreno-Busta played exceptionally well, and it's strange to let out steam on behalf of events you can't control. It was not like Novak was playing poorly or making mistakes. He got angry because PCB got back into it, which seems immature.

Novak was hitting a ball really hard a little earlier, so it adds up for umpire/ ref, I guess. My guess is something else was troubling him on this particular day, because there was no reason for the outbursts... It was set 1 in a match he would most likely dominate more and more as it went on, and he knows this.
I don't know. What has Federer done?
Hit the ball kid in the head, while aiming at him with the behind the back trickshot. Everyone laughed it off, crowd, upmpire, kid and Federer. Can't find video now, but it was an indoor tournament.

Also, angry ball abuse is something he does from time to time.



Hit the ball kid in the head, while aiming at him with the behind the back trickshot. Everyone laughed it off, crowd, upmpire, kid and Federer. Can't find video now, but it was an indoor tournament.

Also, angry ball abuse is something he does from time to time.

The angle is totally misleading and the reaction of that fan is a bit like the line judge of last night. He hit the ball very high above.


Bionic Poster
Novak is well below Federer and Nadal when it comes to on-court demeanor. Fedal are always respectful. Nadal has never smashed a racquet. I don't even remember the last time either of them threw a tantrum during a match.
But Novak has, unfortunately, embraced his tantrums as part of his personality. It might be a scar from his childhood when he experienced NATO bombing. Whatever the reason, he has major issues. As a fan, I'm actually afraid of what he might say or do next, on and off court.

I hope Nadal wins RG and AO and becomes beyond doubt the GOAT. You cannot be the GOAT and act like a 3 y.o. at 33, WHILE on a 26 winning streak, with everything going your way but the last service game.

You better slay. He will hopefully become a better person on court after all this. Exactly what my roommate said, what else does Djokovic need to go right? As soon as anything gets tough for him, he loses his mind.


God knows what all these players are taking pre-match. All these substances, legal or not, can cause them to become volatile tempered. Look at what Putintseva and Muguruza did to their rackets. That too in my opinion should be reason for disqualification as it’s very dangerous, whether it hits someone or not.
I'm interested in the timing. Carreno-Busta played exceptionally well, and it's strange to let out steam on behalf of events you can't control. It was not like Novak was playing poorly or making mistakes. He got angry because PCB got back into it, which seems immature.

Novak was hitting a ball really hard a little earlier, so it adds up for umpire/ ref, I guess. My guess is something else was troubling him on this particular day, because there was no reason for the outbursts... It was set 1 in a match he would most likely dominate more and more as it went on, and he knows this.

From the little I have seen (the highlights), PCB was getting on Djokovic's nerves by digging himself out of the hole in his own service games a few times. Apparently Djokovic expects his opponents to fold like cheap suits now. I know that the tour is a joke, but still.



Hall of Fame
Novak is well below Federer and Nadal when it comes to on-court demeanor. Fedal are always respectful. Nadal has never smashed a racquet. I don't even remember the last time either of them threw a tantrum during a match.
But Novak has, unfortunately, embraced his tantrums as part of his personality. It might be a scar from his childhood when he experienced NATO bombing. Whatever the reason, he has major issues. As a fan, I'm actually afraid of what he might say or do next, on and off court.

I hope Nadal wins RG and AO and becomes beyond doubt the GOAT. You cannot be the GOAT and act like a 3 y.o. at 33, WHILE on a 26 winning streak, with everything going your way but the last service game.
Didn't Fed's wife get involved for him against Stan a few years back? That seemed to almost be a feud at the time, from what I recall - anyone remember this drama?


Bionic Poster
From the little I have seen (the highlights), PCB was getting on Djokovic's nerves by digging himself out of the hole in his own service games a few times. Apparently Djokovic expects his opponents to fold like cheap suits now. I know that the tour is a joke, but still.


I got that same feeling. Novak was playing some of the sickest tennis for the first half an hour, and probably expected an easy win. Then PCB fought back from 0-40, facing 3 set points, and really got into the groove. It surprised me to see Novak getting angry when his opponent was simply finding his range. Everyone knows how well PCB can play when it clicks.

That's why I think something else was bothering him. Personal stuff easily exteriorise when we are pressured.
I got that same feeling. Novak was playing some of the sickest tennis for the first half an hour, and probably expected an easy win. Then PCB fought back from 0-40, facing 3 set points, and really got into the groove. It surprised me to see Novak getting angry when his opponent was simply finding his range. Everyone knows how well PCB can play when it clicks.

That's why I think something else was bothering him. Personal stuff easily exteriorise when we are pressured.

I think that it is a potential injury. He has been playing on a high level for the whole time after the resuming of tennis. That is a lot of tennis after such a long pause, and subsequently a lot of opportunity to get injured from overworking his body due to the intense stress. If you think about it, he has played 8 full matches in two weeks. That was his 9th. If we don't see him in Rome we will know what is up.

Yeah, djokovic was careless, but its nothing new(he was very close to a default at the 2016 FO as well). It was a freak accident, I guess it was bound to happen eventually and we can only hope he turns it into a positive and learns from it(I am sure he feels awful about it). People forgave shapo for what he did in 2017, and what he did was much worse, so if novak learns from it everything will be fine.


Talk Tennis Guru
Hey, Djokovic is back in Rome playing tennis again next week. He is back soon and it will all be forgotten. He has plenty of stuff to fight for still.

It's ok.