Official Pro Staff 97 Club!!

I think everyone got hanged up on the too powerful bit where what I really want to focus on is improving the feel. Thicker, stiffer strings would decrease feel, not what I want.

Thanks for helping out, to avoid confusion, I don't want to decrease the power, I want to increase the feel without changing the power.

To be more precise, I want to increase feel and am ok with less power but not with more.

People decrease the power all the time, main reason for that is that as your strokes get better you will get stronger and more powerful shots, the more power you can generate less you'll depend on the power coming from the racquet, when I was growing up my coach would then string it tighter and tighter and then switch up the racket to a less powerful and so on, that's how I progressed in tennis, hope this helps clarify why I am ok with less power coming from the racket but not more.

The most obvious way to reduce Depth Potential and increase the feel is to move to a softer frame or a lighter frame with a smaller hoop size.
(Moving to a shorter frame, eg. 26.5 inch or even 26 inch, will also achieve those characteristics but is usually impractical for most decent adult players.)

Using soft multifilament strings or natural gut strings at very high tensions might also help your existing frame. But if there is little feel in the frame to begin with, altering the string config. isn't going to help much imho.


I did not want to try the CV version for a long time, because there were so many negative reviews from the users. But I took courage and tried it out, a super surprise for me. An excellent racket, a great maneuverability, just enough power, a great feeling. For me personally better than a non-CV version. I have it in a bag now, my strings of choice Luxilon Alu Power Rough main 26 kg and Babolat VS cross 24kg.


Hall of Fame
I of course am a member of this fine club. I string mine all over the place. Right now Cyclone 19 mains, Golden set hex 17g crosses.
The most obvious way to reduce Depth Potential and increase the feel is to move to a softer frame or a lighter frame with a smaller hoop size.

Am looking for a softer option already, but same headsize. I like everything about the PS97 but the feel.

Since I already own the PS97, was wondering if enhancing the feel would be possible without increasing power.


Because too much power is a bad thing. If you have to slow down your swing on normal shots to keep the ball in the court, all that power from the racquet hurts your game. In my case, I have more confidence in my PS90 and the VCORE Pro 97 330 I just demoed than I do in the RF97 because their power is lower and easier to control.

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One other way to control the shots is by speeding up the swing... hitting in a brushing motion to impart added spin to the ball ! I did not find the PS97 all tat powerfull a racket...
Is it maybe a question of technique ? sorry I have not followed your entire thread


Hi everyone,

I hope you can help me improve my PS97, I get no feedback from my strokes and find the racquet to be too powerful, I’ve played with string tension going from 48 to 56 with full poly, poly/multi and full multi and I still haven’t got any feedback from my stick, it just lacks feel, which is better with multi but then way too powerful.

From reading the thread, you are adding leather grip, tape and silicon to achieve various results, what would you suggest for someone looking for more feel and less power?

If helps, I play with topspin from both wings and come to the net often.

Low feel - needs a comparison, no feels as apposed to what ? for ex. for me, only AFTER I moved to the PCG did I become aware that the PS97 had much much less feel that PCG.
Yes adding a leather grip could improve but adds weight, using nat. gut/poly string would also help.

Regarding power - if you feel it has much power eve at 56 with pull poly then... I suggest:

a) move to a different racket
b) improve technique even more ?


Hi everyone,

I hope you can help me improve my PS97, I get no feedback from my strokes and find the racquet to be too powerful, I’ve played with string tension going from 48 to 56 with full poly, poly/multi and full multi and I still haven’t got any feedback from my stick, it just lacks feel, which is better with multi but then way too powerful.

From reading the thread, you are adding leather grip, tape and silicon to achieve various results, what would you suggest for someone looking for more feel and less power?

If helps, I play with topspin from both wings and come to the net often.

I'd say usually lighter and stiffer racquets are giving your crispier feedback from the strokes...and PS97 is neither :unsure: But you can go with stiffer strings/ higher tension. Some players prefer leather grip for better feel but I think it's more of a tactile preferences of the grip itself.

And you probably have to describe what do you mean by "more feel" from the racquet, cause everyone has his own perception of more feel.


Hall of Fame
So it seems the best non-RF 97 is the PS97 based on reviews and posts around here. The CV version is too muted and has less power, apparently. What confuses me is that the CV version is still more expensive than the non-CV version, that can't be sales based can it?

For all the PS97 users here, what's your setup and reason for using this frame over others?


Control and stability and for us recreational players who are not everyday on the court it is easier to play RF version. It is not too soft and not too stiff. I personally prefer a CV version, it is more refined than non CV and very arm friendly. A feeling is subjective, but I find a CV more touchy than non CV.. It only needs some leed in the hope for increasing the swingweight.


New User
So it seems the best non-RF 97 is the PS97 based on reviews and posts around here. The CV version is too muted and has less power, apparently. What confuses me is that the CV version is still more expensive than the non-CV version, that can't be sales based can it?

For all the PS97 users here, what's your setup and reason for using this frame over others?


New User
My preferred version of the PS97 is without Countervail, which is still currently available as the PS 97 Black, but is on clearance. IMHO it offers better feel & more power than the CV version (as born out in the TW reviews), although the CV version may suit someone with TE or shoulder pain, or someone looking for less power/more control. I usually string the PS 97 with NXT 17 or Tecnifibre Bi-Phase 17 at 48-50 pounds. But I am used to using multi-filaments since my TE episode a few years back. I have also liked Wilson Spin Effect hybrid string at 48 lbs in the PS97, which seemed to sacrifice some feel for a little more spin. I am just now going back to the non-CV PS97 after two months away trying a lot of the new 2019 frames, including the Clash 100 Tour, Clash 108, Head Gravity Pro, Dunlop CX 400, Babolat Pure Strike 100 Gen 3, and Blade 100L Ver 7. Of these other frames, my favorite was the Blade (which played most like the PS 97). The main reasons I keep coming back to the non-CV PS 97 are as follows: 1) best overall performance for hitting flat powerful serves and groundstrokes, 2) the feel and smallish sweet spot focus me in on playing my best tennis, and 3) the ball seldom "flies" when your preparation and/or execution are poor- instead it lacks depth, so you may still recover to stay in the point.


Hall of Fame
PS97 @ 52lb with BHS7T.

Used the RF97 for the last 5 yrs. At this point it is easier to hold serve with the PS97. Fairly important.


I need to chime in on the power levels. I have 5 PS97: 4 CV and 1 Noir. Bought them all at different times. They are all different. They vary in weight from 328 g strung to 336, and in balance from 4 to 8 pt HL. Needless to say, the heavier ones produce significantly more power and hit significantly heavier ball. The lighter ones have their uses, as they are significantly more manoeuvrable, and indispensable in certain circumstances. The Black one (non-CV) happens to be one of the heavier ones, and appears more powerful compared with a light CV, but not when compared to a heavy CV.

I much prefer the feel of the CV versions. The Black one feels cheap/ordinary -- I do not feel anything special about it.

Roland G

Hall of Fame
Just had my 2014 PS 97 strung up with ALU to take it for a spin. My stringer stuck it in his machine and told me the SW was 315. I think this is a bit low for this stick. Anyone else have one the same? For info, it weighs 341 with leather grip and overgrip/dampener
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Just had my 2014 PS 97 strung up with ALU to take it for a spin. My stringer stuck it in his machine and told me the SW was 315. I think this is a bit low for this stick. Anyone else have one the same? For info, it weighs 341 with leather grip and overgrip/dampener
What? you're back to the PS97 ? :cool:


Hall of Fame
I’m in the club. Have been going back and forth with RF and PS but finally committing to the PS 97. Great stick, I found I needed to find the right strings for me to really gel with it.


My current lineup, still want to add a V11.5 all black version

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Hall of Fame
Update on my Ps 97 added two v11.5

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Do you see any difference in the black/red soft feel paint frame and the rest? I have two and have let people hit with them that use the black version and they say that mine are more flexible.


to be honest the only one that feels different from the rest is the old ps97, the black and red v11 is non cv but still feels the same as the black one's


Hall of Fame
to be honest the only one that feels different from the rest is the old ps97, the black and red v11 is non cv but still feels the same as the black one's

Cool, thanks! What have you found the be the best string set up in the PS97?
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My preferred version of the PS97 is without Countervail, which is still currently available as the PS 97 Black, but is on clearance. IMHO it offers better feel & more power than the CV version (as born out in the TW reviews), although the CV version may suit someone with TE or shoulder pain, or someone looking for less power/more control. I usually string the PS 97 with NXT 17 or Tecnifibre Bi-Phase 17 at 48-50 pounds. But I am used to using multi-filaments since my TE episode a few years back. I have also liked Wilson Spin Effect hybrid string at 48 lbs in the PS97, which seemed to sacrifice some feel for a little more spin. I am just now going back to the non-CV PS97 after two months away trying a lot of the new 2019 frames, including the Clash 100 Tour, Clash 108, Head Gravity Pro, Dunlop CX 400, Babolat Pure Strike 100 Gen 3, and Blade 100L Ver 7. Of these other frames, my favorite was the Blade (which played most like the PS 97). The main reasons I keep coming back to the non-CV PS 97 are as follows: 1) best overall performance for hitting flat powerful serves and groundstrokes, 2) the feel and smallish sweet spot focus me in on playing my best tennis, and 3) the ball seldom "flies" when your preparation and/or execution are poor- instead it lacks depth, so you may still recover to stay in the point.
Well said. Do you find the PS97 a particularly stiff frame? RA (66 as listed) doesn’t seem so. I string with TF NRG2 17 at 55...after a couple sessions...where it felt & performed terrifically...I suddenly developed elbow pain...both on outside and inside...sometimes alternating...
I’d been using a Head Graphene 360 Speed S (weighted up a bit) but missed the ‘feel’ of my previous racquet, PS Six One BLX 100 (weighted up to mid 11 oz) and had used for years...
From your post I presume you experience no current elbow problems. Though you string somewhat lower than I do.
I’ve started researching arm friendly frames like, of course, ProKennex, and the Prince Phantoms...
Complicating my dilemma is the fact my elbow troubles may be the result of off court weightlifting...though I felt no sudden problem or event to be totally sure of that...
Anyway, would much appreciate you opinion re the stiffness of the PS 97.
Thanks much.


New User
After more "returns" to using the PS 97 Black than I can count, I finally threw in the towel and have switched to the Clash 98 strung at 48 lbs with Tecnifibre X1 Biphase. I finally had to face the fact that the PS 97's "demanding" nature was not doing me any favors when my game wasn't completely "on." Also, on "off" days when I was hitting higher in the string bed above the sweet spot, I was feeling some mild discomfort in the wrist and shoulder. Two changes have occurred with the Clash 98: when I miss a shot it is usually long, not into the net; and when I really connect, I do so with more pace and spin. Absolutely no discomfort even on "off" days. I think this is a better opportunity for me to continue developing my 3.5 game in pursuit of my goals. The "net" results on my "off' days are about the same as with the PS 97, but my "on" days produce better results.


Hall of Fame
The PS 97 found I could play with it in the upper 40’s and no pain issues. Poly/Multi at 54lbs and Gut/poly at 57/54. Always seem to add weight to the point where it was basically an RF97 when I was finished. Easier just to play with the RF97 than going into a science project with each PS97 frame. Gave them to my son who is 8yrs old.


I play with luxilon savage or adrenaline stung at 55 without any problems so far

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-nice collection!
-do you add weight to make them all balance the same? (preventitive TE solution!)
-btw, what overgrip are thoes?? europe??
Currently I only use the v12 and two v11.5 the the v11.5 are 1gram apart but the v12 is about 6gram heavier. Currently I'm fine with it like that. The overrip brand is Oliver

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After more "returns" to using the PS 97 Black than I can count, I finally threw in the towel and have switched to the Clash 98 strung at 48 lbs with Tecnifibre X1 Biphase. I finally had to face the fact that the PS 97's "demanding" nature was not doing me any favors when my game wasn't completely "on." Also, on "off" days when I was hitting higher in the string bed above the sweet spot, I was feeling some mild discomfort in the wrist and shoulder. Two changes have occurred with the Clash 98: when I miss a shot it is usually long, not into the net; and when I really connect, I do so with more pace and spin. Absolutely no discomfort even on "off" days. I think this is a better opportunity for me to continue developing my 3.5 game in pursuit of my goals. The "net" results on my "off' days are about the same as with the PS 97, but my "on" days produce better results.
Thanks for response. Do you feel your discomfort was primarily due to the frame itself? Or more choice of strings or tension?


New User
Has anyone heard about any update or changes to pro staff 97? Will be nice to see an update to pro staff 97.

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New User
Thanks for response. Do you feel your discomfort was primarily due to the frame itself? Or more choice of strings or tension?
I think my discomfort with the PS 97 was due to the frame itself, since I always strung it with a multifilament at relatively low tension like NXT or Tec X1 Biphase 17 gauge at 48 - 52 lbs. But I want to qualify that comment further and say that I think it was more due to my inconsistency in staying in the sweet spot of the PS 97, which is lower in the string bed. The TW review gave it an 83 score for comfort, same as Pure Aero by comparison. Not a great score, not a bad one. And the 66 stiffness index is not that high. And you mentioned using a nice multifilament at 55 lbs which isn't that high of a tension. The Feel score was like 87, so that is the positive side. Also wanted to mention the PS 97 Countervail version really improves on comfort, but does reduce the feel and more significantly reduces power. The other consideration of your switching to the PS 97 is that they are becoming very limited in stock of new units. Like you, I am also working out with weights in the gym, so that is another reason I have switched to an ultra-comfortable racquet like the Clash 98. Time will tell if it offers enough control long term. If not, I will likely try the Tecnifibre TF40 305 again, which is in my opinion the most comfortable control racquet available now. Like the Clash, the plush ball pocketing feel is incredible, just a lot less power than the Clash 98 (with the 18 X 20 anyway.) If The Tec TF40 305 becomes available in a 16 X 19 pattern with more power and spin, I would try it straight away.


Are there any Pro Staff 97LS users that can comment on recommended tension range for full poly? Should the crosses be strung tighter than mains to account for the fewer cross strings?


I think my discomfort with the PS 97 was due to the frame itself, since I always strung it with a multifilament at relatively low tension like NXT or Tec X1 Biphase 17 gauge at 48 - 52 lbs. But I want to qualify that comment further and say that I think it was more due to my inconsistency in staying in the sweet spot of the PS 97, which is lower in the string bed. The TW review gave it an 83 score for comfort, same as Pure Aero by comparison. Not a great score, not a bad one. And the 66 stiffness index is not that high. And you mentioned using a nice multifilament at 55 lbs which isn't that high of a tension. The Feel score was like 87, so that is the positive side. Also wanted to mention the PS 97 Countervail version really improves on comfort, but does reduce the feel and more significantly reduces power. The other consideration of your switching to the PS 97 is that they are becoming very limited in stock of new units. Like you, I am also working out with weights in the gym, so that is another reason I have switched to an ultra-comfortable racquet like the Clash 98. Time will tell if it offers enough control long term. If not, I will likely try the Tecnifibre TF40 305 again, which is in my opinion the most comfortable control racquet available now. Like the Clash, the plush ball pocketing feel is incredible, just a lot less power than the Clash 98 (with the 18 X 20 anyway.) If The Tec TF40 305 becomes available in a 16 X 19 pattern with more power and spin, I would try it straight away.
Thanks much for your quick reply. Yes, the cause of my elbow issue remains a bit of a mystery. I find myself questioning everything. Complicating it further, I usually get a 4 1/4 grip size with a racquet and then immediately add an overgrip, bringing it up to maybe 4 3/8. When I received the PS 97, I didn’t have an overgrip handy so I played as is, 4 1/4. Felt fine. Third time out, I suddenly felt elbow pain. Was it the frame? Grip size? Mishit? Sloppy form on barbell squats the day before? Overtraining? Or even microwaves beamed at me by North Korea? Alien ray guns???
Anyway, thanks for your insight on the Clash 98. And the TF40 305...I was mostly thinking about ProKennex frames and the Prince Phantom line...but the Clash may be worth a try...
Best of luck with your efforts!


Hall of Fame
Thanks much for your quick reply. Yes, the cause of my elbow issue remains a bit of a mystery. I find myself questioning everything. Complicating it further, I usually get a 4 1/4 grip size with a racquet and then immediately add an overgrip, bringing it up to maybe 4 3/8. When I received the PS 97, I didn’t have an overgrip handy so I played as is, 4 1/4. Felt fine. Third time out, I suddenly felt elbow pain. Was it the frame? Grip size? Mishit? Sloppy form on barbell squats the day before? Overtraining? Or even microwaves beamed at me by North Korea? Alien ray guns???
Anyway, thanks for your insight on the Clash 98. And the TF40 305...I was mostly thinking about ProKennex frames and the Prince Phantom line...but the Clash may be worth a try...
Best of luck with your efforts!

Have noticed if a grip is too small for me I have a tendency to hold the grip too tight which definitely makes it more taxing on the arm. Believe I have the Pro Staff curse or maybe it’s a blessing. It’s the only frame that gives me that connectedness to the ball and is a solid performer on the entire court.


Have noticed if a grip is too small for me I have a tendency to hold the grip too tight which definitely makes it more taxing on the arm. Believe I have the Pro Staff curse or maybe it’s a blessing. It’s the only frame that gives me that connectedness to the ball and is a solid performer on the entire court.
Yep, that slight change in grip size...even for just 3 sessions...may very well be the culprit.
And, yeah, I totally get the PS curse...I always think when testing a different frame “it’s not wrong, it’s just different. Give it a chance”...then never do...oh, well...
Maybe this elbow issue drops the hammer (metaphorically, not the old Wilson line...which I never liked!)...


Hall of Fame
Trained yesterday with a 5.0 player with the PS97 and BHS7T 1.25/Sensation 1.30 @ 54/54. The frame has 4 grams total @ 3 and 9 and a Wilson Pro Over Grip and a W dampener. Must say it played really well with incredible feel and really easy on the arm. The most effortless practice other than intense footwork that I have had in awhile. All I had to do is stay smooth. Plenty of power and spin.
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Is this thread still alive???
I'm considering the PS97. After playing with the most extreme types of "players rackets" for nearly 3 years now (RF97, SIX.ONE18×20, Prestige Liquidmetal MP,) I'm looking for something to make tennis a bit easier again. I love them all (the RF has gotten too heavy though), the for playing aggressive, the Prestige for pinpoint accuracy, and the sublime feeling, power & spin of hitting the sweetspot of the RF97.

But I don't need another full on players racket, I want something a bit lighter that can get me out of trouble when pushed up against the back wall and not send balls flying when I hit inside the baseline.

I've been considering a total "tweener" frame (Head Extreme Pro, Wilson Clash Tour) but something that ticks all the boxes (310g+) would be great.

Is the PS97 the answer?


I've been considering a total "tweener" frame (Head Extreme Pro, Wilson Clash Tour) but something that ticks all the boxes (310g+) would be great.
Is the PS97 the answer?

For me, tweener and PS97 on same sentence doesn't compute... :) but... hey it's only a name

The PS97 is a very good bet for a more friendly racket than the more demanding sticks you mentioned.


Hall of Fame
Is this thread still alive???
I'm considering the PS97. After playing with the most extreme types of "players rackets" for nearly 3 years now (RF97, SIX.ONE18×20, Prestige Liquidmetal MP,) I'm looking for something to make tennis a bit easier again. I love them all (the RF has gotten too heavy though), the for playing aggressive, the Prestige for pinpoint accuracy, and the sublime feeling, power & spin of hitting the sweetspot of the RF97.

But I don't need another full on players racket, I want something a bit lighter that can get me out of trouble when pushed up against the back wall and not send balls flying when I hit inside the baseline.

I've been considering a total "tweener" frame (Head Extreme Pro, Wilson Clash Tour) but something that ticks all the boxes (310g+) would be great.

Is the PS97 the answer?

Yes I think it will be worth a try. The PS 97 has pretty good power and spin. A little lacking in plow thru but the trade off is good maneuverability.

I view it as a modern players racquet as Andy mentions in the review. Not your old school heavy mid 12 ounce but still in players racquet realm.