Oh, I think you'd be fine. It's not really making new pallets so much as cutting and glueing a few strips on top using a Stanley knife and superglue. While I'm at it I also build up the butt with an extra layer to have it nice and flared. I got the idea from another user here (
https://tt.tennis-warehouse.com/ind...p-size-using-balsa-wood-with-pictures.482746/), although they must be using lighter/thinner wood as well as not putting an extra layer on the butt cap, because I add around 10 grams versus their 3. I didn't bother varnishing though, so that's a gram in my favour! Something to note for anything wanting to try this: I think the OP is wrong about the grip size increase. 1mm sheets gave a two-size increase for me (a bit more, because the sheets are slightly thicker than 1mm), and someone's calculation further down the thread confirms this as the expectation.
That's a really nice combo you have for singles and doubles, and the RF97 bumper mod has piqued my curiosity. Got any pics of it? I need to play with the RF97 a bit more first, but that might be the perfect way to match the 6.1 95 specs, which I think is a reasonable thing to try to do given the similarities in playability. Either that or just weight the butt to get my preferred balance (to hell with the static weight) and see how that goes. After all, I just weighed my n90, and it's up at 377, but it feels easier to swing than my K90 at 369. Same swing weight, just more headlight.
I love my tour 90s, but the PS97S, 6.1 95 and RF97 are absolute gems too, and honestly, I just shank the ball a hell of a lot less with them. Hopefully one day the gap will be bridged, but if Fed was still a shanker with the 90s, I doubt I'll fare any better.