Omg My Gcse Results Are Out Tomorrow!!!!!!!!

Whaddya Think I'll Get?

  • Return_Ace appears very smart - At Least all A's

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Return_Ace appears pretty smart - At Least all B's

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Return_Ace isn't that smart - At Least all C's

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Return_Ace is a dumbass - He just manages to get the min. 5 C's or worse

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Hall of Fame
:shock: :shock: :shock: !!!!!!!

For those who don't know, GCSE's are the exams you take in Years 10/11 (when your 14/15/16), there are around 8 subjects you get examed in....

Anyways, vote for what you think i'll get!

GCSE Scoring system:

A* - Highest Score
C - supposedly 'average' but that's bull
G - Yes, its still a pass......its just that other schools ask for C's
U - Too crap for a grade..... =/

Anyways, i wanna see what you lot think of me just from how i appear on the web......


Return_Ace said:
For those who don't know, GCSE's are the exams you take in Years 10/11 (when your 14/15/16)

Or if your stupid like me, when you are 17 ;)

Hopefully second time round mine will look a bit better! I needed to get up early for the cricket anyway, who cares about GCSE's. :)


Hall of Fame
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA Fena(dumbass)14!!!!! lol j/k

ur gcse skills are as good as my tennis skills! i got knocked out in the first round of our county closed tournament........2 1/2 weeks in Australia really SCREWS your game doesn't it? (*disclaimer* that was not a bash at aussies, it was meant to infer that i've been on holiday and haven't played so therefore i suck) at least i have the plate/Runners Up Match tomorrow too!

now THIS is a bash at the aussies: ENGLAND FOR THE ASHES!!!! AUSSIELAND SUCKS! =p


hehe I doubt the ashes will be coming home. First cricket I saw was the ashes in 1993 and it's got worse ever since! We're playing good now and this is our chance .. I can't help think that we will choke it away in true Pom style!

Good luck with the plate match! hope you do better than my GCSE results ;)


Is this like the British version of those no child left behind tests they give in high schools here now? Like, standardized testing? If so, I hope you can get at least B's, you need to not have a pulse to do bad on those things.


Muse said:
Is this like the British version of those no child left behind tests they give in high schools here now? Like, standardized testing? If so, I hope you can get at least B's, you need to not have a pulse to do bad on those things.

hmm I don't think so, they are pretty hard. These are the results that affect the life of a fair ammount of people, you do poor and you can't stop on at school and your chances of a decent job are gone.

Scarily enough, I don't really care about them :confused:


Feña14 said:
hmm I don't think so, they are pretty hard. These are the results that affect the life of a fair ammount of people, you do poor and you can't stop on at school and your chances of a decent job are gone.

Scarily enough, I don't really care about them :confused:

Oh, you learn something new every day. I had to take something called the UBSCT (Utah Basic Skills Competency Test) when I was in 10th grade. You need to pass it to graudate high school, but it was the easiest thing ever, a waste of the 3 days it took to get it done. Like, it was just basic reading and math skills. You'd have to be comatose not to pass, but it's what was spawned from the no child left behind idea. Gotta love the prez, he's really setting the bar high for HS graduation.


Hall of Fame
Muse said:
Oh, you learn something new every day. I had to take something called the UBSCT (Utah Basic Skills Competency Test) when I was in 10th grade. You need to pass it to graudate high school, but it was the easiest thing ever, a waste of the 3 days it took to get it done. Like, it was just basic reading and math skills. You'd have to be comatose not to pass, but it's what was spawned from the no child left behind idea. Gotta love the prez, he's really setting the bar high for HS graduation.

In Western Europe and Japan the tests they administer are nothing like a competency test. If you screw-up on those tests, it's goodbye 4-year college, good-bye cushy white collar job prospects, hello tradesman or convenience store clerk. America is a land of second and third chances; these countries are not.


lol im startin gcse's now

in yr9 sats got 7,7 so far -gettin english result l8er in yr10 :(


Hall of Fame
your just asking for it... ace, no offense but im not surprised 8 ppl vote for you being a dumbass. no hard feelings though. ;)


Hall of Fame
i know, its great isn't it! thats when i hit them with my:

2A*s - Math and French (no i'm not good at french, its just that the exam with f*ing ****)
4A's - Tech, Spanish, Double Science
3B's - English Lit and Lang, History
1C - Religious Studies (the biggest pieve of sh*t that was made compulsory right when we started GCSE's)
Pass - ICT (equivilent to 4C's you know, but i couldn' be bothered with it and scraped a pass, really, as in i'm on the exact mark for the passs *gasp*)

so thats 6A's, 3B's, 1C and a Pass, that means i fit into the 'At least all C's' category

so screw you:
bismark, DashaandSafin, donnyz89, Feña14, Jonnyf, Tra, zAllianceBmx, Ztalin