Online newspaper archives


New User
More and more old papers are becoming available online. Does anyone know of any with good tennis coverage? Researching old results will get so much easier. Here is one example from Spain:

I was very quickly able to pick up the Sao Paulo March 1968 (first NTL event) scores that eluded McCauley:


SAO PAULO, 20. (AlfIl), — Rod Laver batió al tenista español AndrésGimeno por 11-9, 2-6 y 6-8, en el Torneo Internacional de profesionales que se viene realizando en Sao Paulo, Brasil. En la otra partida de singles, Pancho González derrotó al australiano Fred Stolle por 6-3,5-7,6-3.


SAO PAULO, 22. (Alfil). — Rod Laver ganó el Torneo de Tenis profesional de esta ciudad, al derrotar en la final a Pancho González por 7-5, 5-7 y 6-4. El españól Gimeno, venció para el tercer puesto al australiano Fred Stolle, por 8-10, 6-4 y 7-5.



More and more old papers are becoming available online. Does anyone know of any with good tennis coverage? Researching old results will get so much easier. Here is one example from Spain:

I was very quickly able to pick up the Sao Paulo March 1968 (first NTL event) scores that eluded McCauley:


SAO PAULO, 20. (AlfIl), — Rod Laver batió al tenista español AndrésGimeno por 11-9, 2-6 y 6-8, en el Torneo Internacional de profesionales que se viene realizando en Sao Paulo, Brasil. En la otra partida de singles, Pancho González derrotó al australiano Fred Stolle por 6-3,5-7,6-3.


SAO PAULO, 22. (Alfil). — Rod Laver ganó el Torneo de Tenis profesional de esta ciudad, al derrotar en la final a Pancho González por 7-5, 5-7 y 6-4. El españól Gimeno, venció para el tercer puesto al australiano Fred Stolle, por 8-10, 6-4 y 7-5.

London Times is the best source of British results and early European results. Check with your local/ state/ territory library if they have access to it and see if you can use it at home like I can.

The NY Times is the best online source for before 1922.

Trove is the Australian newspaper archive which has most newspapers in Australia pre 1954.
The Sydney Morning Herald is the best paper on this site.

Papers Past is the New Zealand archive source.

There are many others as well.

If you are looking for early results then the Tennis Archive web site should be the first place to look for specific tournaments and then the newspapers.

If you are looking for a specific tournament just post on this board. Someone may have the results already.


Full results for Laver during South American tour in March 1968


March 18-20 1968
NTL Sao Paulo

1R defeated Stolle 64 75
F defeated Gonzales 62 36 75


March 23-25 1968
NTL Buenos Aires

1R defeated Stolle 6-4 7-5
F defeated Gonzales 7-5 5-7 6-4


March 29-April 1 1968
NTL Bogota Champs

1R Lost to Stolle 4-6 8-6 6-2

No.3 defeated Gonzales 7-5 6-8 7-5

DF Laver/Stolle d Gimeno/Gonzales 10-5


Could it be, that there were two events played at Sao Paulo in spring 1968? Somehow - going by scores and dates - the results in El mundo deportivo don't fit in in the known results of Sao Paulo and Buenos Aires, which we had. On the other hand: Maybe the Spanish newspaper merges some Sao Paulo and Buenos Aires matches.


From the Mundo Deportivo archives it seems that the results may have been.


March 18-20 1968
NTL Sao Paulo

1R Laver d. Gimeno 119 26 86
1R Gonzalez d. Stolle 63 57 63

F Laver defeated Gonzales 75 57 64

3rd Gimeno d. Stolle 810 64 75


March 23-25 1968
NTL Buenos Aires

1R Gimeno d. Laver 46 64 119
1R Gonzales d. Stolle 63 1917

F Gonzales d. Gimeno 62 36 75

3rd Laver defeated Stolle 6-4 7-5

I tend to believe these results from the newspaper rather than the Melbourne Age which I think I originally got some results.


New User
From the Mundo Deportivo archives it seems that the results may have been.


March 18-20 1968
NTL Sao Paulo

1R Laver d. Gimeno 119 26 86
1R Gonzalez d. Stolle 63 57 63

F Laver defeated Gonzales 75 57 64

3rd Gimeno d. Stolle 810 64 75


This clip suggests Sao Paulo was a round robin with Laver v Stolle and Gonzalez v Gimeno on the middle day.



New User
From the Mundo Deportivo archives it seems that the results may have been.
March 23-25 1968
NTL Buenos Aires

1R Gimeno d. Laver 46 64 119
1R Gonzales d. Stolle 63 1917

F Gonzales d. Gimeno 62 36 75

3rd Laver defeated Stolle 6-4 7-5

These results seem to be from the 23rd and 24th, so I am guessing this may have been a round robin too.

If so, the results McCauley has as the final and 3ppO may be the round robin results on the 25th.

I wonder if Bogota (another three day tournament) was round robin too.