This serve needs more spin, so someone spins me around, lol, to let the followthrough be free and unconstrained.
I said two years ago that it may take 10 or more years to open the serve to use open stance, and later also added open grip to it. Seeing more 4.0 and 4.5 gals and guys use open stance to serve, and seeing Venus Williams repeatedly abandoning the closed stance serve dogma, I'm less pessimistically now.
For people who like amusement and entertainment, you definitely need some ammunition from me, lol. Let's spin it (a 360 degree spin is provided on the second serve)!
More detailed serve sequences are provided at - http://www.tennis-points.com/photos.html
I said two years ago that it may take 10 or more years to open the serve to use open stance, and later also added open grip to it. Seeing more 4.0 and 4.5 gals and guys use open stance to serve, and seeing Venus Williams repeatedly abandoning the closed stance serve dogma, I'm less pessimistically now.
For people who like amusement and entertainment, you definitely need some ammunition from me, lol. Let's spin it (a 360 degree spin is provided on the second serve)!
More detailed serve sequences are provided at - http://www.tennis-points.com/photos.html