Made a video this evening to focus on topspin serves.
A long time held teaching dogmas have three big must do things -
A. one has to use continental grip
B. and a closed stance (either pin-point stance or platform stance), plus
C. an active arm and quick flexing of the wrist and elbow to make good topspin serves.
This video is to prove the above must do things are just myths. One can use open grip (Eastern forehand or semi-western grip) and open stance to make topspin serve just as effective as the conventional topspin serves. I'm also using passive arm to serve too, no deliberate pronation.
Racket used: Federer's old Ncode 90 model.
Welcome your critiques.
A long time held teaching dogmas have three big must do things -
A. one has to use continental grip
B. and a closed stance (either pin-point stance or platform stance), plus
C. an active arm and quick flexing of the wrist and elbow to make good topspin serves.
This video is to prove the above must do things are just myths. One can use open grip (Eastern forehand or semi-western grip) and open stance to make topspin serve just as effective as the conventional topspin serves. I'm also using passive arm to serve too, no deliberate pronation.
Racket used: Federer's old Ncode 90 model.
Welcome your critiques.
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