I’m not familiar with it, could you link me to the racquet or a TW review of it?
I've used the Nblade, blx blade (black/pink & gold), and blade 98 CV (16X19)
The blx is very stable. It hits a flatter ball and crushes the serve. It doesn't get high ratings in the comfort section on the review but I've never had any problems with comfort.
The Nblade gets more spin than I would expect from an 18X20, has great feel, and noticeable flex. It does hits the serve well but does not crush/plow into it like the blx. If this racket & parts were more readily available, I'd recommend this although I did think it was not quite as stable as the blx. It gives up some power/plow for feel/touch.
The CV that I had was slightly overweight & sluggish. It did not pound the serve as well as I would have liked. Since it was overspec, I didn't have much room to customize before it got out of my usual weight range.
The blx is my overall favorite although the Nblade is pretty nice but really hard to find (still looking for grommets).
All blades I've used are nice but each has its own personality.