Opinions on Wilson ncode six one 95(18x20)

Anyone have any thoughts on the ncode six one 95-18x20 racquet? I have been using the Head LM Prestige-MP and really like the comfort of the racquet but would like a little more pop on serves and better stick on volleys. The ncode 95-18x20 looks interesting but I have never found a wilson stick that I thought had good comfort similiar to say Head Prestige, Dunlop MW 200G, and Volkl Tour 10-Mid. Anybody have thoughts on how the ncode 95-18x20 is for comfort compared to the LM Prestige-MP? I can tell you that I tried the Wilson HPS 6.1-95 a few years ago and it bothered my elbow so maybe that helps give you an idea of what I am and am not looking for. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!!