Origin/V broke today ... got 24 hours (all ball machine hours). Played great and consistent until it broke (on a 2hbh ... that is a first and a good sign for the 2hbh
). I'm pretty sure this will be my match strings going forward. I will restring with fb v @54, because this is the racquet I want to be the backup. This will give me a chance to compare fb v right after hitting o/v. I will then likely replace the hdx/v with o/v in #1 racquet.
FYI ... o/v broke early in hit today, so hit hdx/v. HDX/V @10 hours still feels great, and more spin than o/v (at least at 20+ hours). Not a huge bump in spin, but noticeable. My guess is hdx/cream would be really good spin for those without sensitive elbows.
FYI ... o/v broke early in hit today, so hit hdx/v. HDX/V @10 hours still feels great, and more spin than o/v (at least at 20+ hours). Not a huge bump in spin, but noticeable. My guess is hdx/cream would be really good spin for those without sensitive elbows.