US Open 2011.....
Reporter: "Melanie, in the past years, you have used the words "believe" and last year, "courage". can we ask you what word you are using for this year's sneakers?"
Oudin: "sure. it's the word "choke". I put it on my shoes, so it will remind me that I choked the last 3 games away of my match last year, when I lost 13 points in the row to lose the match"
seriously, get rid of all the wording mumbo jumbo on your sneakers. tell your camp to get rid of the cheesy marketing and concentrate on tennis.
what's most disappointing to me, yesterday, as she choked her match away, was that upon leaving, the crowd gave her a much encouraging cheer, and she would not even acknowledge the crowd that cheered for her throughout that match, and simply walked off the court. Sure, you can be disappointed in your effort, but how do you turn your back on your home crowd, who wish you to do well? inexcusable.