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Hi! I struggle with discomfort/pain/numbness in the palm of my hand when I play tennis at high intensity. It's fine to play at normal intensity, but when I play against a player who hits hard, I have to hold the racket harder and I then feel discomfort in the palm of my hand. I feel like my hand is weaker. I've been struggling with this since March of this year, possibly getting it at the same time I hurt my biceps at the elbow trying a demo racket with dead poly strings. Yesterday I had to cut a power cord with pliers, and then I had to squeeze hard, and it also hurt. When I squeeze the racket, it hurts in the whole palm, but if I press at certain points around in my hand, it hurts in the palm under the index finger on the bone/nerve there. It hasn't gotten any better in half a year. When I massage the area you can see in the picture in the link that the palm is swollen as well. Do you have any tips? Here is picture of my palm
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