Pain/numbness in palm when gripping tennis racket

Hi! I struggle with discomfort/pain/numbness in the palm of my hand when I play tennis at high intensity. It's fine to play at normal intensity, but when I play against a player who hits hard, I have to hold the racket harder and I then feel discomfort in the palm of my hand. I feel like my hand is weaker. I've been struggling with this since March of this year, possibly getting it at the same time I hurt my biceps at the elbow trying a demo racket with dead poly strings. Yesterday I had to cut a power cord with pliers, and then I had to squeeze hard, and it also hurt. When I squeeze the racket, it hurts in the whole palm, but if I press at certain points around in my hand, it hurts in the palm under the index finger on the bone/nerve there. It hasn't gotten any better in half a year. When I massage the area you can see in the picture in the link that the palm is swollen as well. Do you have any tips? Here is picture of my palm
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Hall of Fame
You need a heavier racket so you don't grip as tight and it will take some of the impact instead of your arm


Bionic Poster
Are those blisters on the palm of your hand? Or painful swelling? In either case, rest and periodic icing might help. 20 mins at a time for icing (but not right before tennis).

Possible causes remedies:


Bionic Poster
Grip size too large or too small for your hand? Racket too light?

Perhaps you are gripping your racket too tightly, too often. Most of the time, your grip should be relaxed, not tight. Where a grip force of 10 is maximum, you should be holding the racket handle, with your dominant hand with a grip force of 2 (maybe 3). You should support the weight of the racket with your other hand so that the dominant hand can be relaxed most of the time.

With your right hand, relaxed most of the time, your grip should naturally firm up just prior to contact (about 40 to 50 before contact). Once you hear / feel the impact of the ball, your grip should relax again.

When you squeeze into contact, the grip force should be about half or a little bit more. Avoid a death grip — never grip at 8 or more — even against hard hitters.
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