Pain or discomfort in hip joints


Let's say you stand with feet apart, wider than shoulder size.

Without lifting your feet, you turn your hip to have it face the left side or the right side, you feel pain in the joints where your thighs connect to your hips.

What's that pain? Is it normal for tennis players? Are you supposed to turn that much for groundstrokes?

What can you do to help this pain?

Injured Again

Hall of Fame
I know lot of tennis players who have had hip replacements also. Most of them warned me, when I was still playing with my bad left knee, to make sure I was conscious of overloading the hip on my good right knee side. I was getting twinges in my right hip that felt like ligaments and tendons catching on something, but no pain. The hip replacement guys were saying that’s a sign I need to ease up because it sounds like inflammation is causing the catching feeling. Now that I’ve been off the court for three weeks, that catching feeling is gone. I hope I caught it early enough and didn’t do damage to that hip that might cause me problems in coming years. But to answer your question, I can do as you described and feel no discomfort in either of my hips.

Exercises that really helped strengthen my hips are abduction and adduction against resistance, as well as one legged hamstring curls.

I believe the only way to definitively diagnose worn hips is via MRI.

Best of luck!


New User
I had pain in my hips, especially after playing tennis. It hurt a lot when I twisted or turned, just like you said when hitting the ball. I think it was because I played too much and didn't do it right.

I went to see Parham, a physiotherapist in Thornhill, and he really helped me. He taught me exercises to make my hips stronger and showed me how to play tennis without hurting myself. After going to him for a while and doing the exercises at home, my hip pain got much better.
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Hall of Fame
Let's say you stand with feet apart, wider than shoulder size.

Without lifting your feet, you turn your hip to have it face the left side or the right side, you feel pain in the joints where your thighs connect to your hips.

What's that pain? Is it normal for tennis players? Are you supposed to turn that much for groundstrokes?

What can you do to help this pain?
I believe that is your hip flexor. If you have a desk job, than it is really hard in that part of the body. Foam rolling, stretching and sports massage are good thing to help remedy that issue. Also, a standing desk.