Pat Cash on Kyrgios



Thanks for this WCA.

Cash is basically bang on point.

West Coast Ace

If TA wants another male champion any time soon, they should make the 2016 court and balls as fast as Kyrgios wants...

The only (very minor) thing Kyrgios did that made me shake my head at him was whining about someone making noise in the crowd - if you get them fired up....


If TA wants another male champion any time soon, they should make the 2016 court and balls as fast as Kyrgios wants...

The only (very minor) thing Kyrgios did that made me shake my head at him was whining about someone making noise in the crowd - if you get them fired up....

I remember that moment and took away the same impression. Thought it was awkward as heck.

Kyrgios carries a fierce energy about him that is unique on the tour. He's dynamic and exciting.


Pat is trying to be a sh1t stirrer. I am not sure what Pat Rafter said and in what context, but Cash's comments do not build bridges between OZ David Cup team and Kyrgios.

If Kyrgios' head gets as big as Cash, happy to turn to the other K.

West Coast Ace

Pat is trying to be a sh1t stirrer. I am not sure what Pat Rafter said and in what context, but Cash's comments do not build bridges between OZ David Cup team and Kyrgios.
You might be right and living there probably hear more.

But why don't you specifically address his main point: Tennis Australia will only back a male prospect if he not only has a great game but also 'fits the role as they see it' - aka conformist. You can't dispute that TA drooled all over Rafter and gave him every possible advantage, yet treated Hewitt like a leper.


Hall of Fame
I hope Nadal gives Kyrgios a good butt-whipping in the semi-final, bagel the crap out of Kyrgios, but I have no problem with Kyrgios being a nutcase.
Its good for tennis, just as Connors/Mac were good for tennis in my opinion.


I think what Pat Rafter did was only trying to rein Krygios in and not have him overhype and full of himself, we see what happened to Tomic (granted he also has the issue of his dad, and credit to him, I think he appears to have change a bit for the better). Yes you want Nick to keep his personality, we don't want everyone to come out from the same mould, but at times, his on court antics and choice of shots are questionable. So I agree with what Rafter say and Pat Cash just a pot stirrer, he even compare his own treatment by John Newcombe.

West Coast Ace

I think what Pat Rafter did was only trying to rein Krygios in and not have him overhype and full of himself....
Why? That fire is what makes him go to Wimbledon, think he belongs on the court with Nadal, and kick his *ss!

...we see what happened to Tomic....
Comparing the 2 is almost funny. While Tomic has an interesting game, there are so many structural faults, before you even get to the attitude and 'dad as coach' things, Kyrgios clearly has the tools required to be a champion that Tomic can only dream of. That jacked-up serve motion should have been fixed as a junior - now he's probably stuck with it.


Dont get me wrong, I generally dislike establishment with big brother attitude. I sure want to see rebels but not a d1ck...Cash was a d1ck and I dont wanna Kyrgios to be one. Rafter was right to pull Kyrgios' head in, when every yes-man around Nick will not likely cross him.

You might be right and living there probably hear more.

But why don't you specifically address his main point: Tennis Australia will only back a male prospect if he not only has a great game but also 'fits the role as they see it' - aka conformist. You can't dispute that TA drooled all over Rafter and gave him every possible advantage, yet treated Hewitt like a leper.


Hall of Fame
Pat Cash is my 2nd favorite tennis player of all-time:
1. Nadal
2. Cash
3. Agassi

I agree with Cash completely.
I don't want anyone to change Kyrgios' nutcase-ity.
Its great to see such opposites like Nadal v Kyrgios.
Its what great rivalries are made of (Agassi v Sampras for example).


I don't like Kyrgios's persona, but Cash is right about the ultra conservative nature of the Australian tennis establishment. I remember a few years ago the Australian Davis Cup captain of the time said a young member of his team should "Get a haircut." The attitudes of much of Tennis Australia would be old fashioned in the 1980's. It's evident in their tennis commentary as well. If you ever hear an Australian commentator you can be guaranteed of one thing: They think the player who's losing should serve and volley.


Hall of Fame
Cash is as dumb as a stick and never saw a bandwagon he didn't want to jump on. He's wrong on every count.

Firstly, who has criticized Kyrgios because he's "inexperienced and different"? This is a weasel word way of excusing very poor behaviour. Toddlers are inexperience and different but when they take a dump on someone's rug we are correct in telling them off. That's how you discourage them from committing the same crime in the future. To just go, "Shucks, don't kids do the darnedest cute things," and leave it at that would be pretty poor guidance from those with experience.

Who has criticised the kid for his haircut or fashion sense? Australia is so desperate for success in tennis that they'd embrace him if he had a giant pink mohawk and a nose ring attached to his belly button. Again this is mealy mouthed rubbish from Cash trying to link himself to Kyrgios in some way and remind us of what a bad boy he was. Give it a rest mate, you've had your day. If you're still crying in your beer because Newk gave you a clip round the ear you really never did grow up.

He then goes on to misquote Pat Rafter and take his point out of context to make it seem that Rafter has given up on the kid already. All he said was that he would keep his behavioral advice to himself until it's asked for having been ignored so far. He's very upbeat generally and if seniors are supposed to shut up and learn from the kids who are 'expressing themselves' then the very idea of mentoring is done with. Here's the original article.

Finally, this piece of brilliance,
“I was equally confused when I saw Davis Cup coach Josh Eagle go on national television and say Kyrgios has got to pull his head in. Surely these peoples’ job is to nurture Kyrgios’ talent rather than try to damage his chances just because he is being himself."
Wrong again Pat. Like any spoiled brat you think that nurturing is a synonym for indulging. Critical feedback is nurturing you egomaniac.

All in all this article and almost every utterance from Cash is a way to pull his own forgotten figure back towards the limelight and remind us that he too was an "alpha male". Most guys who identify themselves as alpha males are simply trying to put a positive spin on their narcissistic self indulgence and boorishness.

There's my two cents worth.
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Hall of Fame
No Australian coach/ex-player should be telling the media what their advice is for Kyrgios.
If the Australian coach/ex-player has advice for Kyrgios then they should tell Kyrgios face-to-face and never repeat that advice to the media.
And unfortunately because a lot of these ex-players ARE the media, they end up telling the audience that they don't approve of Kyrgios' behavior or that he has to change.
This is what I hate about the commentators at times, they extend their reach too far.
And I'm glad Pat Cash is calling them all out.
No Australian coach/ex-player should be telling the media what their advice is for Kyrgios.
If the Australian coach/ex-player has advice for Kyrgios then they should tell Kyrgios face-to-face and never repeat that advice to the media.
And unfortunately because a lot of these ex-players ARE the media, they end up telling the audience that they don't approve of Kyrgios' behavior or that he has to change.
This is what I hate about the commentators at times, they extend their reach too far.
And I'm glad Pat Cash is calling them all out.

ever thought of taking your own advice?


Hall of Fame
ever thought of taking your own advice?

I wouldn't judge a player's behavior if I was commentating on TV, but on the internet its a different set of rules (or no rules).
The internet is not made for the fainthearted, and if Kyrgios or anyone else goes online, they know what they are getting themselves into.
If I was a pro tennis player in this era, I'd not read a tennis forum.


Hall of Fame
I wouldn't judge a player's behavior if I was commentating on TV, but on the internet its a different set of rules (or no rules).
The internet is not made for the fainthearted, and if Kyrgios or anyone else goes online, they know what they are getting themselves into.
If I was a pro tennis player in this era, I'd not read a tennis forum.

Interesting point. Could you put up a source or link to the media commentating rule book? Or is this just your own, 'If-I-ever-get-a-job-on-TV-this-will-be-my-personal-code-of-ethical-behaviour', kind of thing?

Deleted member 688153

I wouldn't judge a player's behavior if I was commentating on TV, but on the internet its a different set of rules (or no rules).
The internet is not made for the fainthearted, and if Kyrgios or anyone else goes online, they know what they are getting themselves into.
If I was a pro tennis player in this era, I'd not read a tennis forum.

I think I would visit TT Forums actually.
Can't hurt to gets some tips from Chico or 90's Clay, can it?

Ford Prefect

New User
Wise words from Roger Rasheed.

"I will not work with a great talent who has created an environment of disrespect - that's not what you want to be around." - Recent ESPN Article


i think people are jelly. what has the guy done exactly?!
the fearlessness that makes him behave with open emotion is the same that means he doesn't choke under pressure from holding it all in. we are paying to see top performance, and racquet smashing can sometimes help players achieve that. even nadal has smashed racquets backstage apparently. so which top player has never smashed a racquet? a minority to be sure.
he's not disrespectful to his opponents, except by taking risky shots as if he doesn't give a **** who they are- and that's fair game. it's up to them to put him in his place- if they can...


Hall of Fame
^ Exactly.
The best rivalry in tennis would be Nadal-Kyrgios, and the reason why is the contrast on the court but also the contrast in personalities.
I don't want Kyrgios to change a thing!
EDIT: The only thing Kyrgios should change is that he should never yell at a ball boy.
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Hall of Fame
So, do you like Pat Cash?

#PTL #JC4Ever


I used to love Cash's game (Newk was a bit too hard on him). But as a pundit/hanger on, sadly he's a bit of an embarrassment. Trying to cut it as a D-list celebrity in Oz - and failing.


Hall of Fame
^ LOL, Cash is a lot more famous than an Australian celebrity.
Name any of the Home & Away/Neighbours actresses of this current era and you'll find Pat Cash is more famous than all of them.
Even if we don't include his fame from his tennis-playing days, he's a world-renowned tennis commentator now.


“The most hurtful being to compare my talent to Mats Wilander when we were both teenagers, as say putting my talent and potential against his was like comparing the Grand Canyon to a crack in the wall.

“It left scars for a very long time believe me and I think the same was the case with Lleyton Hewitt because he copped more than his share of criticism simply because he played like he wanted to win at all costs. Who doesn’t clench their fist and yell now and again?

Sounds like these are his agenda.


Cash is right - as he usually is. Despite what you think of him, he is one of the few who speaks with great clarity about what is going on in Australian Tennis.

I've met Rafter once and he came across as a lovely guy, but he doesn't get the big picture. The last time he made such a dumb comment was when he criticized an injured Philippoussis for being a quitter - then proceeded to wreck Australia's chances of winning a winnable Davis cup by playing doubles knowing he had an injured shoulder.

Rafter's hypocrisy was not brought to account and I believe he still owes the Scud a public apology - especially after Philippoussis had managed to win the 1999 Davis Cup for Australia, on clay, in France, against france, against all odds.

Rafter should have kept his mouth shut and it's very disappointing to hear that the tall poppy syndrome is still alive and well in the inner sanctum of Australian Tennis.

Best of luck Nick. I wish you all the best and encourage you to do it your own way and ignore the numerous idiots who don't have your talent and who are trying to make themselves look better by tearing you down.

Australia - grow up please....