this is another topic altogether but,
its crazy that all your matches dont count.. if you factor in sanctioned tournaments, adult, and mixed EVERY match should count..
well most people know if you play adult, mixed dont count why not??
if you played a 6-0, 6-0 match it doesnt count which is ridiculous
if you play a sanctioned tournament in the southern its not a part of the equation for your year end ntrp..
i think we can all agree the more matches you play the more accurate your rating is.. some people sandbag adult, to try to win mixed, well if all of your matches counted it would encourage less people sandbagging because they'd have to do it all the time. i have never given anyone a game obviously as you can see from the game scores i have reported in the last post but anyway its off topic and i guess i was ranting a bit..
i don't know how your league is but my 3.5 league this year seems like it is the same 3.0 league we had when i was a beginner it seems like its the same people locally that is was 4 or 5 years ago