Pb Court Layout


New User
My small tennis club converted one of our tennis courts to pickleball. Set up 4 courts in a 2x2 configuration with courts in the same direction as was the tennis court. They removed the tennis net.

I asked if there was going to be a net of some sort between the baselines and was told that wasn't necessary and in fact this is a standard. There is maybe 10 feet between the baselines.

Being on clay is discussed elsewhere but this seems like there will be interferences constantly.

Is this at all normal? Can you comfortably fit 4 PB courts in a single tennis court?

Thanks all!


Buy earplugs and be prepared for confused looking old people aimlessly walking onto your court right in the middle of your point walking back and forth to those courts and/or grabbing their whiffle balls that stray over.


New User
The PB courts are next to the court that is mostly used for lessons so a lot of that won't be much of an issue. The other tennis courts are a little distance away.


Bionic Poster
They should have left the net to catch any balls until a fence or net could be constructed between the courts. The net/fence between the two sets of courts' baselines should be at least 4' tall. 6' is better.

Otherwise, without dividers, adjacent courts will spend most of their games stopping points and fetching other courts' balls.

Ideally, all courts should be separated. Side by side courts should have 4' tall dividers of fencing or net, minimum.


Bionic Poster
Buy earplugs and be prepared for confused looking old people aimlessly walking onto your court right in the middle of your point walking back and forth to those courts and/or grabbing their whiffle balls that stray over.
This rarely happens anymore. Most playing these days on the advanced courts average about 30-35 years old. It's extremely rare to see 60+ on anything but beginner courts.

Many tennis players are moving into pickleball and the etiquette is much better, as those coming in from other sports observe proper etiquette about court incursion.


This rarely happens anymore. Most playing these days on the advanced courts average about 30-35 years old. It's extremely rare to see 60+ on anything but beginner courts.

Many tennis players are moving into pickleball and the etiquette is much better, as those coming in from other sports observe proper etiquette about court incursion.

That would be great if that was the case where I live. I can't speak to how good they are at PB but their etiquette is really awful.

- Walk behind the tennis court in the middle of points
- Don't pick up our balls that head on their courts.
- Wind pushing PBs into courts in the middle of points and continue to leave balls unattended on their court so they blow our way.
- Generally disagreeable nature (Didn't have a court reserved... Kicked my son off a court he was giving a lesson on because they wanted 2 PB courts next to each other)

I am not saying rookie tennis players don't have their issues. Perhaps there are less of them with PB growth but it is really bad where I live.