Today, during serve practice, I decided to try pinpoint stance again.
I was practicing 2nd serves, and just couldn't get the topspin I wanted.
Ironically, I feel MORE balanced than with platform.
And I feel I'm able to go up more directly.
I can't explain it. Everything just flows better from pinpoint.
Since I am now easily jumping higher, I needed to adjust the ball toss higher.
But, I am sticking with this for good. No turning back.
I am now going to do some research on this stance, as it's brand new for me.
I incorporated the foot slide with the toss.
Oh, and this even finally solved the rear leg kick back effect.
It used to confound me as to why guys swinging HALF the speed were kicking their rear leg back.
It is a result of the pinpoint stance.
With the rear leg already back in platform, there is no need to kick back to counterbalanced.
You are already counterbalanced.
With pinpoint, any movement forward throws off your balance.
Today, I was getting rear kick back galore. Yay.
I was practicing 2nd serves, and just couldn't get the topspin I wanted.
Ironically, I feel MORE balanced than with platform.
And I feel I'm able to go up more directly.
I can't explain it. Everything just flows better from pinpoint.
Since I am now easily jumping higher, I needed to adjust the ball toss higher.
But, I am sticking with this for good. No turning back.
I am now going to do some research on this stance, as it's brand new for me.
I incorporated the foot slide with the toss.
Oh, and this even finally solved the rear leg kick back effect.
It used to confound me as to why guys swinging HALF the speed were kicking their rear leg back.
It is a result of the pinpoint stance.
With the rear leg already back in platform, there is no need to kick back to counterbalanced.
You are already counterbalanced.
With pinpoint, any movement forward throws off your balance.
Today, I was getting rear kick back galore. Yay.