Players using Wilson Steam 100 16x20



Just arrived, conditions 9.9/10


Second hand market, perfect conditions, cheap price, a bit light, I have to add 9 grams, now it's 296 grams, 32 cm balance, 297 SW, I'll strung next week probably with Explosive Spin from Dunlop
With the popularity of the Steam 99 and 100 on tour, Wilson should really bring back both rackets under a new name and color, and differentiate it from the Blade, especially since Blade paintjobs already consist of Blade and H22 users.
What racket colors has Wilson not tried, maybe yellow?
Why don't we use Blade Pro or Ultra Tour 100 (the latter has similar profile with 16x20, 27.25, and 100 sq in head size)? I can get a Steam with Blade gloss PJ but need to know what the benefit of this racket is...
I agree, I have both, and they are nothing alike