Players who really dislike oversize racquets?


Hall of Fame
I have never enjoyed playing with an oversize. I simply don't feel I get the control I need. I started with an oversize, but quickly moved down to a midplus with an open string pattern and then to a mid with a fairly dense pattern.

Even though I am very consistent with a racquet like the Prostaff 85, I still have trouble controlling an oversize. I suppose it's the flatness of my stroke. I don't have much margin for error between net clearance and keeping the shot inside the lines.

The other issue is that few pros use oversize racquets, particularly in the ATP. So, it seems that controlling them isn't easy. Seles used to string higher than 80 lbs to try to control her oversize and super oversize racquets.

Oversize racquets have been around since the late 70s, but didn't really make an impact in the ATP tour until Agassi, and when he was playing he faced players with standards, mids, and midpluses.


Hall of Fame
I have owned one OS racquet in the last 6 years (iRad OS) and I hated it, which is odd because I loved the MP version of it. I had to move back to a MP once I started playing seriously again.


Hall of Fame
Yeah its not my bag either, just can't seem to get adjusted to it. I have one of those new LE radicals as I had fond memories of the Trisys I used to play with a long time ago. Turns out I still play with the LE like I did with the Trisys back then, takes all my improvement in 10yrs or so away :)

Klatu Verata Necktie

Hall of Fame
I also use a mid size racquet, the k90. However, I carry an old Donnay Pro One oversize in my bag in case both of my K90s break strings. I have done just fine using my oversize when the occasion has called for it.

There is no question that I truly enjoy hitting with the smaller frame, although I am aware of a certain machismo attutude that dwells deep within my manly psyche ;) That is it is very satisfying to play well with a frame that is suposed to be difficult to use. To know that the days performance can be attributed to yourself and not your equipment.

I have seen this "difficult equipment" syndrome unfold in other endevours besides tennis. I play jazz guitar, and I notice that many players who frequent discussion threads tend to look for the thickest, most difficult strings to use so they can be the "toughest" and the "purest" players.

Please keep in mind that I'm not accusing anyone on this board of anything. I love my mid sized sticks, and I'm sure that the rest of you do as well.
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B/c the strings are so long Os frames have hot spots. This can lead to a feeling of a lack of control and touch.

On the other hand, the sweetspots on OSs are huge. When i play with an OS i feel very confident that i can get everything you hit at me back from the baseline. I don't necessarily feel like I can dictate points but I can be consistent.

It all depends on the style of game you play and the type of swing you have.

I tried the new Microgel Rad OS and found it to be pretty good. Easy to swing and good pop (I found my grip moving more western as I played). Shots aren't very heavy due to the light weight. Control and spin are ok.


I've enjoyed a few OS frames over the years -- Prince Approach, Prince DB26, Fischer M Speed 105 -- but mostly stuck with MPs and Mids because they cut through the air better.

Well, a few months ago I picked up a Prince Spectrum Comp 110 and loved playing with it. Didn't swing like an OS at all -- perhaps because it has a narrow 19mm beam width?


Head Nano ti S6 gave me a tennis elbow. too light, too powerful, head heavy.
i now suffer from a OS-phobia :)


Hall of Fame
i have been using a 95 for a while now, and the one day i pulled out my old OS frame and played horribly. i don't even know what it was. i could not hit anything with it besides a serve. not to mention it just isn't a great racquet anyways...
"really dislike"!!! How strongly can you feel about the head size of a racquet. The glass is half broken, SS? How about "players who really like mid and midplus"? Try to be less negating and exclusionary. This could have gone in rants and raves but I think you may be over your quota there.


I haven't tried any either but I'd imagine the only ones I could use would be the POG OS or the LE rad. Most other OS are just way to light.


Hall of Fame
I have always used a midsize POG; actually a 90 made in 1984. Anyways, I've tried oversize versions of the POG and I've had the same thing happen nearly everytime. As I wind up to hit a ball crosscourt and pull it across my body, I somehow always hit myself behind my knee w/ the head of the racquet and the racquet goes flying. Yes, I have a very loopy stroke! I've never had the same or a similar problem w/ midsize rackets.

The worst part is that I was borrowing someones racquet at the time and they were there watching. It makes for an embarrassing moment as you go to retrieve their racquet that you just abused by tossing for no apparent reason. Yes, it has happened on more than 1 occasion.


Hall of Fame
I dont mind a good OS. I played with ps 85 and ps tour 90 for 20 years as a competetive player and have now switched to the PK type R (which is a great frame btw). But I do own a few OS frames and one I can recommend is the kneissl black star. Control is very good with this one.


Hall of Fame
I just don't like how they look so fat when you use them. Though I enjoyed the radical oversizes since they 1. don't look really fat and 2. are pretty good.
I used to play with the Wilson 6.2 skunk, and then switched to the Babolat Pure Drive/ Cortex, and now I play with the MicroGel Extreme Pro. The largest head size has been 100 square inches.


i used to use the iradical OS leaded heavily (prob close to 12.5 oz weighted up) and absolutely loved it. I have a pro kennex copper ltd, and its OS with an open string pattern (16x19), It has great control and plow through and is heavy as all get out, and if I played more with OS it would be mine, as I dont, I'm trying to get rid of it. Its almost the anti-oversize. With enough weight they are fine. I served bombs almost as fast with those sticks as I did/do with 6.1s. Just as a Prostaff Blitz sub 10 oz racquet feels like a toy next to a 6.1, the varying degrees of weight/balance have a strong effect on OS sticks and can make or break them.


New User
Tried the pure drive roddick for a while. Power was great but control and feel were way down. The wilson mid plus rackets feel like a scalpel in comparison. Am never going over 95 again.