please compare ncode 6.1 16x18 and 18x20 !!!


New User
hi guys, i just got back from demoing and i narrrowed down to two choices, i liked the ncode 6.1 16x18 and the flexpoint radical. i really like the control i get from the radical but i like the power from the ncode. the place i demoed the racket only had the ncode 6.1 version with a 16x18. i was wondering if the ncode 18x20 will play like the mixture of the ncode 16x18 with the radical. any info will be appreciated. thank you
the 18x20 version kinda plays like what u describe. its a really dampened feel, much like a prestige mp. lots of control tho. Couldn't tell you about the power department, cause i pack alot of my own heat. I love the n6.1 95 18x20!

Two Fister

I bought and played with the 16X18 for about a month before I sold it and bought the 18X20. The 16X18 has more pop and better spin IMHO. I really liked the feel of the 16X18, but occasionally the ball would just fly long (for no good reason...certainly couldn't be my stroke!) :eek:) Usually when you hit the ball, you know if it is going to go way long or not. But the 16X18 would "surprise me" occasionally. I felt it was a bit unpredictable.

I think the dense string pattern centrally compared to the loose string pattern peripherally had something to do with the perceived inconsistency. The 18X20 has a much more uniform string density and pattern and the ball doesn't fly like it did with the 16X18 anywhere near as much. The 18X20 is more predictable than the 16X18 in my opinion. It has more control. But I feel like I'm sacraficing some pop (especially on my serve) and some extra spin.

Overall, the 18X20 suits my game more than the 16X18.

I would string the 18X20 with ALU Power at 58 lbs. on a constant pull machine. I found myself stringing the 16X18 with ALU power but at 63 lbs to try to tame the power a bit.

Hope this helps.

La Bomba

The ncode 16x18 is way better, the 18x20 made my arm. The ncode 18x20 is crap. I don't know why people like it. It has a lot of weight in the throat. The 16x18 is great, it allows u to get a lot of spin on the ball, it has just a bit more power than the 18x20. But it has a lot of control. It is more maneuverable than the 18x20. You also can get a lot of spin on ur serve. IMHO I think the 16x18 is a lot better than the 18x20.
I agree 100% with Two Fister, the 18x20 seemed to have more control. The 16x18 felt a little unpredictable to me. I just like the solid feel of the dense string pattern. I can get plenty of spin from the 18x20 but probably not as much as the 16x18. I just felt more confident with the 18x20. Its my understanding the frames are identical except for the string pattern. Same weight (18x20 is slightly heavier because of the extra 4 rows of string) same swing weight and balance. Have you noticed, hardly any one demo's the 18x20? I just took a chance on 18x20 without demo'ing it and luckily my instincts were right with it that is was a little more controllable version of the 16x18.

Yeah, I am a noob to the site. Look forward to getting to know ya'll.

La Bomba

18x20 is crap don't get it. Just demo it and u'll see how crap the ncode 18x20 is. Don't change what isnt broken.


Ranting (repeatedly) that something is "crap" does not qualify as a "humble" opinion....insistent, intolerant, inflexible, prejudicial, but not "humble."
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Hall of Fame
LaBamba prolly had the displeasure of trying the n6-1 Team (18X20), available in Australia, Canada and other countries.

Richie Rich

thejackal said:
LaBamba prolly had the displeasure of trying the n6-1 Team (18X20), available in Australia, Canada and other countries.

what a wet noodle POS that racquet is!! i can understand making a lighter version for kids/women but did they have to make way more flexy too? JUNK!